Sectorwise Summary of Projects, as on 28.02.2025

All Amount in ₹ Crore
S.No. Sector All Projects Completed Projects Ongoing Projects
No. Approved Cost Financial Expenditure Amount Utilised No. Approved Cost Financial Expenditure Amount Utilised No. Approved Cost Financial Expenditure Amount Utilised
1 Agriculture & Allied 368 2549.76 1963.98 1574.55 195 1607.92 1401.86 1375.34 159 900.69 536.15 173.24
2 Education 229 969.87 674.53 483.25 69 269.41 243.09 238.06 135 661.13 420.68 237.79
3 Evaluation and Monitoring 3 12.27 5.37 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 12.27 5.37 0.00
4 Health 128 674.83 530.95 497.80 106 522.97 454.29 454.34 18 128.22 63.81 30.61
5 Industries 189 741.00 563.96 420.28 112 335.56 239.89 239.89 72 388.46 310.08 168.41
6 Information & Public Relation 125 321.28 202.34 129.47 59 77.61 62.98 62.97 42 229.27 135.24 62.37
7 Irrigation & Flood Control 136 700.40 441.62 400.23 112 586.47 363.07 357.95 24 113.93 78.55 42.28
8 Power 124 1074.31 942.73 934.82 117 986.84 868.93 866.16 5 72.86 66.80 61.65
9 Science & Technology 171 486.03 375.49 310.83 102 169.86 160.37 160.36 64 306.51 206.88 142.22
10 Sports 67 350.63 297.07 274.46 51 258.23 238.05 234.36 16 92.40 59.02 40.10
11 Tourism & Culture 109 449.63 338.85 273.08 60 218.40 192.31 192.31 49 231.23 146.54 80.77
12 Transport and Communication 134 4787.55 4121.13 4094.43 127 4231.15 3741.88 3737.63 3 278.49 152.27 129.82
Total : 1783 13117.56 10458.04 9393.19 1110 9264.43 7966.73 7919.37 590 3415.47 2181.38 1169.26