NESIDS-OTRI Projects, as on 28.02.2025

All Amount in ₹ Crore
Sr.No Project Name Executing Department Sanctioned Date Approved Cost
(₹ in Cr.)
Scheduled Completion Date Financial Expenditure as on 31-03-2023
(₹ in Cr.)
Financial Expenditure from 01-04-2023 to 31-03-2024
(₹ in Cr.)
Financial Expenditure in 2024 April
(₹ in Cr.)
Total Financial Expenditure
(₹ in Cr.)
U.C. Received
(₹ in Cr.)
1 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Education Construction of RCC framed structure at Govt. Higher Secondary School Building, Basar in Lepa Rada District in Arunachal Pradesh NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS Public works Department 28-05-2020 7.8538 31-03-2021 3.1415 0 0 3.1415 0 Ongoing
2 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Power Construction of 33kV S/C transmission line from Kimin to Dollungmukh & Construction of 2x5 MVA. 33/11 kV sub-sttion at Tanio villge in Lower Subansari district in Arunchal Pradesh under NLCPR Scheme NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 14-08-2017 12 31-08-2019 9.8979 0 0 9.8979 9.7979 Ongoing
3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Water Supply Integrated infrastructure Development for Tourism at Tawang with provision of sewage and water treatment plant at Tawang District in Arunachal Pradesh NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS Dept. of Power 25-02-2020 32.9759 25-02-2022 32.8347 0 0 32.8347 23.4386 Ongoing
4 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Education Development of Shantideva Vidyalaya, Bomdila Monastry NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 26-12-2007 2.9745 31-12-2009 2.0997 0 0 2.0997 2.0997 Ongoing
5 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of road from Itanagar to Seijosa (86 km) Phase 1: Road from Kampa to Tapiaso (30 km) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 25-11-2010 43.1687 31-10-2013 30.4721 0 0 30.4721 30.4721 Ongoing
6 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of road from Kapu Ozakho (13.5km length complete upto Blacktopping level including culverts bridges etc) in Tirap District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 25-02-2014 14.5691 28-02-2017 12.1407 0 0 12.1407 12.1407 Ongoing
7 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of Steel Suspension Bridge over Siang River and approach roads at Kodak near Tuting NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 27-12-2005 38.94 31-12-2008 34.3572 0 0 34.3572 33.54 Ongoing
8 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Water Supply Intergrated Smart Drinking Water Supply to Basar Township and Its Peripheral settlement (1.6 MLD) with Tourism Components in Leparada District NESIDS-OTRI PHE & WS Department Govt. 01-07-2024 38.9066 31-01-2026 0 9.4433 0 9.4433 0 Ongoing
9 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Water Supply Augmentation of Water Supply System at tezu Township (Phase II) in Lohit District NESIDS-OTRI Public Health & Engg Depa 16-07-2024 43.45 16-07-2026 0 10.7749 0 10.7749 0 Ongoing
10 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of road from 168km point of Roing-Anini BRTF road to Echigo village (12km) in Dibang Valley District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 17-09-2013 18.6121 31-08-2016 15.7601 0 0 15.7601 14.0597 Ongoing
11 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of road from 10 km point of Likabali-Aalo BRTF road to connect Kane village via Magi (7.5 km) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-02-2011 18.2332 31-01-2014 12.8705 0 0 12.8705 12.2032 Ongoing
12 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of road from BRTF road (32km) to Heya Mara via Poda Mara Merring Mara under Taliha Circle (Phase-I) - 15km upto WBM level Upper Subansari District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 25-03-2013 15.4236 31-08-2016 10.2039 0 0 10.2039 10.2039 Ongoing
13 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of road from 80 KM point on Kimin - Ziro BRTF road to Krishi Vigyan Kendra at Yachuli (5.50 KM) (Lower Subansiri) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 11-01-2010 7.6905 31-01-2013 5.5302 0 0 5.5302 5.5302 Closed
14 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Water Supply Augmentation of Water Supply System at Namsai Township (7.9 MLD) NESIDS-OTRI PHE & WS Department Govt. 01-07-2024 67.02 31-07-2026 0 16.7559 0 16.7559 0 Ongoing
15 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of road from Janam to Okhasun under Wakka Circle Hq. (19 km) phase 1 NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 23-12-2010 10.8587 30-11-2013 9.5812 0 0 9.5812 9.5812 Completed
16 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of PSC Girder RCC Bridge over Poklek River and Tolon River at Pasighat - Ledum - Tene - Koyu Road in East Siang District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-02-2014 18.0353 28-02-2017 15.907 0 0 15.907 12.7256 Ongoing
17 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Education Construction of 150 Borders Hostel at Higher Secondary School Kolariang NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 23-12-2005 0.95 31-12-2007 0.8301 0 0 0.8301 0.8301 Completed
18 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Water Supply Augmentation of Water Supply System at Bomdila Township (4.86 MLD) from Naga GG to Mandala Top (Phase-I) in West Kameng District NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS 27-02-2024 61.7747 27-02-2026 0 46.331 0 46.331 0 Ongoing
19 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of road from Rani to Oiramghat (Assam) via Sika Tode-Sika Bamin Village - Jampani and Anchalghat Camp road (25km) in East Siang District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 19-09-2011 33.2547 31-08-2014 24.7153 0 0 24.7153 24.7153 Completed
20 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of road from Sangram to Parsi-Parlo (15km) upto WBM level in Kurung Kumey District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 17-09-2013 19.1508 31-08-2016 16.8222 0 0 16.8222 16.8222 Completed
21 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Irrigation & Flood Control Flood Control & Anti Erosion Works (8 Nos) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 06-07-2000 46.33 31-03-2002 41.688 0 0 41.688 46.32 Completed
22 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Water Supply Augmentation of Water supply system at Daporijo Township in Upper Subansiri District NESIDS-OTRI PHE & WS Department Govt. 11-12-2024 49.4691 10-12-2026 0 0 0 0 0 Ongoing
23 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Water Supply Augmentation of water supply to Bhalukpong town in West kameng District NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS 08-03-2019 19.82 31-03-2020 19.8136 0 0 19.8136 19.8136 Completed
24 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Education Infrastructure development of VKV Koloriang (Phase-II) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 02-06-2010 2.8148 30-11-2011 2.4836 0 0 2.4836 2.4836 Completed
25 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Education Rama Krishna Mission School at Along. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 17-07-2000 2.56 31-07-2004 1.9638 0 0 1.9638 2.182 Completed
26 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Water Supply Doparijo Water Supply Scheme NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 21-03-2003 3.97 31-03-2005 3.3001 0 0 3.3001 3.6668 Completed
27 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Water Supply Water Supply schemes at Along NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 17-07-2000 3.37 31-07-2002 2.7186 0 0 2.7186 3.0207 Completed
28 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Power Ziro-Doparijo-Along transmission Line NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 31-03-1999 53.17 31-03-2002 47.853 0 0 47.853 52.814 Completed
29 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges C/o road from Dumporijo to Hali (45 Km) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-03-2008 31.7636 30-03-2012 28.0267 0 0 28.0267 28.0267 Completed
30 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of Road from Changlang to Khimiyang (36.10 Km) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 15-09-2008 8.587 31-08-2011 7.5767 0 0 7.5767 7.5767 Completed
31 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Water Supply Augmentation/Providing Water Supply connection to newly created C.O. HQ at Parang Valley, Papumpare Dist. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 15-03-2011 4.9294 28-02-2013 4.3494 0 0 4.3494 4.3494 Completed
32 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Health Infrastructure strengthening of Secondary Health care facilities in Arunachal Pradesh (General Hospital Naharlagun) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 26-03-2007 4.7153 31-03-2008 4.1202 0 0 4.1202 4.1202 Completed
33 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Education Infrastructure Development of various Schools under Palin Circle, Kurung Kumey District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 26-12-2011 13.8212 31-12-2014 4.878 0 0 4.878 4.878 Ongoing
34 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Education Establishment of VKV Residential School at Longding in Longding District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Education 30-01-2014 8.9719 31-01-2017 7.2428 0 0 7.2428 7.2428 Completed
35 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Miscellaneous Construction of State Legislative Assembly Building at Arunachal NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 17-05-2006 38.9219 30-11-2008 34.065 0 0 34.065 34.065 Completed
36 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Education Infrastructure Development of Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya (VKV) at Dado NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 07-02-2011 7.1001 31-12-2013 5.1026 0 0 5.1026 5.1026 Ongoing
37 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Water Supply Itanagar Water Supply project NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 31-03-1999 10.59 31-03-2004 9.531 0 0 9.531 10.59 Completed
39 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of Motorable Bridge over Siyom River to connect left bank at Paya (span 120m) in West Siang District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 19-09-2011 9.6853 31-08-2014 8.5459 0 0 8.5459 8.5459 Ongoing
40 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Restoration and upgradation of 32 KM internal road at Ziro Township NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-03-2009 13.9997 29-02-2012 12.3526 0 0 12.3526 12.3526 Completed
41 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Education Construction of Academic Block of Arunachal Pali Vidyapith, Chokham, Phase-I NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 23-09-2002 0.59 30-09-2004 0.531 0 0 0.531 0.59 Completed
42 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Education Construction of Academic Block of Arunachal Pali Vidyapith, Chokham, Phase-II NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 29-09-2004 0.81 30-09-2005 0.729 0 0 0.729 0.81 Completed
43 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Education Rama Krishna Mission Residential School at Narottam Nagar, Tirap District. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 10-09-2001 12.2 08-06-2004 10.98 0 0 10.98 12.2 Completed
44 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Education Rama Krishna Sarda Mission Girls School, Khonsa, Narottam Nagar, Tirap District. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 10-09-2001 3 08-06-2004 2.7 0 0 2.7 3 Completed
45 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Education Reconstruction of Govt. Higher Secondary School at Anini NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 23-12-2005 3.0229 23-12-2008 2.6414 0 0 2.6414 2.6414 Completed
46 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Water Supply Augmentation of Water Supply at Hapoli Township in Lower Subansiri District NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS 01-03-2019 20 31-03-2020 19.9 0 0 19.9 19.9 Completed
47 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Education Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya, Koliarang, NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-10-2001 0.8 31-10-2004 0.72 0 0 0.72 0.8 Completed
48 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Irrigation & Flood Control Anti erosion works on kley river under Lower subansiri District. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 26-09-2002 7.31 31-03-2004 6.543 0 0 6.543 6.9282 Completed
49 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Power C/o 33 KV Express line from Tawang to Lumla with 33/11 KV, 2x1.6 MVA sub station at Lumla NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 26-03-2007 6.2176 31-03-2009 5.5958 0 0 5.5958 5.5958 Completed
50 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Power Construction of 11/KV Transmission lines from Hawai to Kibithu NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 21-12-2004 2.34 31-12-2006 2.0707 0 0 2.0707 2.1517 Completed
51 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of Motorable Steel Arch Bridge over river Yamne at Reglat under Mariyang Division span 90 Mtr. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 05-02-2010 6.3439 31-12-2012 2.2838 0 0 2.2838 2.2838 Ongoing
52 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges C/o road from Jop to Silsango in Lower Subansiri District (30 Km) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-06-2007 34.4952 31-03-2010 30.1101 0 0 30.1101 30.11 Completed
53 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges C/o road from Nafra to Nakhu and Nachiban in West Kameng District (11 Km) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 26-03-2007 7.5401 31-03-2009 6.7861 0 0 6.7861 6.7864 Completed
54 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges C/o road from Nyorak to Rime Moku village in West Siang District (20 Km, Ph-I 9.20 km) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-06-2007 9.8975 31-03-2010 8.9078 0 0 8.9078 8.9078 Completed
55 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of Bailey /RCC bridge over river Buche and Bah of Litemore-Taramori road, West Siang District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 11-10-2010 3 31-10-2013 2.7 0 0 2.7 2.7 Completed
56 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of link road from Lhou Nallah to Mukto Circle HQ. via Mirba, Gomkelling and Serjong (15 Km) in Tawang District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-12-2005 18.0297 31-12-2008 15.7541 0 0 15.7541 15.7541 Completed
57 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of porter Track from Nuranang to Mago NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 15-01-2004 2.59 31-01-2006 2.295 0 0 2.295 2.5523 Completed
58 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge over river Kamphai under Wakro Circle (Span 80 mtr) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 23-12-2010 6.081 30-11-2013 5.3656 0 0 5.3656 5.3656 Completed
59 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Road from Magopam to Bichom via Namfri (50 KM) via Ditching, Sacheda, Ramu-Sotu and Lichini under Singchung sub-division. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 31-07-2009 15.6717 31-07-2012 13.8279 0 0 13.8279 13.8279 Completed
60 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of Steel Suspension Bridge over Subansiri river near Siyum (Span 174.00 Mtr) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 17-02-2006 13.08 27-02-2009 11.5813 0 0 11.5813 11.5813 Completed
61 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Improvement of Doimukh Toru Road 40 Km. (from NH-52A) Nirjuli to Sagalee NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-12-2005 21.869 31-12-2008 19.1452 0 0 19.1452 19.1452 Completed
62 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Improvement/ Construction of Road from Sagalee to Sakiang (50 Km) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 17-02-2006 42.887 27-02-2009 37.5514 0 0 37.5514 37.5514 Completed
63 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Improvement/ Upgradation of Menga-Giba Road (8 Km) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-03-2006 3.5667 30-04-2009 3.21 0 0 3.21 3.21 Completed
65 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Water Supply Water supply project at Bomdila Township NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 20-10-2004 17.0923 31-10-2007 14.935 0 0 14.935 15.4346 Completed
66 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Water Supply Water Supply schemes at Pasighat. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 16-08-2001 5.05 31-08-2003 4.365 0 0 4.365 4.8499 Completed
67 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Water Supply Water Supply schemes at Roing. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 16-08-2001 4.05 31-08-2003 3.4462 0 0 3.4462 3.8291 Completed
68 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Water Supply Augmentation of water supply under Boleng PHE Sub-Division East Siang District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 06-11-2013 7.5139 31-10-2016 2.704 0 0 2.704 2.704 Ongoing
69 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Education Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya at Kitpi in Tawang District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 26-09-2006 5.2084 30-09-2008 4.5511 0 0 4.5511 4.5511 Completed
70 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of Motorable Suspension Bridge over River Lohit to connect Manchal Administrative Circle (Span 156.55 m) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-12-2005 13.0979 31-12-2008 11.4448 0 0 11.4448 11.4448 Completed
71 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Miscellaneous Ropeway from Tawang Monestary to Ani Gompa (Tawang District) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 17-05-2006 3.3089 30-11-2007 2.8919 0 0 2.8919 2.8919 Completed
72 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of bridge over Siyom on Kaying to Paksing road (Span 122.00 mtr.) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 06-12-2006 7.6382 31-12-2009 6.6741 0 0 6.6741 6.6741 Completed
73 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Water Supply Providing/ Augmenta-tion of Water Supply facilities to all the administrative HQs. and its villages under 14-Doimukh Assembly Constituency NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 01-10-2007 12.7722 30-09-2009 10 0 0 10 10 Completed
74 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of road from Bameng to Lada (40 Km) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-12-2005 8.9019 31-12-2007 7.7783 0 0 7.7783 7.7783 Completed
75 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Strengthening & Improvement of Changlang to Khimyang Road Phase-II 0.00 to 14.50km in Changlang District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 23-10-2013 6.934 30-09-2016 6.0602 0 0 6.0602 6.0602 Completed
76 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Upgradation of Namchik-Miao-MPen Road (37 km) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 19-09-2011 20.7984 31-08-2014 17.3262 0 0 17.3262 17.3262 Completed
77 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Education Furniture for 1557 Primary & Middle school. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 23-08-2001 1.63 29-08-2003 1.467 0 0 1.467 1.63 Completed
78 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Improvement and realignment of Porter Track from Jhang to Sulungthi (95 KMs) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-10-2002 2.55 29-10-2004 2.295 0 0 2.295 2.55 Completed
79 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of road from Kanubari to Bogapani via Ranglua & Lawnu CO HQ (41km) (Phase-I) in Longding District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 20-02-2014 20.69 28-02-2017 18.5712 0 0 18.5712 18.5712 Completed
80 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Health Procurement of equipment for District Hospitals & CHCs (Pakke Kessang, Likabali, Basar, Shi Yomi, Boleng, Raga, Doimukh, Palin, Koloriang, Daporijo, Anini, Roing, Anjaw and Longding) in Arunachal Pradesh NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS Dept. of Power 18-01-2021 18.18 31-03-2021 0.1 0 0 0.1 0 Ongoing
81 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Health Procurement of hospital equipments to prepare 10 District Hospitals (Tawang, Bomdila, Ziro, Aalo, Tezu, Namsai, Changlang, Khonsa, Seppa and Yingkiong) to fight COVID-19 NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS Dept. of Health & familly 28-05-2020 51.6861 31-03-2021 48.9792 0 0 48.9792 48.9792 Ongoing
82 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Miscellaneous Construction of Multi Sports Facility Outdoor stadium at Namsai HQ under Namsai District NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS Dept. of Power 29-11-2023 38 31-01-2028 0 9.49196 0 9.49196 0 Ongoing
83 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Education Establishment of VKV at Changlang, Changlang District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 23-09-2011 5.0155 30-09-2013 3.5349 0.8363938 0 4.3712938 1.7755 Ongoing
84 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Water Supply Providing water supply-cum-irrigation to Jangloom Area NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 23-09-2010 4.9152 30-09-2013 4.1129 0 0 4.1129 4.1129 Ongoing
85 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Miscellaneous Construction of an Auditorium at Rajiv Gandhi University, Rono Hills, Papum Pare Distirct NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 17-03-2011 9.6343 15-07-2018 8.6709 0 0 8.6709 8.6709 Ongoing
86 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges C/o road from Nakhu to Sanchipan under Nafra circle, west Kameng district under NLCPR NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 23-08-2017 22.2179 31-08-2019 19.9871 0 0 19.9871 19.4121 Ongoing
87 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of road from Magopam to Bichom via Namfri, Ditching, Sacheda, Ramu-Sutu and Uchini (Phase-II) in West Kameng District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 28-12-2011 20.5243 31-12-2014 14.7152 0 0 14.7152 14.7152 Ongoing
88 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of road from Pachi to Rigom via Fachang, Tabri Lochung and Bokar (33 km) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 24-12-2010 14.1682 30-11-2013 5.0999 0 0 5.0999 5.0999 Ongoing
89 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of road from Parsi-Parlo (Patuk ADC HQ) (Phase-I 5km length complete upto blacktopping level including culverts bridges etc. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 27-06-2014 5.0052 31-07-2017 4.41 0 0 4.41 4.41 Ongoing
90 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of road from BTK to Nam-Tsering connecting Zemithang to Dudanghar Administration Circle (11km) Tawang District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 17-09-2013 13.1318 31-08-2016 11.5995 0 0 11.5995 11.5995 Ongoing
91 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of road from Loffa to Pakoti village (8 km) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 14-06-2010 6.7633 15-06-2013 4.774 0 0 4.774 4.774 Ongoing
92 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of Road from Sumhak to Shalom via Upper Chintan (14km) upto WBM level NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 20-02-2014 18.4 28-02-2017 16.5263 0 0 16.5263 16.2855 Ongoing
93 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Inter-District road connection for Chayangtajo of East Kameng District to Passang Co Circle of Kurung Kumey District, Pahse-I NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 12-12-2012 21.4061 12-12-2015 15.4124 0 0 15.4124 15.4124 Ongoing
94 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of Tamen-Tali Road From 49.00 km to 60 km (Phase-II) in Kurung Kumey District in A.P. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 07-11-2012 14.4124 07-11-2015 10.377 0 0 10.377 10.377 Ongoing
95 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Water Supply Augmentation of Water supply at Miao Township (3.57 MLD) in Arunachal Pradesh NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS 26-12-2019 28.51 26-12-2021 28.1058 0 0 28.1058 20.224 Ongoing
96 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Water Supply Augumentation of water supply to Aalo Township in West Siang District in Arunachal Pradesh NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS 08-03-2019 20 31-03-2020 8 8.847 0 16.847 4.879 Ongoing
97 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Water Supply Project Integrated Drinking Water project through hybrid of lift and gravity distribution system with value addition of Tourism components at Deomali, Tirap District Arunachal Pradesh NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS Public Health & Engg Depa 20-04-2022 13.48 30-04-2024 5.392 0 0 5.392 0 Ongoing
98 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Water Supply Project Improvement of Water Supply System for Mechuka Township & Peripheral villages with Sewerage System and Riverfront development for boosting tourism in Mechuka Township Arunachal Pradesh NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS Public Health & Engg Depa 20-04-2022 34.6408 30-04-2024 13.8437 3.4609 0 17.3046 0 Ongoing
99 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Education Rama Krishna Sarada Mission Middle School Khaso in West Kameng District to Higher Secondary School (Phase-II) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 13-06-2014 2.661 30-06-2022 1.8204 0 0 1.8204 1.8201 Completed
100 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Education Infrastucrctural devlopment of 275 community schools running pre- primary classes in villages NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 10-08-2000 5.82 31-03-2002 4.95 0 0 4.95 5.5 Completed
101 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Education Financial assistance for commpletion of 532 incomplete school buildings, teachers quartes & Hostels. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 15-11-2001 14.48 31-03-2003 4.986 0 0 4.986 5.54 Completed
102 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Education Infrastructure of Sainik School at Niglok, Passighat, East Siang NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS Dept. of Education 09-03-2019 20 31-03-2020 18 0 0 18 14.4 Ongoing
103 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of road from Neelam to Pistana (Phase-I) (5km length complete upto blacktopping level including culverts bridges etc.) in Lower Subansari District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-02-2014 4.6978 28-02-2016 4.228 0 0 4.228 3.3824 Ongoing
104 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Power Construction of 2x3.15 MVA, 33/11 kV S/S at Seppa i/c distribution transformer and assocaited 11 kV link, East Kameng District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 11-10-2010 8.3562 31-10-2013 5.9572 0 0 5.9572 5.9572 Ongoing
105 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of road from Chambang to Phaa (30 km), Phase 1 NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 23-12-2010 11.7922 30-11-2013 4.2446 0 0 4.2446 4.2446 Ongoing
106 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of road from Sangram to Phassang-Pallang via Nyapin (SDO HQ) Phase-I NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 24-12-2008 8.8172 31-12-2009 7.7799 0 0 7.7799 7.7799 Completed
107 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Education Construction of 200 seated Girls Hostel at J.N. College, Pasighat NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-10-2005 5.1511 31-10-2007 4.501 0 0 4.501 4.501 Completed
108 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of Road from Rayung to Rungte Rite via Deby Tudbath Patey Phalap and Gang (30km) Phase-I (0.00 to 10.00km) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-12-2013 12.4447 31-12-2016 8.2072 0 0 8.2072 6.8169 Ongoing
109 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Water Supply Providing drinking water supply for Tezu township NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 11-10-2010 23.4279 31-10-2013 20.6717 0 0 20.6717 20.6716 Completed
110 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Irrigation & Flood Control Flood Control & Anti Erosion Works (6 Nos) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-03-2000 11.3 31-03-2002 10.17 0 0 10.17 11.3 Completed
111 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Health Corpus Fund for R.K. Mission Hospital, Itanagar NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 01-05-2008 22.2222 31-08-2008 20 0 0 20 20 Completed
112 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Health New OPD Block of R.K. Mission Hospital NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 03-08-2005 3.8769 31-08-2007 3.3876 0 0 3.3876 3.3876 Completed
113 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Health Rama Krishna Mission Hospital, Itanagar and Repair, renovation and extension of GNM School of Nursing NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 16-10-2000 1.36 31-07-2005 1.224 0 0 1.224 1.36 Completed
114 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Health Upgradation of medical equipments at R.K Mission Hospital, Itanagar NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 29-06-2007 4.076 30-06-2008 3.6677 0 0 3.6677 3.6677 Completed
115 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Miscellaneous Construction of Arunachal Pradesh Civil Secretariat Building at Itanagar NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 31-08-2009 91.8677 31-08-2012 82.0029 0 0 82.0029 82.0029 Completed
116 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Power Sub- transmission and Distribution - 2x1 MVA Substation at Sangram NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 16-10-2000 0.55 31-10-2003 0.45 0 0 0.45 0.5 Completed
117 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Power Sub- transmission and Distribution - 2x3.15 MVA Substation at Nirjuli NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 16-10-2000 1.43 31-10-2003 1.287 0 0 1.287 1.43 Completed
118 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Power Sub- transmission and Distribution - 2x5 KVA Substation at Bomdila NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 16-10-2000 1.72 31-10-2003 1.548 0 0 1.548 1.72 Completed
119 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Power Sub- transmission and Distribution - 2x5 MVA Substation at Naharlagun NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 16-10-2000 1.69 31-10-2003 1.521 0 0 1.521 1.69 Completed
120 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Power Sub- transmission and Distribution - 2x5 MVA Substation at Old Ziro NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 16-10-2000 2.64 31-10-2003 2.376 0 0 2.376 2.64 Completed
121 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Power Sub- transmission and Distribution - 33 KV DC line from Geku-Along-Passighat. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 16-10-2000 16.53 31-10-2003 14.877 1.6992 0 16.5762 15.802 Completed
122 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Power Sub- transmission and Distribution - 33 KV DC Line from Nirjuli to Itanagar NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 16-10-2000 2.8703 31-07-2008 2.5686 0 0 2.5686 2.7986 Completed
123 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Power Sub- transmission and Distribution - 33 KV Express line from Tago to Old Ziro NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 16-10-2000 0.68 31-10-2003 0.27 0 0 0.27 0.3 Completed
124 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of road from Darak to Belo to Yomcha NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 25-11-2010 9.8081 31-10-2013 7.3198 0 0 7.3198 7.3198 Completed
125 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of Road from Kaying-Gaseng Gate Road in West Siang District 70 km ( Part A of Phase-I) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 26-12-2012 17.6283 26-12-2015 15.4742 0 0 15.4742 15.4742 Completed
126 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of Wak Liromaba Road (78km) - Phase-II: 0-26Km in West siang District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 20-12-2012 22.8018 20-12-2015 20.1164 0 0 20.1164 20.1164 Completed
127 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of Nyodu Sibe Siru Road (23km) in West Siang District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-06-2014 19.4998 31-07-2017 17.3741 0 0 17.3741 13.8993 Ongoing
128 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges C/o road from BRO road (4 KM point) on Anini Dambuine road to Etabe (12 KM) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-03-2009 22.1396 30-03-2012 15.6215 0 0 15.6215 15.6214 Ongoing
129 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges C/o road from Parsi Parlo to Pipsorang Circle HQ in Kra Daadi district in Arunachal pradesh under NLCPR NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 21-08-2017 16.8486 31-08-2019 5.8242 8.6691 0 14.4933 5.8242 Ongoing
130 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of 6 nos. bridges to provide connectivity to Admn. CO HQ, Palling with District HQ in Upper Siang District in Arunachal Pradesh NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Public works Department 05-05-2016 32.4916 30-04-2019 29.241 0 0 29.241 17.6964 Ongoing
131 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of road from J.N. College Pasighat to Balek, East Siang District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 02-06-2010 5.0026 31-01-2013 1.7249 0 0 1.7249 1.7249 Ongoing
132 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of road from Lumba to Rayung via Gallang, Joru and Rissi villages (20 km), Phase 1 NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 03-12-2010 21.6004 31-10-2013 15.5386 0 0 15.5386 15.5386 Ongoing
133 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Improvement & Extension of Dosing, Pareng, Sine, Yibuk, Liging road. (Phase-I) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-03-2009 18.2608 30-03-2012 12.3151 0 0 12.3151 12.3151 Ongoing
134 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Infrastructure Development of ADC HQ at Kodokha (C/o 10km road upto blacktopping level i/c culverts bridges) in Upper Subansari Distric NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 17-09-2013 9.4234 31-08-2016 3.3924 0 0 3.3924 3.3924 Ongoing
135 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Water Supply Naharlagun Water Supply Scheme NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-02-2003 11.73 28-02-2005 10.0544 0 0 10.0544 11.0404 Completed
136 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Water Supply Restoration of Water Supply Facilities at Tezu. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 17-07-2000 2 31-07-2002 1.8 0 0 1.8 2 Completed
137 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Power Electrification of Tribal villages. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 26-09-2001 8.96 31-10-2003 8.064 0 0 8.064 8.96 Completed
138 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Education North Eastern Regional Institute of science & Techonolgy NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 31-03-2000 40 12-09-2003 21.6 0 0 21.6 20 Completed
139 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Education Opening of Ramakrishna Sarada Mission School for girls at Khaso (Dirang) in West Kameng District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 26-12-2007 5.8805 31-12-2009 5.1887 0 0 5.1887 5.1887 Completed
140 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of road from Mahadevpur Town to Krishnapur Village Lekang Circle in Lohit District (4.5km) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-06-2011 5.993 30-06-2013 5.1283 0 0 5.1283 5.1283 Completed
141 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of Road from New Mohong to Mahadevpur Township via Nongkhon (12 Km) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 15-09-2008 3.554 31-08-2011 3.1359 0 0 3.1359 3.1359 Completed
142 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of Road from PWD road from Kamhua Noknu Village (Pongchau Circle) to Nginu - BRTF Road point (Wakka Circle) in Tirap District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 12-02-2010 13.5318 31-01-2013 11.8808 0 0 11.8808 11.8808 Completed
143 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of Satnaguri to Longding road via Kanubari, Banfera, Wanu and Zedua (Phase-I) (15.50 Km) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 26-03-2008 5.6575 31-03-2010 4.9919 0 0 4.9919 4.9919 Completed
144 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of Single lane bailey bridge (span 40 mtr) over Tasing river in between Borguli village and Seram in East Siang district NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-03-2009 3.4037 31-03-2011 2.2956 0 0 2.2956 2.2956 Completed
145 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of Wak Liromoba Road (78 Km) Phase I (15 Km) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 15-09-2008 6.6004 31-08-2011 5.8239 0 0 5.8239 5.8239 Completed
146 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Improvement of Palizi Thrizino Road (17.00 Km) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 17-02-2006 7.439 27-02-2009 6.6951 0 0 6.6951 6.6951 Completed
147 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Improvement of Tawang Township road Network in Arunachal Pradesh NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 15-02-2010 4.8964 31-01-2013 4.3204 0 0 4.3204 4.3204 Completed
148 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Maintenance of Foot track and Sustension Bridges NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 22-03-2000 1 31-03-2001 0.9 0 0 0.9 1 Completed
149 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Water Supply Potable drinking water supply scheme for the villages of Sille, Rani, Sikabamin, Sika Tode, Oyan at Sile NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 06-12-2006 17.4242 31-12-2009 15.2251 0 0 15.2251 15.2251 Completed
150 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Water Supply Providing potable drinking water supply to Mebo Sub-divisional Hq and adjoining villages, East Siang district in Arunachal Pradesh NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 22-03-2010 20.5339 15-03-2013 18.1181 0 0 18.1181 18.1181 Completed
151 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Water Supply Providing Water Supply at Lumla Township in Tawang District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 23-05-2006 4.8825 31-05-2009 4.2662 0 0 4.2662 4.2662 Completed
152 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Education Hostel buildings for 110 primary & middle sc NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-07-2000 22 31-03-2002 19.8 0 0 19.8 22 Completed
153 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of road from Jengging to Ramsing in Upper Siang District (35 Km) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 25-09-2006 5.3662 30-09-2009 4.8296 0 0 4.8296 4.8296 Completed
154 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of Tamen-Tali road via Yirkoum (60 KM) Phase-I 0-49 Km NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 24-12-2008 8.9811 30-12-2011 7.9245 0 0 7.9245 7.9245 Completed
155 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Improvement of Porter Track from Tungri to Mago (70 Km) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-12-2005 3.1056 31-12-2007 2.7136 0 0 2.7136 2.7136 Completed
157 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Water Supply Providing water supply at Bameng administrative HQ (Phase-I) in East Kameng district in Arunachal pradesh under NLCPR NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 14-12-2017 13.4994 14-12-2020 12.0523 0 0 12.0523 7.3323 Ongoing
158 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Water Supply Water Supply at Tali in Arunachal Pradesh NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 29-12-2014 5.5399 31-12-2017 3.9887 0.9972 0 4.9859 1.9943 Ongoing
159 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Sports Construction of High Altitude Sports Complex at Tawang NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 11-10-2010 13.066 31-03-2013 11.5288 0 0 11.5288 11.5284 Ongoing
160 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Education Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan 2006-07 NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 26-09-2006 14.2874 31-03-2008 14.2874 0 0 14.2874 14.2874 Ongoing
161 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Education Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan 2005-06 NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-03-2006 8.201 31-12-2006 8.201 0 0 8.201 8.201 Completed
162 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges C/o RCC bridge over river Dirang to connect Dirang HQ to Dirang township i/c approach road in Arunachal Pradesh under NLCPR NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 14-08-2017 18.6926 31-08-2019 16.695 0 0 16.695 16.695 Completed
163 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Education Infrastructure Development for Govt. Higher Secondary School at Kanubari, Longding District in Arunachal Pradesh NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS Dept. of Education 05-03-2019 7.88 31-03-2020 7.3284 0 0 7.3284 2.9292 Ongoing
164 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of road from Yembung-Yemsing road to Tarak village (Phase-I) in East Siang District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 17-09-2013 28.183 31-08-2016 25.3467 0 0 25.3467 25.3467 Completed
165 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Education Development of Rangfrah Government College Lumbusung Changlang District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 29-04-2013 14.8646 29-04-2014 12.5625 0 0 12.5625 12.5625 Completed
166 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Health Construction of In-Patient Department for District Hospital at Tawang NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 26-03-2013 14.3835 31-03-2016 12.564 0 0 12.564 12.1235 Completed
167 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Health Construction of well-equipped 50 bedded hospital at Yingkiong in Upper Siang District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 12-08-2013 13.0762 30-06-2016 11.7686 0 0 11.7686 11.7686 Completed
168 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Miscellaneous Construction of Police Officers Mess and accomodation to the Upper Subordinates and Police Officers in the Capital Complex (Papum Pare District) in Arunachal Pradesh NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 14-06-2010 8.791 15-06-2012 6.9641 0 0 6.9641 6.9641 Completed
169 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Miscellaneous Tourism infrastructure development at Hotspring at Dong which includes Yatri Nivas at Walong, Hawai and Hayuliang NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 25-10-2007 4.0003 31-10-2010 3.5578 0 0 3.5578 3.5578 Completed
170 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Power 132 KV S/C Transmission line from Along to Pasighat NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 03-08-2005 29.0196 01-08-2008 25.3569 0 0 25.3569 21.426 Completed
171 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Power Construction of 33/11 kV 2X5 MVA Power sub-station at Deopani and providing Higher Voltage Distribution system in and around Roing Township under Lower Dibang Valley District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 20-02-2014 14.0378 28-02-2016 11.2912 0 0 11.2912 11.2912 Completed
172 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Power Implementation of High Voltage Distribution System in Mahadevpur Namsai and Piyong Circle in Arunachal Pradesh NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-12-2013 10.6638 31-12-2015 8.4485 0 0 8.4485 8.4485 Completed
173 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Power Renovation, modernization and improvement of T & D system i/c Sub-station of Bhalukpong, Kalaktang & Dirang and their adjacent areas in West Kameng district in Arunachal Pradesh NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-08-2017 25 31-08-2019 21.6272 0 0 21.6272 21.6259 Completed
174 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Constrcution of Road from Pugging to Palling NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 15-02-2010 15.3019 31-01-2013 13.5017 0 0 13.5017 13.5017 Completed
175 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of Gacham Morshing Road (24.50 Km) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 15-09-2008 19.6249 31-08-2011 17.3161 0 0 17.3161 17.3161 Completed
176 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of Internal/Sectoral Township road at Tani Happa (New Sagalee) (SH: Survey, Investigation, Jungle Clearance, Formation cutting, Pavement, CD Work, CC Drain & Protection Work NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 29-12-2014 12.1441 31-12-2017 9.9363 0 0 9.9363 7.952 Completed
177 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of Motorable Suspension Bridge over river Siang at the site of Gandhi Bridge NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-03-2006 48.43 30-04-2009 42.372 0 0 42.372 42.372 Completed
178 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of Namsang - Khela Road (45.30) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 29-12-2009 4.9474 31-12-2010 4.3654 0 0 4.3654 4.3654 Completed
179 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of Road from Murga Bridge point to Rho village Phase-I NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 11-12-2012 17.955 11-12-2015 15.393 0 0 15.393 15.393 Completed
180 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of Road from Yemsing to Mirem (15km) upto WBM level in East Siang District of Arunachal Pradesh NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 23-09-2013 18.3112 31-08-2016 15.656 0 0 15.656 15.656 Completed
181 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Upgradation of road from Subansari bridge point to Segi CO(HQ) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 24-06-2011 19.8205 30-06-2014 17.4887 0 0 17.4887 17.4887 Completed
182 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Sports Construction of Indoor Multi Sports Complex at Namsai in Lohit district NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 29-12-2014 3.1298 31-12-2016 2.7637 0 0 2.7637 2.7637 Completed
183 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Water Supply Augmentation of water supply at Khonsa township in Tirap District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 23-03-2012 19.8341 31-03-2015 17.4906 0 0 17.4906 17.4906 Completed
184 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Water Supply Improvement and augmentation of water supply at Yachuli (0.6 MLD), Lower Subansari District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 19-05-2011 13.19 31-05-2014 11.6383 0 0 11.6383 11.6383 Completed
185 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Water Supply Water Supply at Chayangtajo Township, East Kameng Dist. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 15-03-2011 14.8525 28-02-2014 13.3672 0 0 13.3672 13.3672 Completed
186 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Water Supply Water Supply Scheme for Sagalee Township (0.90 MLD) Papum Pare District in Arunachal Pradesh NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 04-06-2013 10.5604 31-05-2016 9.5044 0 0 9.5044 9.5044 Completed
187 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Education Infrastructural Development of VKV Nyapin NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-06-2011 3.4355 30-06-2013 3.0313 0 0 3.0313 3.0313 Completed
188 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Education Establishment of VKV at Ramsing, Upper Siang District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 08-03-2011 3.4454 28-02-2013 3.04 0 0 3.04 3.04 Completed
189 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Education Establishment of VKV Girls Residential School at chayangtajo, East Kameng District in A.P. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 31-10-2012 10.7444 31-10-2015 8.527 0 0 8.527 8.527 Completed
190 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Education Infrastructure development of Givt. higher secondary school Hawai in Anjaw district NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 21-12-2012 10.84 31-12-2015 8.9948 0 0 8.9948 8.9948 Completed
191 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Miscellaneous Infrastructure Development including Guest House at Biological Park/Zoo, Itanagar, Papumpare Dist. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 15-03-2011 3.3081 29-02-2012 2.8003 0 0 2.8003 2.8003 Completed
192 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges C/o road from Sille to Yagrung in East Siang district. (10KM) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 16-11-2007 5.0094 30-11-2010 4.4201 0 0 4.4201 4.4201 Completed
193 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of Motorable Suspension Bridge over river Siang between BRTF road & Komsing village (Span 225 m) at Sangam point in East Siang District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 26-09-2007 18.3441 31-03-2010 16.5097 0 0 16.5097 16.5097 Completed
194 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of Road from NH 52 -A- to Pappu Hill Settlement (2 Km) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-06-2007 3.9899 30-06-2008 3.3821 0 0 3.3821 3.3821 Completed
195 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of road from NH-153 Longbi village point to Tengman village via Khetwa and Jotin Juda (35.00 km) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-02-2011 21.336 31-01-2014 17.5636 0 0 17.5636 17.5636 Completed
196 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of road from Pakke to Wai (18.00 Km) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 17-02-2006 13.3541 27-02-2009 11.6686 0 0 11.6686 11.6686 Completed
197 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of road from Pakoti to Kamsha Village (6.50km) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-06-2014 9.5081 31-07-2016 7.7015 0 0 7.7015 7.7015 Completed
198 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of Road from Pilla to Sakiang (15 KM) upto WB M level in Arunachal Pradesh NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 06-12-2013 18.4 30-11-2016 14.5992 0 0 14.5992 14.5992 Completed
199 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of road from PMGSY Bongleng road to Khet Village in Tawang District in Arunachal Pradesh NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Public works Department 28-09-2015 14.2078 30-09-2017 12.2965 0 0 12.2965 12.2965 Completed
200 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Improvement and Upgradation of Internal Road at Daporijo township in Upper Subansari District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 19-12-2011 5.3469 31-12-2014 4.7179 0 0 4.7179 4.7179 Completed
201 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Improvement of Janagthung-Cherrong-Panchvati-Chhanda road, West Kameng District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-02-2011 25.1017 31-01-2014 22.1486 0 0 22.1486 22.1486 Completed
202 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Water Supply Providing drinking water supply to Jang township and its peripheral rural villages NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 14-12-2010 5.6514 30-11-2013 4.9866 0 0 4.9866 4.9866 Completed
203 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Water Supply Providing water supply at Yupia District Administrative Headquarter, Papum Pare District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 19-05-2011 6.118 31-05-2014 5.3981 0 0 5.3981 5.3981 Completed
204 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Water Supply Providing Water Supply to Yingkiong for 2.00 MLD (Phase-I) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 29-12-2014 7.3913 31-12-2017 6.3268 0 0 6.3268 6.3268 Completed
205 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of road from Digi to Panimuri via Sinyumrijo NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 24-06-2011 3.6924 30-06-2014 2.7951 0 0 2.7951 2.7951 Completed
206 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of road from Dipulamgu bridge point to Pipu (14 Km) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-12-2005 4.172 31-12-2007 3.6454 0 0 3.6454 3.6473 Completed
207 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of road from Kheti to Dadam (21 KM) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-03-2009 10.8708 31-03-2011 9.5918 0 0 9.5918 9.5918 Completed
208 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of Steel Bridge over river Wome at Pakke point NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 25-11-2010 2.3748 31-10-2012 1.7004 0 0 1.7004 1.7004 Completed
209 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Sports Construction of Sports Complex at Jengging in Upper Siang District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 20-02-2014 12.7329 31-08-2015 11.3994 0 0 11.3994 9.1243 Completed
210 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Power Kathalguri Deomali Transmission line NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 29-06-2000 29.45 31-07-2005 26.505 0 0 26.505 29.45 Completed
211 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Power Construction of 33 kv Line from Mebo to Dambuk for Evacuation of Central Sector Power, Lower Dibang Valley district NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 06-04-2010 6.5283 31-03-2012 5.5564 0 0 5.5564 5.5564 Completed
212 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Constuction of Foot overbridge at various locations of State Capital at Itanagar Naharlagun and Nirjuli NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 27-12-2013 9.0992 31-12-2015 6.103 0 0 6.103 6.103 Ongoing
213 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Education Project Infrastructure Development of Rangfrah Vidya Niketan Vidyalah at Changlang NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS Dept. of Education 09-03-2019 8.4461 31-03-2020 8.1633 0 0 8.1633 8.1631 Completed
214 ASSAM Health College of Nursing at Kokrajhar NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 17-05-2013 14.2721 30-05-2015 12.8429 0 0 12.8429 12.83339 Completed
215 ASSAM Power ST&D - Construction of 38 km, 33 kV line from Balipara to Dhalukpung NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-06-2005 1.33 31-07-2007 1.33 0 0 1.33 1.33 Ongoing
216 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge no. 5/1 over river Manas connecting Goalpara and Numberpara village on the road from Tulungia at NH-31(B) to Manikpur at NH-31 via Borghola -Kirtanpara and Chakla NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 02-07-2013 18.7199 30-07-2016 16.1445 0 0 16.1445 16.1445 Completed
217 ASSAM Education Construction and renovation of Dhubri Govt.Boy HS School ,Dhubri in Assam NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS 03-06-2021 1.7273 03-06-2023 0.1 0 0 0.1 0 Ongoing
218 ASSAM Education Guwahati University Campus. Kokrajhar NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-01-2003 5 31-03-2004 4.365 0 0 4.365 4.61 Completed
219 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge No. 1/1, 3/1 and 5/1 on Bahirjonai Berachapari Road in Dhemaji District (Assam) with approaches NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 21-02-2006 5.5217 31-08-2007 4.8035 0 0 4.8035 3.7335 Completed
220 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC bridge No.1/2 on Manja to Hidim Teron Road in Karbi Anglong District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 28-07-2004 1.7812 31-12-2005 1.5618 0 0 1.5618 1.6027 Ongoing
221 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of road from Kanuri to Binnachora (Satgaharipara) via Nalia including protection works and 4 RCC bridges NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 09-12-2013 38.5505 30-11-2015 34.6954 0 0 34.6954 34.6943931 Completed
222 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Const of RCC Br. No. Over river Aie at Chillapara Kahibari villages on the road from Kokoijana 31-National High way to Nagaon.Manikpur 31 National Highway via Kirtanpara Numbarpara villages under Bongaigaon rural road Divn. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 29-11-2010 40.0126 30-11-2013 35.6486 0 0 35.6486 35.6486 Completed
223 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Widening and improvement of Barbora-Minirgon-Chapakhowa Road including conversion of SPT bridge No.7/1 in Tinsukia District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 20-02-2014 9.8869 29-02-2016 8.8975 0 0 8.8975 7.118 Ongoing
224 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Improvement of Sujit Narzary road from Tihu Chowk to Barimakha via Belguri Pathar NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 24-02-2015 31.3582 31-01-2017 28.2224 0 0 28.2224 28.2187 Completed
225 ASSAM Miscellaneous Legacy Waste Treatment in 39 ULBS in Assam NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS 14-03-2024 71.9289 13-03-2026 0 0 0 0 0 Ongoing
226 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of Tiphuk Jajolipukhuri Road with RCC Bridge No. 3/3 in Sibsagar District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 10-11-2010 5.5991 30-11-2012 4.9423 0 0 4.9423 4.9018 Ongoing
227 ASSAM Irrigation & Flood Control 89 Nos. of minor irrigation schemes NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 15-02-1999 25.2 31-07-2005 22.68 0 0 22.68 25.2 Completed
228 ASSAM Miscellaneous Construction of Bus Terminals at Barpeta town NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 11-10-2010 1.8596 31-03-2012 1.2997 0.1211 0 1.4208 1.2997 Ongoing
229 ASSAM Power Construction of 2x50 MVA, 132/33KV GIS (Gas Insulated Substation) at 220/132 KV Amingaon GIS, Assam NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS Dept. of Power 20-04-2022 30.5397 30-04-2024 0.1 7.6349 0 7.7349 0 Ongoing
230 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of Digheeripar Bardoulguri Barachuba road from Ch. 0.00Km to Ch. 4.120Km and from Ch. 4.560 Km to Ch. 10.100 Km (Length9.660Km) including Cross Drainage Works in Darrang District under NLCPR in Assam NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 08-12-2017 11.4212 08-12-2019 10 0 0 10 9.1671 Ongoing
231 ASSAM Education Construction of Girls Hostel at Jorhat Govt. Girls Higher Secondary and Multipurpose School located in Jorhat, Assam NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS 29-03-2020 2.1223 30-03-2021 0.682 0 0 0.682 0 Ongoing
232 ASSAM Power Construction of 220/132 Kv, 1x50 MVA, 132/33 Kv and 1x16 MVA Agia S/S NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-03-2007 7.3868 30-05-2008 6.498 0 0 6.498 6.498 Completed
233 ASSAM Power ST&D-Construction of 11/0.4 KV distribution S/S 11 KV lines and LT lines - 11 KV line - 100km NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 07-11-2000 1 31-12-2002 1 0 0 1 1 Completed
234 ASSAM Power Sub-transmission and Distribution lines (ST&D)-Construction of 33 KV, 30 Km D/C line from Chandrapur to Narengi NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 07-11-2000 2 31-12-2002 2 0 0 2 2 Completed
235 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction / improvement of Batabari Kopati road NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 26-10-2007 2.1372 31-10-2009 1.8858 0 0 1.8858 1.8858 Completed
236 ASSAM Water Supply Bongaigaon Town Water Supply scheme (Bongaigaon District) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 21-01-2011 32.0224 28-02-2014 11.2946 2.5339 0 13.8285 11.2946 Closed
237 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge No.2/2 and 4/2 including approaches on Gurnagar Tikrikilla Road in Goalpara District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 16-05-2006 3.5519 30-11-2007 3.0355 0 0 3.0355 3.03548 Ongoing
238 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Development of Roads for Dhemaji Town NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 09-12-2013 11.9811 30-11-2015 10.2028 0 0 10.2028 10.2028 Completed
239 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Improvement and upgradation of Chencoories Elgin Road including construction of Major RCC bridge over river Ghagra NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 15-10-2009 11.8091 31-10-2011 10.2253 0 0 10.2253 10.2132 Ongoing
240 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Metalling & Black Topping of Road from Circuit House Tinsukia to NH-37 via Okanimuria Borguri Okanimuria Nakhrai and Lunpuria Kaibortogaon in Tinsukia Rural Road Subdivision/ Division NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 29-10-2010 5.241 29-02-2012 4.6509 0 0 4.6509 4.493 Ongoing
241 ASSAM Irrigation & Flood Control LIS over river Buridihing in Sassoni Mouza in Dibrugarh Dist. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 26-12-2007 2.3979 31-12-2009 2.1158 0 0 2.1158 2.1158 Completed
242 ASSAM Irrigation & Flood Control Farkongcho Irrigation Scheme NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 23-09-2013 10.2196 30-09-2015 9.1756 0 0 9.1756 9.1756 Completed
243 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Namati-Masalpur Road, Nalbari NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 06-12-2001 0.31 31-07-2006 0.279 0 0 0.279 0.31 Completed
244 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Improvement of Mridongpara Road under NLCPR in Sibsagar District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 05-06-2013 6.7152 30-11-2014 4.6506 1.3896 0 6.0402 4.6506 Ongoing
245 ASSAM Irrigation & Flood Control Flood Control scheme (5 No.) - Strengthening of Kahai spur (stone spur no. 2) to protect Dibrugarh town from the erosion of river Brahmaputra NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-02-2002 6.55 31-03-2003 5.6249 0 0 5.6249 6.2498 Completed
246 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Improvement of Road Network at Sonari Town under Charaideo Rural Road Division NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 13-12-2010 7.2374 29-06-2012 6.3621 0 0 6.3621 6.352 Ongoing
247 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge No. 1/1 and 4/1 with approaches on Nilbagan-Hojai Road in Nagaon District (Assam) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 02-06-2006 1.9167 30-11-2007 1.7079 0 0 1.7079 1.7079 Completed
248 ASSAM Education Infrastructure Development of 65 Secondary School for construction of new school building in Assam NESIDS-OTRI Public works Department 03-01-2025 455 03-01-2026 0 0 0 0 0 Ongoing
249 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Improvement of Road from Barama-Dhamdhama-Tamulpur under Non Lapsable Central pool of Resources. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 03-03-2014 8.4655 29-02-2016 7.5152 0 0 7.5152 7.5152 Completed
250 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Udalguri-Tamulpur Road, Darrang. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-02-2003 36.32 31-03-2008 32.184 0 0 32.184 33.4599 Completed
251 ASSAM Power ST&D - Construction of 12 km 33 kV Baitamari to Chapar line with construction of 2x2.5 MVA S/S at Chapar NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-02-2003 0.72 31-03-2004 0.72 0 0 0.72 0.72 Completed
252 ASSAM Power ST&D - Construction of 14.5 km 33 kV Pathsala-Nathkuchi line with augmentation of Pathsala S/S from 2x2.5 MVA to 2x5 MVA NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-02-2003 1.81 31-07-2005 1.81 0 0 1.81 1.81 Completed
253 ASSAM Education Construction of Additional Classrooms at Borguri High School, Tinsukia, Assam NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS 29-03-2020 0.6216 30-03-2021 0.2362 0.3544 0 0.5906 0 Ongoing
254 ASSAM Health Sankaradeva Netralaya NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 11-05-2000 1 25-02-2003 0.9 0 0 0.9 1 Completed
255 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Chamuapara - Purandia Road NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 11-02-2004 4.85 31-03-2007 2.6966 0 0 2.6966 2.6532 Completed
256 ASSAM Education Construction and renovation of Panbazar Higher Secondary School, Panbazar, Guwahati, Assam NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS 29-03-2020 2.2277 30-03-2021 0.6599 0.5295 0 1.1894 0.6599 Ongoing
257 ASSAM Education Construction of Additional Classrooms at Karanga Girls Higher Secondary School Jorhat, Assam NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS 29-03-2020 0.6216 30-03-2021 0.1 0.5215954 0 0.6215954 0.1 Ongoing
258 ASSAM Education Construction and renovation of Kamrup Academy H.S. School, Chenikuthi, Guwahati, Assam NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS 29-03-2020 2.2277 30-03-2021 0.6224 0.4703 0 1.0927 0 Ongoing
259 ASSAM Education I.I.T. Guwahati-CS NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 01-04-1999 34 31-07-2005 30.6 0 0 30.6 34 Completed
260 ASSAM Education Construction and renovation of Tarini Charan Govt. H.S. & M.P. School, Guwahati, Assam NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS 29-03-2020 2.2277 30-03-2021 0.6297 0 0 0.6297 0.6196 Ongoing
261 ASSAM Water Supply Digboi Town Water Supply Scheme in Assam NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS Public Health & Engg Depa 29-08-2019 41.688 31-03-2020 14.1344 0 0 14.1344 0 Ongoing
262 ASSAM Education Construction of Additional Classrooms by Strengthening for Senairam Girls Higher Secondary School Tinsukia in Assam NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS 29-03-2020 0.6216 30-03-2021 0.2198 0 0 0.2198 0 Ongoing
263 ASSAM Water Supply Infrstructure Development of Greater Kheroni Piped water Supply Scheme in Karbi Anglong , Assam NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS 21-02-2019 21.8772 31-03-2020 21.2786 0 0 21.2786 19.0414 Ongoing
264 ASSAM Sports Construction of proposed stadium at Mushalpur in Baska District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 15-11-2010 9 30-11-2013 7.9411 0 0 7.9411 7.9411 Completed
265 ASSAM Education Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan for Assam (2006-07) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 29-06-2006 102.9341 31-03-2007 102.9294 0 0 102.9294 102.9267 Completed
266 ASSAM Health Construction of two storeyed building of SJN Government Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital at Panjabari, Guwahati NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 12-11-2008 2.6571 31-10-2010 2.3444 0 0 2.3444 2.3444 Completed
267 ASSAM Power Replacement of old 11 KV MCCB by VCB at Beheting, Hezalbank,doomdooma, Duliajan, North Lakhimpur, Meherpur, karimganj, Tangla, Amingaon, Narangi, Nagaon,Kaliabor, Kathiatoli, rupohi, Samaguri, bokajan, jorhat, Balipara, Tezpur,chapaguri & Diphu S/S NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-02-2003 5.1 31-07-2007 5.1 0 0 5.1 5.1 Completed
268 ASSAM Power ST&D - Construction of 16 km long 33 kV line from Jorhat to Kakajan alongwith installation of 2x2.5 MVA S/S at Kakajan NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-06-2005 0.9 31-07-2006 0.9 0 0 0.9 0.9 Completed
269 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Br. No. 8/1 on Bhalukmari in Mikirbheta Bhurbandha Road with approaches and protection work in Morigaon District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 03-02-2010 2.5462 29-02-2012 2.2689 0 0 2.2689 2.2689 Completed
270 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge No. 1/1 on Mohmoria to Kuruabahi via Bebejia Road over river Kalang under Nagaon Rural Road Division NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 05-06-2013 2.7408 30-11-2014 2.2073 0 0 2.2073 2.2072 Completed
271 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge No. 2/3 on river Bhulla, 3/2 on river Lakhi and 7/2 on river Lakhimorasuti on Bengbari Ambagaon Road in Udalguri District, Assam NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-06-2006 6.3285 31-12-2007 5.6393 0 0 5.6393 5.6393 Completed
272 ASSAM Education Construction and renovation of Sonaram Higher Secondary School, Bharalumukh, Guwahati, Assam NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS 29-03-2020 2.2277 30-03-2021 0.628 0.9421 0 1.5701 0.628 Ongoing
273 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge No. 9/2 on Borbhogia Mikirbhata Road in Morigaon District with approaches NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-10-2005 2.3896 28-02-2007 2.1293 0 0 2.1293 2.1293 Completed
274 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of Road from Borobazar to Gumergaon via Chawdhuripara in Chirang District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 29-12-2014 16.6839 31-01-2017 12.012 2.9724 0 14.9844 12.012 Ongoing
275 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Improvement of Badlapara to Dharamjuli Road under Udalguri Rural Road division NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 31-03-2009 4.0335 30-09-2010 3.559 0 0 3.559 3.559 Completed
276 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Improvement of Rampur Model Road starting from NH - 37 in Kamrup District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 05-03-2008 2.2458 31-03-2009 2.0013 0 0 2.0013 1.9999 Completed
277 ASSAM Water Supply Kharupetia Water Supply Scheme NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 21-01-2011 19.8115 28-02-2014 13.9846 0 0 13.9846 6.9923 Ongoing
278 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Project for Road Network of Jorhat Master Plan Area in Jorhat District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 12-09-2006 4.61 30-09-2008 4.0284 0 0 4.0284 4.0284 Completed
279 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Rangiya Goreswar Road NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-02-2003 1.52 31-03-2004 1.3674 0 0 1.3674 1.5168 Completed
280 ASSAM Health Upgradation of 24 numbers of existing district hospitals for setting up of ICUs for treatment of COVID-19 patients in Assam NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS Dept. of Health & familly 07-07-2020 97.488 07-01-2021 38.9952 0 0 38.9952 38.6849 Ongoing
281 ASSAM Education Assam University Silchar (including Diphu Campus) - CS NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 01-04-1999 13 31-07-2005 11.7 0 0 11.7 13 Completed
282 ASSAM Education Construction of 15 HSS Buildings (BAC Area) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 31-01-2001 1.5 31-03-2003 1.35 0 0 1.35 1.5 Completed
283 ASSAM Education Infrastructure Development of North Eastern Judicial Officers Training Institute, Guwahati (Assam) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-12-2005 3.5428 31-12-2007 3.1199 0 0 3.1199 3.1199 Completed
284 ASSAM Education New Infrastrucutre for Cotton College. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-02-2000 3 30-06-2001 2.7 0 0 2.7 3 Completed
285 ASSAM Education Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan for Assam NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-03-2006 27.7 29-12-2006 27.7 0 0 27.7 27.7 Completed
286 ASSAM Education Construction of Govt college of Arts & Crafts in Kamrup District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-06-2011 5 31-12-2013 1.7861 0 0 1.7861 0 Ongoing
287 ASSAM Education Infrastructure Development of Assam Institute of Management, Guwahati NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 23-07-2010 14.6111 31-07-2012 8.2916 0 0 8.2916 6.7689 Ongoing
288 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Br. (a) No. 1/1 and 2/1 on Deroi Rongoli road (b) No. 2/1 on Deopling Ramuagar road and No. 3/1 ghilaguri Road NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 13-12-2010 3.9118 31-12-2012 3.3169 0 0 3.3169 3.3169 Completed
289 ASSAM Irrigation & Flood Control Construction of dakhindol Lift Irrigation Scheme at Sonitpur and Joisidhi, Assam NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-09-2007 2.1121 30-06-2008 1.8636 0 0 1.8636 1.5207 Completed
290 ASSAM Education Infrastructure Development of Assam SLET Commission NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 15-11-2010 3.3446 30-11-2012 1.1804 0 0 1.1804 1.1804 Ongoing
291 ASSAM Irrigation & Flood Control Flood Control scheme (5 No.) - Protection of different reaches from the erosion of river Dhansiri at Assam, K.A. Distt. Phase-II NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-02-2002 1.65 31-03-2003 1.485 0 0 1.485 1.65 Completed
292 ASSAM Irrigation & Flood Control Flood Control scheme (5 No.) - Protn. Of Harinagar Pt-III area cum dyke along R/B of river Surma (international boundary) from Harinagar to Nathanpur NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-02-2002 3.6498 31-03-2003 3.2848 0 0 3.2848 3.6498 Completed
293 ASSAM Irrigation & Flood Control Flood Control Scheme (5 No.) - Protn. of Guwahati town from erosion of river Brahmaputra from Kachari Bazaar to D.C. Court NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-02-2002 3.3321 31-03-2003 2.9989 0 0 2.9989 3.3321 Completed
294 ASSAM Irrigation & Flood Control Installation of one Lakh Shallow tube wells NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 25-01-2000 68.95 31-03-2002 62.055 0 0 62.055 68.95 Completed
295 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge No. 1/1, 3/1, 3/2 and 4/1 on Bhairabpur to Kulibazar Road in Dhemaji District (Assam) with approaches NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-12-2005 4.6644 31-05-2007 4.1563 0 0 4.1563 4.1563 Completed
296 ASSAM Irrigation & Flood Control Kaku Basti Irrigation Scheme NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-06-2012 8.7165 31-10-2013 7.7958 0 0 7.7958 7.7958 Completed
297 ASSAM Irrigation & Flood Control LIS over river Buriduhing in Tengakhat Kheremia Mouza in Dibrugarh Distt. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 26-12-2007 2.9163 31-12-2009 2.5732 0 0 2.5732 2.5732 Completed
298 ASSAM Irrigation & Flood Control Phumen Phangcho Minor Irrigation Scheme (Karbi anglong) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-06-2011 6.0941 31-10-2012 5.4693 0 0 5.4693 5.4693 Completed
299 ASSAM Irrigation & Flood Control Raising & strengthening Brahmaputra Dyke from Dizmore to Sonarigaon from 14th to23.15th including closing of Amguri and Arney Nalla. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 07-01-2004 11.51 31-03-2006 9.3238 0 0 9.3238 9.8238 Completed
300 ASSAM Irrigation & Flood Control Washillinghadi ELIS, NC Hills minor irrigation schemes. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-09-2001 2.7 31-03-2005 2.43 0 0 2.43 2.7 Completed
301 ASSAM Power ST&D - Augmentation of Duliajan 33 kV S/S from 1x2.5 MVA to 1x5 MVA NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-02-2003 0.9 31-07-2005 0.9 0 0 0.9 0.9 Completed
302 ASSAM Power ST&D - Construction of 18 km long 33 kV line from Garmur to Pulibor alongwith 2x2.5 MVA S/S at Publibor NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-02-2003 1.24 31-07-2005 1.24 0 0 1.24 1.24 Completed
303 ASSAM Power ST&D - Construction of 18 km long 33 KV line from Latka tapping poing to Agamoni alongwith installation of 2.5 MVA S/S at Agamoni NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-02-2003 0.77 31-07-2005 0.77 0 0 0.77 0.77 Completed
304 ASSAM Power ST&D - Construction of 1x2.5 MVA, 33 kV S/S at Gogamukh NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-02-2003 0.45 31-07-2005 0.3 0 0 0.3 0.3 Completed
305 ASSAM Power ST&D - Construction of 22 km long 33 kV line from Bordubi to Tengakhat with construction of 1x2.5 MVA transformer NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-06-2005 1.22 30-06-2007 1.22 0 0 1.22 1.22 Completed
306 ASSAM Power ST&D - Construction of 23 km 33 kV line from Rangia to Tamulpur NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-02-2003 0.47 31-07-2005 0.47 0 0 0.47 0.47 Completed
307 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge No. 1/3, 2/1 and 3/1 on Namti Ali in Sivasagar District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 21-09-2004 0.8968 31-12-2005 0.7855 0 0 0.7855 0.8155 Completed
308 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge No. 2/1 on Bamunbari to Jariguri Road in Dibrugarh District of Assam with approaches NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 21-12-2005 1.0805 31-05-2007 0.9421 0 0 0.9421 0.778 Completed
309 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge No. 2/1 on Kokrajhar Monakocha Road over River Gaurang in Kokrajhar District with approaches NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-10-2005 9.9063 28-02-2007 8.8274 0 0 8.8274 8.8274 Completed
310 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge No. 2/2 - Haripur Sansarghat Road in Nalbari District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 20-02-2004 2.2637 30-06-2005 1.7035 0 0 1.7035 1.8299 Completed
311 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge No. 2/4, 6/1 and 8/1 on river Kaldia including approaches on Dr. Jina Ram Das Road in Barpeta District (Assam) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-06-2006 5.3585 31-12-2007 4.6543 0 0 4.6543 4.6543 Completed
312 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge No. 20/1 - Nalbari Palla Road in Nalbari District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 20-02-2004 1.4436 30-06-2005 1.063 0 0 1.063 1.1374 Completed
313 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge No. 24/2 and 32/2 on Mt. Golaghat Merapani Road in Golaghat District (Assam) with approaches and protection work NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 03-01-2006 1.8567 30-06-2007 1.6545 0 0 1.6545 1.6545 Completed
314 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge No. 3/2 over River Mansiri on Charduar Road with approaches in Sonitpur District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-10-2005 1.6575 28-02-2007 1.477 0 0 1.477 1.477 Completed
315 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge No. 4/1 and 15/1 including approaches on Nagaon - Bhuragaon Road in Nagaon District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 16-05-2006 4.344 30-11-2007 3.8708 0 0 3.8708 3.8708 Completed
316 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge No. 4/1 on Garmari Gagalmari Road NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 14-07-2009 2.3344 29-07-2011 2.0802 0 0 2.0802 1.6192 Completed
317 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge No. 4/1, 6/1 and 14/1 on North Lakhimpur Kamalabari Road NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-10-2005 4.5527 28-02-2007 4.0569 0 0 4.0569 3.1641 Completed
318 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge no. 5/3 on Bhorbhogia Mikirbheta Dhing Road with approaches in Morigaon District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 25-11-2008 2.4117 30-11-2010 2.149 0 0 2.149 2.149 Completed
319 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Widening and Raising of Nazirakhat Sonapur Road (Length 6.00 km) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 20-12-2007 2.6508 31-12-2008 2.3857 0 0 2.3857 2.3855 Completed
320 ASSAM Sports Mini Stadium at Chapaguri, Bongaigaon NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 31-01-2001 0.2 31-07-2005 0.1783 0 0 0.1783 0.1883 Completed
321 ASSAM Sports Diphu Sports Complex at Diphu in Karbi Anglong District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 29-07-2004 5.0122 31-03-2005 4.511 0 0 4.511 1.75 Ongoing
322 ASSAM Water Supply Sarupathar Piped water Supply scheme NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 25-01-2011 10.2935 28-02-2013 7.4112 1.8528 0 9.264 7.4112 Ongoing
323 ASSAM Water Supply Augmentation of Greater Diphu Water Supply Scheme in Karbi Anglong District(Karbi Anglong) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 19-08-2008 27.6744 31-07-2011 8.5464 0 0 8.5464 8.5464 Ongoing
324 ASSAM Power ST&D -Construction of 33/11 kV, 1x2.5 MVA S/S with auto recloser at Manzai NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-02-2003 0.28 31-07-2005 0.28 0 0 0.28 0.28 Completed
325 ASSAM Sports Apex Stadium at Kokrajhar, BAC NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 31-01-2001 9.3 31-03-2006 8.361 0 0 8.361 8.911 Completed
326 ASSAM Education Construction of RCC Multistoried Auditorium Building attached to Haflong Government College at Haflong in Dima Hasao District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 16-01-2013 2.3021 31-01-2015 2.063 0 0 2.063 2.063 Ongoing
327 ASSAM Health Construction of Medical College at Nalbari under NLCPR in Assam NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 07-12-2017 217.821 07-12-2019 190.3389 0 0 190.3389 190.3389 Completed
328 ASSAM Education Construction and renovation of Kuralguri Govt.Boy HS School ,Golaghat in Assam NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS 04-06-2021 1.2337 04-06-2023 0.1 0 0 0.1 0 Ongoing
329 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge No. 3/1 on Majgaon Shantipur Road over River Sonai under Nagaon rural road Division NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 17-06-2010 3.3319 30-06-2012 2.7786 0 0 2.7786 2.3754 Ongoing
330 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge No. 8/6 over river Dirring, (b) Bridge No. 18/1 over river Borjan, (c) Bridge No. 19/1 over River Borjan,(d) Bridge No. 23/3 over River Donjon, (e) Bridge No. 27/3 Over River Kokosang (2) Br. No. 2/1 ovr river Kohra (KarbiAnglon NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 14-07-2009 11.3837 29-07-2011 9.66 0 0 9.66 9.66 Ongoing
331 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of Road from Paoriputa to Natun Panbari with black topping and construction of RCC Bridge over river Pasnai in Udalguri Rural Road Division (Length - 2.30 Km) in Assam (BTC Area) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 17-05-2013 7.6794 30-11-2014 5.5265 0 0 5.5265 3.746 Ongoing
332 ASSAM Power Tinsukia Sub-Station 2x50 MVA , 220/132 kV NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 15-02-1999 19.64 30-09-2002 17.19 0 0 17.19 19.1 Completed
333 ASSAM Education Tezpur University-CS NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 01-04-1999 24.33 31-07-2005 21.997 0 0 21.997 24.33 Completed
334 ASSAM Irrigation & Flood Control A/E measures to protect Naharkatia Town from the erosion of river Burhi-Dehing at Jagun Gaon area. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-12-2012 7.311 31-08-2013 6.5799 0 0 6.5799 2.63 Completed
335 ASSAM Irrigation & Flood Control Anti-Erosion/Flood control Schemes in 25 different locations of Brahmaputra and Barak Valley NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 15-02-1999 60.6661 31-03-2007 54.4301 0 0 54.4301 60.6661 Completed
336 ASSAM Irrigation & Flood Control Borjan Composite Irrigation Scheme in Assam (Karbi Anglong) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-10-2005 22.2864 31-10-2009 20.0578 0 0 20.0578 20.0578 Completed
337 ASSAM Health Shankar Dev Netralaya (equipments) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 12-11-2002 0.82 31-05-2003 0.738 0 0 0.738 0.82 Completed
338 ASSAM Health Upgradation of Guwahati Medical College. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 10-02-2000 8 31-03-2003 7.2 0 0 7.2 8 Completed
339 ASSAM Health Upgradation of hospital at Udalguri to 100 bedded Hospital. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 22-02-2001 1.69 31-03-2003 1.521 0 0 1.521 1.69 Completed
340 ASSAM Miscellaneous 1250 Capacity Auditorium at Guwahati. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 15-03-2001 20 31-07-2005 18.1182 0 0 18.1182 19.9182 Completed
341 ASSAM Miscellaneous Centre for Plasma Physics, Guwahati. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 14-03-2000 4.5 31-03-2003 4.05 0 0 4.05 4.5 Completed
342 ASSAM Miscellaneous Kamakhya Temple Road Development NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-02-2003 4.89 31-12-2003 4.401 0 0 4.401 4.89 Completed
343 ASSAM Miscellaneous Srimanta Sankardev Kalakshtra project NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 31-12-1998 4.85 09-11-1999 4.365 0 0 4.365 4.85 Completed
344 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of Guidebund near RCC bridge No.8/2 over river Tonganee on the road from NH-52 to Kuwaripukhuri via Fakirpara NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 25-02-2013 2.0876 31-10-2013 0.751 0 0 0.751 0 Closed
345 ASSAM Power 220 KV/DC Kathalguri Tinsukia line (30 Kms.) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 15-02-1999 6.4 30-09-2004 5.76 0 0 5.76 6.4 Completed
346 ASSAM Power 2x50 MVA , 220/132 KV Balipara (Tezpur ) Sub-station and a 132 KV Gohpur-Depota Line NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 08-10-2002 13.71 31-12-2005 12.4122 0 0 12.4122 13.3622 Completed
347 ASSAM Power Augmentation of 220/132 kv 2x50 mva s/s to 2x100 s/s at mariani NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-02-2002 6.37 30-10-2004 5.8267 0 0 5.8267 6.2464 Completed
348 ASSAM Power Augmentation of Transformer Capacity of 132/33 KV Panchgram Sub Station from 2x16 MVA to 2x25 MVA in Cachar District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 05-03-2008 4.4 01-12-2011 3.96 0 0 3.96 3.96 Completed
349 ASSAM Power Renovation of BTPS-Agia-Sarusajai 220 kV D/C Transmission Line NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-01-2003 28.38 31-05-2004 25.542 0 0 25.542 28.2051 Completed
350 ASSAM Power Installation of 2x31.5 MVA 132/33 KV transformers at Sarusajai Sub Station NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 10-12-2002 5.26 30-11-2004 4.7554 0 0 4.7554 5.2154 Completed
351 ASSAM Power Installation of Street Lights from Lokpriya Gopinath Bordoloi International Airport upto Jalukbari near Guwahati University for National Games 2005 NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 24-12-2004 2.3916 31-12-2005 2.0854 0 0 2.0854 2.1524 Completed
352 ASSAM Power ST&D - Augmentation of 33/11 kV Garbhanga S/S from 2x5 MVA to 2x10 MVA NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-02-2003 0.96 30-03-2005 0.96 0 0 0.96 0.96 Completed
353 ASSAM Power ST&D - Augmentation of Dibrugarh 33 kV S/S from (3x5 1x2.5) MVA to 2x10 MVA NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-06-2005 0.76 31-07-2006 0.76 0 0 0.76 0.76 Completed
354 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Charuali - Nagarijuli Road NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-02-2003 5.38 31-07-2005 4.842 0 0 4.842 5.5813 Completed
355 ASSAM Power ST&D - Construction of 37 km 33 kV line from Patharkandi to Karimganj NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-02-2003 1.19 31-07-2005 1.19 0 0 1.19 1.19 Completed
356 ASSAM Power ST&D - Construction of 45 km long 33 kV line from Rowta Grid S/S to Paneri and augmentation of Paneri S/S from 2x3.16 MVA to 2x5 MVA NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-02-2003 3.62 31-07-2005 3.62 0 0 3.62 3.62 Completed
357 ASSAM Power ST&D - Construction of 5 MVA 33 kV S/S at Biswanath Chariali NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-02-2003 0.98 31-07-2005 0.734 0 0 0.734 0.734 Completed
358 ASSAM Power ST&D - Construction of 5 MVA, 33 kV S/S at Missamari NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-02-2003 0.85 31-07-2005 0.55 0 0 0.55 0 Completed
359 ASSAM Power ST&D - Reconductoring of KahiliPara-Ulubari 33 kV feeder from raccoon to wolf conductor NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-02-2003 0.05 31-07-2005 0.05 0 0 0.05 0 Completed
360 ASSAM Power ST&D -Construction of 28 km line from Rowta to Dhekiajuli on double pole suspension with wolf conductor NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-02-2003 1.51 31-07-2005 1.51 0 0 1.51 1.5 Completed
361 ASSAM Power ST&D -Construction of 30 km 33 kV line from Pailapool to Kabuganj NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-02-2003 0.97 31-07-2005 0.97 0 0 0.97 0.97 Completed
362 ASSAM Power ST&D- Construction of 20 km 33 KV line From Garbhanga to Borjhar and interlink with the existing 33 KV Mirza-Rani line along with augmentation of 33/11 KV Mirza S/S to 2x5 MVA NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-02-2003 2.14 31-07-2005 2.14 0 0 2.14 2.14 Completed
363 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of Additional Two Lane Rail-Over-Bridge (ROB) on A.T. Road at Maligaon, Guwahati (Assam) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-12-2005 13.5592 30-11-2007 12.0229 0 0 12.0229 12.0229 Completed
364 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Br. No. 1/1 over regular Channel Gadadhar on Silerpar - Borshijhora Road in dhubri District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-03-2008 4.5073 31-03-2010 4.0566 0 0 4.0566 4.0566 Completed
365 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Br. No. 1/1 over River Kalang on Ghahi - Borjhora Road under Nagaon Rural Road Division (Nagaon District) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-06-2011 2.8112 31-07-2013 2.5057 0 0 2.5057 2.5057 Completed
366 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Br. No. 1/1 over River Pota on Hazuwa Nalbari Road in Baska District in Assam NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-03-2008 2.6401 30-09-2009 2.3526 0 0 2.3526 1.9006 Completed
367 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Br. No. 1/1 over Santijan on Srimanta Sankardev Govesona Kendra Road in Nagaon Road NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-03-2008 2.8055 31-03-2009 2.4999 0 0 2.4999 2.4999 Completed
368 ASSAM Roads & Bridges construction of RCC Br. No. 4/1 & 6/1 with approaches on J.B road in Jorhat distt. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 21-06-2007 3.244 30-06-2009 2.8907 0 0 2.8907 2.8907 Completed
369 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Br. No. 5/1 on Jajari - Chabukdhara Road over River Sonai under Nagaon Rural Road Division NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 03-02-2010 2.3638 29-02-2012 2.1063 0 0 2.1063 2.0875 Completed
370 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Br. No. 6/1, 9/1 & 10/1 on Ambagaon Kathpara Solmari Singiari Road (NG-M-17) in Nagaon District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 03-02-2010 2.3902 29-02-2012 2.1379 0 0 2.1379 2.1379 Completed
371 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge No. 10/1 and approaches on Khowang Bhamun Road in Dibrugarh District of Assam NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-12-2005 1.0325 31-05-2007 0.9203 0 0 0.9203 0.9203 Completed
372 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge No. 10/1 on Gogamukh Ghilamara Road in Dhemaji District (Assam) with approaches NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 25-01-2006 1.0841 30-09-2007 0.9501 0 0 0.9501 0.7445 Completed
373 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge No. 11/1 on Teok Boloma Nakachari Road in Jorhat District (Assam) with approaches NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 03-01-2006 1.0917 30-06-2007 0.9746 0 0 0.9746 0.9746 Completed
374 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge No. 156/2, 159/1, 163/2, 165/3, 172/2, 174/2, 177/1 and 182/2 on Dhodar Ali Road in Sivasagar District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-09-2004 3.5251 31-12-2005 3.09 0 0 3.09 3.2125 Completed
375 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge No. 42/5 & 74/1 on DLHS Road in Karbi Anglong District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 19-03-2004 1.4325 31-03-2005 1.0527 0 0 1.0527 1.1266 Completed
376 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge No. 5/1 on Burhagohain Tinthengia Road in Dibrugarh District of Assam NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 21-12-2005 0.9881 31-05-2007 0.8806 0 0 0.8806 0.8806 Completed
377 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge No. 5/1 on river Bharalkunda, 7/1 on Sister-par Beel, 8/1 on Dulani Beel, 9/9 on Distributary of river Champamati and 11/1 on Hill Canal including approaches on Jogighopa Chapar Road in Bongaigaon District in Assam. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-06-2006 7.0941 31-12-2007 6.3216 0 0 6.3216 6.3216 Completed
378 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge No. 5/1 on Sonakhira Bubrighat Road in Karimganj District (Assam) with approaches and protection work NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 03-01-2006 0.9726 30-06-2007 0.8667 0 0 0.8667 0.8667 Completed
379 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge over River Aie NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 10-11-2010 78.8365 30-11-2013 70.2503 0 0 70.2503 70.2503 Completed
380 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC bridge No.13/1, 14/1, 15/1, 20/3 and 22/1 on Silchar Kumbhirgram Road in Cachar District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 29-07-2004 5.6787 31-12-2005 4.9743 0 0 4.9743 5.1752 Completed
381 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC bridge No.24/1 on Barpathar-Bokajan Deithor-Chowkihola (BBDC) Road in Karbi Anglong District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-07-2004 0.5442 31-12-2005 0.468 0 0 0.468 0.4887 Completed
382 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge No.27/2, 28/1,29/1,30/2,32/2,35/1 and 45/1 including approaches on Dhubri-Kachugaon Road in Kokrajhar NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 16-05-2006 5.164 30-11-2007 4.6017 0 0 4.6017 4.5938 Completed
383 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge No.3/1 including approaches on Pukia Silapathar Road in Dhemaji District. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 16-05-2006 1.3678 30-11-2007 1.2189 0 0 1.2189 1.2189 Completed
384 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC bridge No.3/1, 3/2,6/3,6/4, 6/6,10/5,12/1, 13/1, 21/2 and 23/2 on Border Roads (Gar Ali) in Jorhat District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 29-07-2004 3.9756 31-12-2005 3.4884 0 0 3.4884 3.6284 Completed
385 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC bridge No.35/2 and 53/2 on Moran Naharkatia Road in Dibrugarh District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 29-07-2004 1.1416 31-12-2005 1.0018 0 0 1.0018 0.8423 Completed
386 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC bridge No.40/2 on CPDMDK Road in Karbi Anglong District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-07-2004 1.3182 31-12-2005 1.156 0 0 1.156 1.2027 Completed
387 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge No.6/1 on Udalguri Barbengera Road in Darrang District with approaches NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 08-07-2004 1.0403 31-01-2006 0.9116 0 0 0.9116 0.9616 Completed
388 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC bridge No.8/2, 20/1, 21/1, 23/3, 29/2, 32/1, 36/1 and 40/1 on Mangaldoi Bhutiachang Road in Darrang District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 29-07-2004 6.847 31-12-2005 5.9188 0 0 5.9188 6.1589 Completed
389 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Improvement of Mahilapara Dongapara Barangajuli PWD Road. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 14-12-2010 8.3519 31-12-2012 7.4423 0 0 7.4423 7.4423 Completed
390 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Improvement of Nagaon Morikolong Nanoi dakhinpath Road under Nagaon district NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 26-11-2007 1.9903 30-11-2008 1.7735 0 0 1.7735 1.7735 Completed
391 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Improvement of Nagaon-Barapujia Road under Nagaon Dist. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 22-11-2007 2.98 30-11-2009 2.6554 0 0 2.6554 2.6554 Completed
392 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Improvement of Road between Hatigaon Bhetapara Road for National Games 2005 NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 17-03-2005 4.5626 30-11-2005 3.9867 0 0 3.9867 4.1467 Completed
393 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Improvement of Tangla Kachubil Road (BTC area) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 15-11-2010 10.7986 30-11-2012 9.6212 0 0 9.6212 9.6212 Completed
394 ASSAM Miscellaneous Construction of Multi-Storey Secretariat Complex NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-02-2003 69 31-07-2005 62.1045 0 0 62.1045 68.3295 Completed
395 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Jagun-Kharsang Road(11 KM) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 24-12-2003 3.0394 31-03-2005 2.4161 0 0 2.4161 2.5661 Completed
396 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Kachubari-Naokata-Patharighat Road, Nalbari & Darrang NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 31-10-2001 3.96 31-03-2004 3.5641 0 0 3.5641 3.96 Completed
397 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Kaithalkuchi-Barama Subankhata Road, North Kamrup NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 06-12-2001 0.61 31-08-2005 0.549 0 0 0.549 0.61 Completed
398 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Kumarikata- Jalah Road, Nalbari. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 31-10-2001 15.08 31-03-2004 13.4676 0 0 13.4676 14.964 Completed
399 ASSAM Roads & Bridges tangla - Dimakuchi Road NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-02-2003 2.51 31-07-2005 2.259 0 0 2.259 2.51 Completed
400 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Upgradation of Nagaon - Bhuragaon Road via Dhing (SH-10) under Nagaon State Road Division (Nagaon District) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 22-03-2010 11.5191 30-04-2011 10.2678 0 0 10.2678 10.2573 Completed
401 ASSAM Sports Creation of Main Athletic Stadium Complex alongwith a multi-purpose Indoor Hall at Guwahati for National Games 2005 NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 22-03-2004 75.1 31-12-2005 67.59 0 0 67.59 73.1 Completed
402 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Barpeta Basbari Road, Barpeta NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 31-10-2001 0.9 31-03-2004 0.783 0 0 0.783 0.1058 Ongoing
403 ASSAM Education Infrastructure Development of Haflong Government College Halflong NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 29-12-2014 10.0549 31-01-2017 7.2 1.8494 0 9.0494 7.2 Ongoing
404 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Barangajuli-Khairabari road NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-02-2003 2.1 31-07-2005 0.5337 0 0 0.5337 0.0236 Ongoing
405 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Causeway Over Kulsi, Darrang NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 11-02-2004 1 31-07-2005 0.9 0 0 0.9 0 Ongoing
406 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Ambagaon - Barigaon Road NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-02-2003 7.63 31-07-2005 6.867 0 0 6.867 5.0655 Ongoing
407 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of Mohmora Ali with RCC Bridge No. 9/2 in Sibsagar District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 12-11-2010 7.7196 28-02-2013 2.718 0 0 2.718 1.5453 Ongoing
408 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of Moran Netai Road Dibrugarh NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 10-11-2010 3.0342 30-11-2012 2.1439 0 0 2.1439 2.1382 Ongoing
409 ASSAM Water Supply Sibsagar Town Water Supply Scheme NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-05-2007 16.3935 31-05-2009 11.7943 2.8125 0 14.6068 11.7943 Ongoing
410 ASSAM Miscellaneous Multi Level Parking in different parts of Guwahati NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 14-08-2008 20.24 31-01-2010 15.9077 0 0 15.9077 15.3281 Ongoing
411 ASSAM Sports Construction of Indoor stadium at Silchar NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 20-06-2007 4.9433 30-06-2009 4.3617 0 0 4.3617 4.3617 Completed
412 ASSAM Irrigation & Flood Control Deithor Minor Irrigation cum Community Development Project(Karbi Anglong) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 22-03-2010 2.222 30-04-2013 0.7842 0 0 0.7842 0.6 Ongoing
413 ASSAM Power ST&D- Construction of 11/.4 KV distribution S/S 11 KV lines and LT lines - 11/0.4 KV substation (500 KVA - 10 Nos., 315 KVA - 10 Nos., 250 KVA - 100 Nos., 100 KVA - 100 Nos., & 63 KVA - 50 Nos. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 07-11-2000 6.88 31-12-2002 6.88 0 0 6.88 6.86 Completed
414 ASSAM Health Shankar Dev Netralaya (OT) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 26-03-2003 1.53 30-09-2003 1.377 0 0 1.377 1.53 Completed
415 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Const of RCC Br. No.9/8 over Laska on Dauluguri Dotma road NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 02-07-2013 1.7503 31-07-2015 1.5752 0 0 1.5752 1.5741 Ongoing
416 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Br. No. 7/1 on Sissibargaon Amguri Road over Singimari steam in Dhemaji District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 22-02-2013 4.2932 31-08-2014 3.8491 0 0 3.8491 1.545 Completed
417 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of Dibrugarh Sapekhati road from km 12 to Km 18 along with 2 RCC bridges No. 18/1 and 19/1 with approches (Bridge over river Buridihing at Saraighat) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 19-12-2007 21.1645 30-11-2011 18.8596 0 0 18.8596 18.7981 Ongoing
418 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Const. of road from Udharbond to Banaskandi Under Silchar Rural Road Division NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 09-12-2013 3.1219 30-11-2015 2.5162 0 0 2.5162 2.5161 Ongoing
419 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Br. No. 32/1 on AT road (old) including approaches with protection works in Goalpara NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 30-03-2009 7.3912 30-09-2010 4.6102 0 0 4.6102 3.354 Ongoing
420 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC bridge at 7th Km of Kathal Road over river Ghagra including approaches and protection work in Cachar District. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 28-03-2008 2.5 31-03-2009 2.249 0 0 2.249 2.2354 Ongoing
421 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Br. No. 8/1 over Saral Bhanga on Dotma Balajan Road NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 19-12-2011 12.0231 31-08-2013 10.7144 0 0 10.7144 10.7138 Ongoing
422 ASSAM Irrigation & Flood Control D.T.W. Irrigation Scheme at 30 points under Borsola Development Block in Sonitpur District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 29-12-2014 18.0846 31-01-2017 16.081 0 0 16.081 16.081 Ongoing
423 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Const. of Rangia Dhamdhama Road including RCC Br. No 18/1.18/2,19/2,20/1 & 20/3. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 22-08-2012 10.5477 31-07-2014 9.4477 0 0 9.4477 9.4252 Ongoing
424 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge No. 24/1 on Morigaon Moirabari Road in Morigaon District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 25-01-2011 3.1554 31-07-2012 2.7974 0 0 2.7974 2.7829 Ongoing
425 ASSAM Water Supply Golaghat Town Water Supply Scheme NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 28-05-2007 5.0461 31-05-2009 4.4093 0 0 4.4093 4.4093 Completed
426 ASSAM Roads & Bridges construction of RCC Br. No. 4/1 on Belguri - Satrasal Road in Dhrubri District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-03-2008 2.7331 31-03-2010 2.4598 0 0 2.4598 2.4598 Completed
427 ASSAM Education Transformation of school (50 nos) of the state as center of Excellence NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS 14-11-2023 400 14-11-2025 0 0 93.7095 93.7095 0 Ongoing
428 ASSAM Education Construction and renovation of Tezpur Govt. HS school,Tezpur, Sonitpur in Assam NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS 03-06-2021 1.2337 03-06-2023 0.1 0 0 0.1 0 Ongoing
429 ASSAM Sports Construction of Moran Sports Complex at Moran NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-02-2014 8.8816 29-02-2016 7.5925 0 0 7.5925 3.8444 Ongoing
430 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Upgradation of Dalgaon Town to Sialmari via Dekerigaon NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 24-10-2007 2.5173 31-10-2009 2.1192 0 0 2.1192 1.7982 Completed
431 ASSAM Miscellaneous Proposed Town Hall at Dibrugarh. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 09-12-2013 14.0817 30-11-2015 5.0665 0 0 5.0665 5.0665 Ongoing
432 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction and widening of road from Khowang Chariali to Chenimari NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 20-02-2014 8.542 29-02-2016 7.5607 0 0 7.5607 6.1472 Ongoing
433 ASSAM Water Supply Haflong Water Supply Scheme (NC Hills) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 20-02-2004 1.4182 31-07-2005 0.648 0 0 0.648 0.7182 Ongoing
434 ASSAM Education Construction and renovation of Cooton Collegiate Govt. HS school,Panbazar, Guwahati in Assam NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS 03-06-2021 2.9497 03-06-2023 0.1 0 0 0.1 0 Ongoing
435 ASSAM Health Procurement of Ventilators (Newborn to Paediatric) for COVID-19 disease in Paediatric age group NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS Dept. of Health & familly 30-09-2021 28.7 31-03-2022 0.1 0 0 0.1 0 Ongoing
436 ASSAM Water Supply Greater Bokajan Water Supply Scheme (Karbi anglong) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 17-12-2008 10.0387 31-12-2010 7.0861 0 0 7.0861 3.1002 Ongoing
437 ASSAM Power Powerline to Balipara Industrial Growth Centre, Sonitpur NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-09-2004 8.7289 30-04-2005 5.9602 0 0 5.9602 6.2661 Ongoing
438 ASSAM Miscellaneous Construction of Multistoried Car Parking cum City Hall, Jorhat NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 13-12-2010 10.5133 31-12-2013 7.3448 0 0 7.3448 3.7106 Ongoing
439 ASSAM Education Modernisation & Augmentation of Infrastructure Development of Assam Textile Institute at Guwahati NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 12-09-2006 7.4149 30-09-2009 2.3357 0 0 2.3357 2 Ongoing
440 ASSAM Irrigation & Flood Control Anti Erosion measures to protect Dehingpuria Area near Margherita Town from the erosion of River Buridehing. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-12-2012 5.3999 31-08-2013 4.86 0 0 4.86 1.944 Completed
441 ASSAM Irrigation & Flood Control Flow Irrigation Scheme from River Kulsik at Palashgarh NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 31-05-2011 19.2788 30-06-2013 17.3366 0 0 17.3366 17.3366 Completed
442 ASSAM Miscellaneous Construction of Home for orphans and destitute children at Haflong along with staff quarters including one Vocational Training Centre for children NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 11-06-2013 2.9848 30-11-2014 2.128 0.5292 0 2.6572 2.128 Completed
443 ASSAM Health Assam Medical College (HOPE) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 21-03-2003 20 31-12-2005 18 0 0 18 18.401 Completed
444 ASSAM Miscellaneous Construction of Joisingh Doloi Audotorium Hall at Diphu (Karbi Anglong) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 01-02-2007 3.7938 01-01-2010 3.3622 0 0 3.3622 3.3622 Completed
445 ASSAM Miscellaneous Construction of Karmachari Bhawan at Panjabari, Guwahati under NLCPR Scheme. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 11-05-2017 8.8515 11-05-2019 2.724 0 0 2.724 2.724 Ongoing
446 ASSAM Miscellaneous Cashew processing Plant at Mankachar in Dhubri District in Assam NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 14-01-2010 2.4834 31-01-2011 2.0344 0 0 2.0344 1.648 Ongoing
447 ASSAM Power ST&D - Augmentation of Hailakandi 33 kV S/S from 2x2.5 MVA to 2x5 MVA NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-02-2003 1.2 31-03-2005 0.8 0 0 0.8 0.8 Completed
448 ASSAM Power ST&D - Augmentation of Hojai 33 kV S/S from 1x2.5 MVA to 2x2.5 MVA NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-02-2003 0.6 31-03-2005 0.35 0 0 0.35 0.35 Completed
449 ASSAM Power ST&D - Augmentation of Karimganj 33 kV S/S from 1x5 1x3.16 MVA to 2x5 MVA NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-02-2003 0.75 31-07-2005 0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 Completed
450 ASSAM Power ST&D - Augmentation of Tezpur 33 kV S/S from (1x2.55) MVA to 2x5 MVA NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-02-2003 0.9 31-07-2005 0.5 0 0 0.5 0.5 Completed
451 ASSAM Power ST&D - Augmentation of Titabor 33 kV S/S from 2x2.5 MVA to 2x5 MVA NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-02-2003 1.05 31-03-2004 1.05 0 0 1.05 1.05 Completed
452 ASSAM Power Electrification of Tribal Villages NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-01-2002 1.36 31-03-2004 1.35 0 0 1.35 1.36 Completed
453 ASSAM Power ST&D - Construction of 26 km 33 kV Agia - Mornoi line with construction of 2x2.5 MVA S/S at Mornoi NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-02-2003 1.63 31-07-2005 1.63 0 0 1.63 1.63 Completed
454 ASSAM Power ST&D - Construction of11/0.4 KV distribution S/S 11 KV lines and LT lines-LT lines- 100 km NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 07-11-2000 1 31-12-2002 1 0 0 1 1 Completed
455 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of road from Ramhari to Bherbheri via Chamuakhat(Ch.8.00 Km to 11.50 KM) including cross drainage works (Darrang) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 25-02-2013 3.4568 31-08-2014 2.4776 0 0 2.4776 2.4776 Completed
456 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of 4 lane Tripura road including electrical works from NH - 37 to GS Road NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-03-2008 11.365 30-09-2009 10.2285 0 0 10.2285 10.2285 Completed
457 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Br. No. 7/1 on Dharamtul Dandua Road with approaches NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-03-2009 2.4842 31-08-2010 2.2136 0 0 2.2136 2.2136 Completed
458 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of 4 Nos. road including box culverts and pucca drainage in Lakhipur Town NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 29-12-2011 14.2477 30-06-2013 10.1876 0 0 10.1876 10.1876 Ongoing
459 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge No. 1/1 over Targhat channel on NH-31 (Targhat to Asharikandi Ghegeralga Road) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 22-08-2012 3.249 31-07-2014 2.9241 0 0 2.9241 2.9241 Completed
460 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge No. 1/1, 4/1, 8/1 and 9/2 on Fakiragram Sapatgram Road in Dhubri District with approaches NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-10-2005 5.1451 28-02-2007 4.5848 0 0 4.5848 4.5848 Completed
461 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge No. 1/2 and 3/1 on Sarupeta Bhuyapara in Barpeta District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-09-2004 1.7736 31-12-2005 1.5553 0 0 1.5553 1.6176 Completed
462 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC bridge no. 10/1 & 18/1 on Bagals Road in Nalbari District with approaches NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-09-2008 3.0811 31-01-2010 2.7455 0 0 2.7455 2.7455 Completed
463 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge No. 17/4, 19/4, 20/2 and 26/1 on Mt. Sepon Sunpura Road in Sivasagar District (Assam) with approaches NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-10-2005 3.7786 28-02-2007 3.3672 0 0 3.3672 3.3672 Completed
464 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC bridge no. 18/2 over stream Bahanigaon & bridge no. 19/1 over river Kachikata on Laluk-Narayanpur via Bihpuria Road in Lakhimpur District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-09-2008 2.087 31-07-2010 1.6697 0 0 1.6697 1.4998 Completed
465 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC bridge No. 57/1 on Gaurisagar Moran Road and construction of RCC bridge no. 15/2 over River Disam on Naharkatia - Tinkhong Road under Dibrugarh Rural Road Division NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 10-12-2008 4.0612 31-05-2010 3.4723 0 0 3.4723 3.4723 Completed
466 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge No. 6/1 on Chariali Pavoi Road in Sonitpur District with approaches, protection work and sub-way NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 25-10-2005 0.8853 28-02-2007 0.789 0 0 0.789 0.789 Completed
467 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge No. 6/2 7/3 8/1 8/2 10/1 and 11/1 over branches of river Kaloo on A.P.S. Road under Dhubri rural Road Division NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 22-08-2012 13.9149 31-07-2014 12.5234 0 0 12.5234 12.5109 Completed
468 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge No. 7/115/1 and 19/1 on Nagaon Barapujia Road(NH-38) Road division NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-08-2009 4.6583 31-08-2011 4.0367 0 0 4.0367 4.0367 Completed
469 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC bridge No.1/1, 2/1 and 2/2 on Jonnai Silapathar Road in Dhimaji District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 29-07-2004 1.9 31-12-2005 1.6667 0 0 1.6667 1.7337 Completed
470 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC bridge No.12/1 and 12/2 on Bangaon Jagara Road in Nalbari District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 29-07-2004 1.7481 31-12-2005 1.533 0 0 1.533 1.599 Completed
471 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC bridge No.40/1 on Bagals Road in Kamrup District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-07-2004 1.2888 30-12-2005 1.1292 0 0 1.1292 1.1732 Completed
472 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of Road from Beltola Chariali to Sarusajai (Bishnu Rabha Path), Guwahati (Assam) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-12-2005 7.7731 31-12-2007 6.9266 0 0 6.9266 6.9266 Completed
473 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC bridge No.26/3 on Samar Ali Das Road in Karbi Anglong District in Assam NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-07-2004 1.6754 31-12-2005 1.4744 0 0 1.4744 1.0121 Ongoing
474 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of road from rangamati to kalaigaon road janaram chowka to aaola chowka NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 31-01-2012 5.7535 31-05-2014 4.9247 0 0 4.9247 4.5233 Completed
475 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of Zoo Japorigog Road (CH.0.00 to 1865.00 m from R.G. Baruah Road near State Zoo to Junction Point of Dispur Narengi Road including electrical works NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 13-12-2010 6.1986 31-12-2012 4.6966 0 0 4.6966 4.6066 Completed
476 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Hardutta-Birudatta road NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-02-2003 1.33 31-07-2005 1.1831 0 0 1.1831 1.3146 Completed
477 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Improvement of Chintagaon Botiamari Road in Udalguri District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 15-09-2011 8.9826 30-06-2013 8.0444 0 0 8.0444 8.0444 Completed
478 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Improvement of Barpeta Bashibari Road leading to Manas Sanctuary from km. 1st to Km. 21st in Barpeta District in Assam NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 31-12-2006 12.3565 30-06-2008 10.9863 0 0 10.9863 10.8452 Completed
479 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Improvement of Bezera Balikuchi road NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 22-02-2011 3.7065 31-03-2013 3.2704 0 0 3.2704 2.6162 Completed
480 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Improvement of Bhangagarh - Bharalumukh VIP Road for National Games 2005 NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 17-03-2005 9.828 30-11-2005 8.5859 0 0 8.5859 8.9299 Completed
481 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Improvement of Charigaon Road under Jorhat Road Division NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 22-03-2010 5.5698 30-04-2012 4.9423 0 0 4.9423 4.9423 Completed
482 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Improvement of Dalgaon Kopti Road (Orang - Dalgaon Road) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 26-10-2007 2.3571 31-10-2009 1.697 0 0 1.697 1.697 Completed
483 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Mangaldai- Bhutiachang Road, Darrang. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-02-2003 1.207 31-10-2003 1.0863 0 0 1.0863 1.207 Completed
484 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Improvement of roads in Jorhat Town NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 20-12-2007 2.5 30-06-2009 2.2395 0 0 2.2395 2.2395 Completed
485 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Metalling and Blacktopping of Road from Borhapjan samdang via Nahoroni road to Sukanguri L.P School in Tinsukia Rural Road Subdivision / Division NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 15-09-2010 3.2145 31-03-2012 2.8644 0 0 2.8644 2.9706 Completed
486 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Metalling and Blacktopping of Road from Dr. Fakaruddin Ali Ahmed Path To Doulgobindapur via Nalbari Hindu Smashan, Nalbari along with Pucca Drain and RCC Slab culverts NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 05-02-2010 2.2785 29-02-2012 2.0297 0 0 2.0297 1.6242 Completed
487 ASSAM Roads & Bridges RCC Bridge 4/1 on Hatigaon -Betapara NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 07-01-2004 1.5384 30-06-2005 1.2397 0 0 1.2397 1.3397 Completed
488 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Rcc Bridge on Additional Approach to Airport road(2nos) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 24-12-2003 1.7339 31-03-2005 1.5219 0 0 1.5219 1.6368 Completed
489 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Rcc Bridge on Mandakata North Guwahati Road(2 nos) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 07-01-2004 2.4019 31-03-2005 1.7636 0 0 1.7636 1.8917 Completed
490 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Road from Jarighat to Lakhichhera. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-03-2000 0.92 31-08-2002 0.828 0 0 0.828 0.92 Completed
491 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Road from Hatichhera Dudpati Mudrennamukh. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-03-2000 0.43 31-12-2001 0.387 0 0 0.387 0.43 Completed
492 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Road improvement projects in NC Hills (6 No.) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 10-03-2000 4.98 30-05-2003 4.482 0 0 4.482 4.98 Completed
493 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Rowta- Udalguri Road, Darrang. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 31-10-2001 8.32 31-03-2004 7.488 0 0 7.488 8.32 Completed
494 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Sessa T.E to Timona road in Dibrugarh NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 21-05-2012 4.01 31-05-2014 3.5395 0 0 3.5395 3.5395 Completed
495 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Tamulpur-Goreswar Road, Nalbari. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 31-10-2001 4.7341 31-03-2004 4.2607 0 0 4.2607 4.73 Completed
496 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Udalguri- Bhairabkunda Road, Darrang. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 31-10-2001 5.86 31-03-2004 5.274 0 0 5.274 5.86 Completed
497 ASSAM Tourism & Culture Srimanta Sankardev Bhavan & Research Centre at Rup Nagar, Guwahati NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 20-02-2014 9.9774 29-02-2016 8.6792 0 0 8.6792 8.0734 Ongoing
498 ASSAM Water Supply Margherita Water Supply Scheme in Tinsukia District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 22-03-2010 9.3366 30-04-2012 3.2873 0 0 3.2873 3.2873 Ongoing
499 ASSAM Water Supply Tinsukia Town Water supply Scheme (Phase -II) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 20-12-2013 35.8125 30-12-2016 25.6438 0 0 25.6438 12.7515 Ongoing
500 ASSAM Water Supply Tinsukia Town Water Supply Scheme (Phase-I) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 20-12-2013 35.8296 30-12-2016 31.4908 0 0 31.4908 25.7971 Ongoing
501 ASSAM Irrigation & Flood Control Newzoar Flow Irrigation scheme NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 26-06-2015 3.1478 30-12-2017 2.2202 0.5496 0 2.7698 2.2202 Ongoing
502 ASSAM Irrigation & Flood Control Khowra flow Irrigation Scheme NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-06-2012 3.5533 31-10-2013 3.1869 0 0 3.1869 3.1869 Completed
503 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Improvement of JB Road NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 26-05-2011 2.9737 30-06-2013 2.639 0 0 2.639 2.639 Completed
504 ASSAM Power Augmentation of 1x63 and 1x59 MVA, 20/132 kv Transformer by 2x100 mva at sarusajai sub station NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 07-10-2002 7.8 30-10-2005 7.1621 0 0 7.1621 7.8 Completed
505 ASSAM Irrigation & Flood Control Amreng Minor irrigation Scheme (Karbi Anglong) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-09-2001 12 31-03-2005 10.8 0 0 10.8 12 Completed
506 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of approach road leading to Industrial Growth Centre at Balipara in Sonitpur District (Assam) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-12-2005 2.6865 31-12-2006 2.4179 0 0 2.4179 2.4179 Completed
507 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of Bridge No. 1/2 & Bridge No. 4/1 on old AT Road under Dibrugarh Rural Road Division in Dibrugarh Distt. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 10-11-2010 2.9037 30-11-2013 2.5876 0 0 2.5876 2.5876 Completed
508 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC bridge No. 4/1, 7/1, 8/1 and 11/1 over field canal / River Sakati on Abhyapuri Tilungia Road with approaches and protection works in Bongaigaon District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 07-11-2008 3.3809 31-10-2010 3.0127 0 0 3.0127 2.362 Completed
509 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge No. 4/2, 9/2, 10/2 and 17/1 on Met Na-Ali Jorhat Titabor in Jorhat District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-09-2004 1.426 31-12-2005 1.2539 0 0 1.2539 1.3033 Completed
510 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of road with RCC Bridges (2Nos.) from Pazipur Dhurkuchi to Borbori Narpara Road under Nalbari Rural Road Division NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 04-10-2013 5.8627 31-12-2015 5.2324 0 0 5.2324 5.2324 Completed
511 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Udalguri - Kahibari road NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 31-10-2001 3.66 31-03-2005 3.294 0 0 3.294 3.66 Completed
512 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Diguncherra-Airport Road NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 01-04-1998 0.25 31-03-2000 0.225 0 0 0.225 0.25 Completed
513 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Improvement of road from Kahilipara to Don Bosco School at Guwahati in Assam NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 31-12-2007 2.5216 31-12-2009 2.2694 0 0 2.2694 2.2694 Completed
514 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Improvement of Roads in Sivasagar Town NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 20-12-2007 2.4246 31-12-2009 2.1605 0 0 2.1605 2.1605 Completed
515 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Improvement of Tangla Bhergaon Ramgaon Road from Ch.00 M to 9400 M including cross drainage works in Udalguri NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 05-02-2010 10.4334 28-02-2013 9.2059 0 0 9.2059 9.2059 Completed
516 ASSAM Water Supply Stabilisation of Dispur Water Supply Scheme NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 19-08-2008 7.2952 28-02-2010 6.4369 0 0 6.4369 6.4369 Completed
517 ASSAM Water Supply Stabilisation of Silchar Water Supply Scheme NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 20-12-2004 3.86 29-03-2007 3.3704 0 0 3.3704 3.5054 Completed
518 ASSAM Water Supply Greater dokmoka Tekelangjan Water supply scheme for fluoride, Arsenic / iron affected areas from river Dikrut(KA) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 15-09-2011 18.6589 14-10-2014 6.7074 0 0 6.7074 6.5908 Ongoing
519 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Recce of Road in BAC Area NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 31-10-2000 0.03 31-07-2005 0.027 0 0 0.027 0.028 Completed
520 ASSAM Education Construction of Meeting Hall by Strengthening of Barkolai Higher Secondary School, Nagaon, Assam NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS 29-03-2020 0.6107 30-03-2021 0.2281 0.3419 0 0.57 0.2281 Ongoing
521 ASSAM Education Construction and renovation of Govt. HS school,Dibrugarh in Assam NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS 03-06-2021 1.7273 03-06-2023 0.1 0 0 0.1 0 Ongoing
522 ASSAM Miscellaneous Street Lighting in Jorhat City leading to Jorhat Airport NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 05-04-2010 2.1347 30-09-2011 1.8835 0 0 1.8835 1.5405 Ongoing
523 ASSAM Miscellaneous Construction of Roadside drain cum footpath and provision of roadside streetlight illumination in Naharkatia town in Dibrugarh Rural Road Division NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 30-09-2008 6.4473 28-02-2010 5.0206 0 0 5.0206 4.9453 Ongoing
524 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of road from Rongjuli IB to Kherkuta via Bechimari road with RCC Bridge 1/1, 1/3 and 5/3 under Goalpara Rural Road Division NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 19-09-2013 7.3373 30-11-2015 6.6013 0 0 6.6013 6.6013 Ongoing
525 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Improvement of Kanimara Nannatary Road in Nalbari District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 26-12-2012 4.35 30-06-2014 3.9105 0 0 3.9105 3.7022 Ongoing
526 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Improvement of Kharupetia Udalguri Road from Ch.0.00km to 15.00km (EW GSB BM & SDBC Pavement length15.00km carriage way width5.50m) including RCC drains in the Bazar Portion under Darrang District. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 25-03-2015 27.1287 28-02-2017 24.3464 0 0 24.3464 23.3302 Ongoing
527 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Improvement of road from Budura to Parbhuchuba Dimakuchi PWD Road at Batabari via Khasiachuba, Barangabari NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 02-07-2013 11.09 31-01-2015 9.9809 0 0 9.9809 9.9701 Ongoing
528 ASSAM Education Construction and renovation of Silchar Govt. HS school,Cachar in Assam NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS 04-06-2021 1.2337 04-06-2023 0.1 0 0 0.1 0 Ongoing
529 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Tihu-Barama Road, Nalbari. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 06-12-2001 0.64 31-07-2005 0.576 0 0 0.576 0.64 Completed
530 ASSAM Irrigation & Flood Control Thengkhari Barhola Pathar Irrigation Scheme NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-06-2014 4.1032 30-06-2016 2.7052 0 0 2.7052 2.7052 Ongoing
531 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of Maijan Thakurbari road to Malukbari road in Dibrugarh District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 21-05-2012 8.11 31-05-2014 2.8623 0 0 2.8623 2.177 Ongoing
532 ASSAM Health Improvement / Special Infrastructure development of JSB Civil Hospital in Chirang District, Assam NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS 12-02-2019 22.9924 31-03-2020 22.9924 3.6473 0 26.6397 19.2251 Ongoing
533 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Improvement of Roads of Tinsukia Master Plan Area,Tinsukia NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 03-03-2014 15.4574 30-09-2016 13.7545 0.5588 0 14.3133 7.2408 Ongoing
534 ASSAM Irrigation & Flood Control Burinagar Lift Irrigation scheme (Nalbari Division) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Choose... 27-06-2011 2.1569 31-07-2013 0.7347 0 0 0.7347 0.7347 Ongoing
535 ASSAM Water Supply Storm water drainage system for Margherita town. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 25-03-2015 21.5848 28-02-2018 13.4596 0 0 13.4596 7.7705 Ongoing
536 ASSAM Education Development of infrastructure facilities of Kahrupetia college, i.e construction of class rooms , computer labratory with Ac, hostel for tennis, elctricity facilities, water supply and sanitary installation in darrang distt. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 24-10-2007 1.7568 29-11-2008 1.1227 0 0 1.1227 0.5533 Ongoing
537 ASSAM Education Construction and renovation of Karimganj Govt. HS school,Karimganj in Assam NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS 03-06-2021 1.2337 03-06-2023 0.1 0 0 0.1 0 Ongoing
538 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Improvement of Rongkhang Basti to Thekerajan Road (KAADC) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 29-12-2011 14.1814 30-06-2013 12.5914 0 0 12.5914 10.0694 Ongoing
539 ASSAM Sports Construction of Indoor Stadium at Donkamokam Town (under Hamren Sub Division) of Karbi Anglong under NLCPR in Assam NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 11-05-2017 6.1939 11-05-2019 5.5728 0 0 5.5728 2.2291 Ongoing
540 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge No. 16/1, 19/1 and 19/3 on Bagals Road in Nalbari District with approaches NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 31-10-2005 4.0473 28-02-2007 3.5525 0 0 3.5525 3.5525 Completed
541 ASSAM Water Supply Greater Mahur Town Water Supply Scheme in Assam (NC Hills) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 31-12-2006 5.1226 31-12-2007 1.6136 0 0 1.6136 1.6136 Ongoing
542 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge No. 2/1 on Nandini Karaimari Road in Assam NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 14-07-2009 6.5813 01-01-2011 5.8356 0 0 5.8356 5.8356 Completed
543 ASSAM Roads & Bridges construction of road and minor bridge from Motinagar to Buban hill Temple - Phase I NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 24-10-2007 3.2607 31-10-2009 2.9287 0 0 2.9287 2.8661 Ongoing
544 ASSAM Irrigation & Flood Control Dikangshi Irrigation Project NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-02-2014 10.2576 29-02-2016 9.1992 0 0 9.1992 9.1992 Completed
545 ASSAM Irrigation & Flood Control Phangcho Basti Irrigation Scheme NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 17-10-2012 9.5269 30-04-2014 8.4405 0 0 8.4405 8.4405 Completed
546 ASSAM Irrigation & Flood Control Rajendrapur Flow Irrigation Scheme NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 25-02-2013 21.4695 29-02-2016 19.3225 0 0 19.3225 19.3225 Completed
547 ASSAM Education construction of academic - cum - Administrative building of K.K Handique Government Sanskrit College NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 21-06-2007 2.3809 30-06-2009 1.6971 0 0 1.6971 1.6971 Ongoing
548 ASSAM Irrigation & Flood Control Belsiri Lift Irrigation Scheme NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-09-2007 2.1742 30-06-2008 0.6848 0 0 0.6848 0.6842 Ongoing
549 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of railway over Br. at Dhing gate on Nagaon Bhurgaon via Dhing at Nagaon under NLCPR NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 22-08-2012 21.0546 31-01-2014 18.2624 0 0 18.2624 18.2624 Ongoing
550 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge No. 3/1 over River Pagladia on U.C Baruah Road in Nalbari District including Approaches and Protection Work NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 21-08-2012 7.3015 31-07-2015 6.5313 0 0 6.5313 6.527 Completed
551 ASSAM Power Construction of 220/132 KV, 2x50 MVA and 220/33 KV, 2x40 MVA Azara Sub - Station with 220 Kv LILO line from one circuit of 220 KV DC Agia - Sarusajia line along with construction of 132 KV SC line to Boko with terminal bay at 132/33 Boko Sub-station NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 26-09-2007 36.2207 31-03-2010 26.0789 3.1897 0 29.2686 26.0789 Ongoing
552 ASSAM Miscellaneous Construction of Sankar Madhab Cultural Complex at Letekupukhuri at Bhogpur Chariali Lakhimpur iDistrict n Assam NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 25-10-2007 4.0145 31-10-2009 1.2645 0 0 1.2645 1.2645 Ongoing
553 ASSAM Miscellaneous Bodoland Indigenous Tribal Art & Cultural Complex-cumFilm Studio at Kathalguri, Kokrajhar NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 24-12-2007 4.9514 31-12-2009 3.2037 0 0 3.2037 3.2037 Ongoing
554 ASSAM Miscellaneous Development and Upgradation of Jyoti Chitraban Film and Television Institute NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 20-12-2007 13.4677 31-12-2009 12.0352 0 0 12.0352 6.9348 Ongoing
555 ASSAM Miscellaneous Comprehensive Development Plan for college of Fisheries for augmenting Human Resources in Assam NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-06-2010 8.7482 30-06-2012 3.0876 0 0 3.0876 3.0876 Ongoing
556 ASSAM Miscellaneous Construction of super market complex at Moran revenue Town. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 20-12-2013 6.838 30-06-2015 2.4603 0 0 2.4603 0 Closed
557 ASSAM Miscellaneous Socio-Literary Cultural Complex of Bodo Sahitya Sabha at Bathooupuri, Gorchuk, Guwahati NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 13-12-2010 8.4101 31-12-2013 5.9364 0 0 5.9364 5.9364 Ongoing
558 ASSAM Power Construction of new 33/11 kV, 2x5 MVA S/S at Thirubari with 45 Km 11 kV lines and 55 Km 33 kV lines from Dhiligaon to Thirubari NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 23-11-2012 8.9094 26-11-2013 3.2065 0 0 3.2065 3.2065 Ongoing
559 ASSAM Miscellaneous Preservation of cultural Heritage of Majuli Natun Kamalabari satra (Phase-I) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 05-11-2009 6.1897 30-04-2011 4.3692 0 0 4.3692 2.1846 Ongoing
560 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Constn of road from 52.0 km point of NH 154 - Katlicherra Grant of District Hailakandi to Veterbond - Dullavcherra NEC road of Dist Karimganj NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-06-2014 16.1658 31-12-2015 14.5491 0 0 14.5491 14.5492 Completed
561 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Br. No. 2/2 and 2/3 (Renamed as Br. Nos. 3/1 and 4/6) on Shyamaprasadpur to Dossgram Road via Swapnargul over stream Singrai in Cachar District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 29-11-2010 2.57 31-07-2012 2.2901 0 0 2.2901 2.2901 Completed
562 ASSAM Power Construction of 132 KV BTPS - Kokrajhar S/C line and 132 KV Kokrajhar S/C line 132 Kv/33Kv S/S at Kokrajhar NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 29-11-2010 43.5775 30-11-2013 36.5107 0 0 36.5107 36.5107 Ongoing
563 ASSAM Power Namrup Sub- station 2x50 MVA, 220/132 kV NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 19-01-1999 0.1057 31-03-2007 0.1057 0 0 0.1057 0.1057 Ongoing
564 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Const. of RCC. Br. No. 2/1 over river Belsiri on Dhekipelua to Belsiri T.E., Connecting NH-52, under Sonitpur Rural Road Division NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 25-02-2013 5.525 28-02-2015 3.975 0 0 3.975 3.975 Ongoing
565 ASSAM Miscellaneous Construction of Cultural Centre/Complex at Dotma in Kokrajhar NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 26-12-2007 2.2106 31-12-2009 0.9905 0 0 0.9905 0.9905 Ongoing
566 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC bridge No 15/2 over river Burisuti on Patdadaha Panbari Road NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 20-02-2014 7.1917 31-07-2015 5.178 1.2137 0 6.3917 5.178 Ongoing
567 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Constn. of Br.No. 28/1 on Dehangi Dayangmukh Road over thaijuwari Nala & Langlodisa Nala (PWD Roads Haflong Division)(NC Hills) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-03-2009 3.55 30-09-2010 1.1176 0 0 1.1176 1.1176 Ongoing
568 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of Br. no 2/1&4/1 on Raha Barapujia road over river Botamari and Hatibandha with approaches in Nagoan District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 22-02-2011 3.69 31-03-2013 3.1752 0 0 3.1752 3.0951 Ongoing
569 ASSAM Roads & Bridges CONSTRUCTION OF ROAD FROM NH-31 TO KASHIMPUR SUPLEKUCHI VIA PURBAHARATI NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Public works Department 19-06-2017 5.6257 19-06-2019 1.7515 0 0 1.7515 0 Ongoing
570 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge No. 1/1 over river Barak at Sadarghat, Silchar on Silchar - Kumbhigram Road NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 07-11-2013 59.0106 30-04-2016 52.6676 0 0 52.6676 52.6676 Completed
571 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge No. 12/1 on Goroimari -Dewaguri Laharighat Road with approaches in assam NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-09-2009 3.1734 31-03-2011 2.2562 0 0 2.2562 2.2562 Ongoing
572 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge No. 2/3, 5/1, 9/1, 11/1, 15/3, 16/1, 18/1 and 19/4 on Itakhola Pavoi Road in Sonitpur District (Assam) with approaches NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-10-2005 8.7542 28-02-2007 7.6123 0 0 7.6123 7.6123 Completed
573 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge No. 4/1 on Dimou-Raidongia Road over river Sonai under Nagaon Rural Road Division (Nagaon District) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 05-04-2010 2.7098 30-04-2012 1.884 0 0 1.884 1.884 Ongoing
574 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge No. 4/3 on NH-36 -O- Point to Horaghat Karkok Road at Kanki Eagti Gaon via Monsing Rongchehon Gaon NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 02-07-2013 2.2056 30-01-2015 1.98 0 0 1.98 1.584 Ongoing
575 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge No. 9/1 on Mancotta Khamtighat road along with approaches and Protection work and strengthening of damaged road pavement from ch. 8308.00m to ch. 32600.00m via Saraighat Bridge up to Bamunbari Tiniali connecting Moran Naharkatia road (Sh-27) under PWD, Dibrugarh Rural Road Division in Dibrugarh District of Assam NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Public works Department 11-05-2017 13.87 11-05-2019 12.483 0 0 12.483 12.4528 Completed
576 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC bridge No.12/3 on Balkulia Rajapathar Road in Karbi Anglong District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-07-2004 1.7351 31-12-2005 1.5214 0 0 1.5214 1.5677 Completed
577 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of Road from Bhangarpar to Chandranathppur via babur bazar (Length 5.5 KM) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 20-12-2007 2.4905 31-12-2008 2.1906 0 0 2.1906 2.1906 Completed
578 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge No. 6/1, 7/1, 8/1, 8/2, 9/1, 11/1 and 11/2 on Sepon Suffry Road in Sivasagar District (Assam) with approaches NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-12-2005 4.1117 31-05-2007 3.6086 0 0 3.6086 3.6016 Ongoing
579 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Constn. of RCC Br. No. 22/1 over river Diffoloo on Chowkihola Panjan Deithor Malasi Dirring Kohora (CPDMDK) Road with approaches and protection works(Karbi Anglong) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-03-2009 3.0382 30-04-2011 0.9487 0 0 0.9487 0.9487 Ongoing
580 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Br.No.1/1 over river Kaldia on Sarumanikpur Maharani road. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 22-02-2013 4.6156 28-02-2015 4.154 0 0 4.154 4.154 Ongoing
581 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Improvement and Development of Goalpara Town Road Network in Goalpara District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 17-05-2013 17.2385 30-11-2014 12.4118 0 0 12.4118 12.4118 Ongoing
582 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Improvement of Kadamtal Nikashi Road from Kuchighar to Bhaluk donga NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 21-10-2013 4.1575 31-07-2015 2.9933 0.5918 0 3.5851 2.9933 Ongoing
583 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge No.2/1 on the road from NH-52 to Kuwaripukhuri via Fakirpara and RCC Bridge No. 7/1 on Nimtoli Kachomari road including approach and protection work NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 22-06-2015 4.9566 30-06-2017 3.4891 0 0 3.4891 3.4891 Ongoing
584 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of road from Banamali Tiniali to Rongagorh Tiniali with RCC Br. No. 2/2 over river Desang and Br. No. 8/2 on Mohmora Ali NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 25-02-2013 14.2231 31-05-2015 12.788 0 0 12.788 12.788 Ongoing
585 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge No.4/3, 10/2 and 14/1 on Pengeri Philobari Road in Tinsukia District with approaches NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 07-07-2004 2.3366 31-12-2006 2.0493 0 0 2.0493 1.8426 Ongoing
586 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge No.38/1, 43/1,43/3 and 44/2 including approaches and subway on Silchar - Hailakandi Road in Hailakandi District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 16-05-2006 3.5313 30-11-2007 3.0595 0 0 3.0595 2.9866 Ongoing
587 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Conversion of washed out STP Bridge No. 2/1 over river Hell into RCC Bridge on Shialmari Moinaguri Road in Kokrajhar District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-12-2012 19.6753 31-12-2014 17.7077 0 0 17.7077 17.7079 Completed
588 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of Road with MTBT from UT Road at Dimakuchi Donbosco School to Badlapara via Kalikhola Road, Udalguri in Assam NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 14-12-2011 6.2091 30-06-2014 5.5791 0 0 5.5791 5.542 Completed
589 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of road from Bijni Subhaijhar road at village Nayapara No.2 to Kathalguri via Sanyasiguri including construction of RCC bridge No.1/2 over river Chara in Chirang district. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 22-06-2015 3.9584 30-06-2017 3.56 0 0 3.56 3.56 Completed
590 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of Two Lane RoB in between Barpeta Railway Station and Surupeta Railway Station replacing L.C gate No. SK-37 at Barpeta District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Public works Department 24-10-2017 35.4046 24-10-2019 30.7464 0 0 30.7464 12.2986 Ongoing
591 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of road side drainage system including improvement of town roads in Nagaon Urban area. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 25-09-2012 19.245 30-09-2014 12.8961 0 0 12.8961 10.1167 Ongoing
592 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Improvement & Strengthening of hard crust road from Laisong to Laiko Border Road (length 30km) under Mahur Road Division NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-12-2012 8.3529 30-06-2014 7.5174 0 0 7.5174 7.5174 Ongoing
593 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Constyruction of RCC bridge no. 13/1 13/2 and 30/2 on Mohbondha Road NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 25-01-2011 6.1433 31-01-2013 4.3714 0.8682 0 5.2396 4.3714 Ongoing
594 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of road from Hidipi to Lahorijan - goutom Basti road in Karbi anglong NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 10-11-2010 4.8541 30-04-2012 4.2828 0 0 4.2828 4.2828 Ongoing
595 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridges and Slab Culverts by Replacing Old Bridge and slab culverts on Kamarbondha Road upto 22nd Km NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 15-06-2012 7.285 31-12-2013 6.0578 0 0 6.0578 5.1467 Ongoing
596 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge No.6/1 over river Katakhal at Ratanpur Ferryghat on Hailakandi Ratanpur road(MDR) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 25-03-2013 22.9405 30-09-2015 20.6454 0 0 20.6454 20.3813 Completed
597 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of Road from Rongaichara to Bhola Bazar NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 26-12-2012 3.6559 30-06-2014 3.1945 0 0 3.1945 3.139 Completed
598 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Improvement of Roads and Natural Drainage System within Greater Tezpur Town NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-03-2007 25.5178 29-05-2009 3.4813 0 0 3.4813 3.4813 Closed
599 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Improvement of Drainage system of Dibrugarh Town in Assam NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-02-2014 23.8148 28-02-2017 19.9888 0 0 19.9888 17.0583 Ongoing
600 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Metalling & Black topping of Assalu to Diduki Road including WBM (Length 18km) under Mahur Road Division NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-06-2012 6.3957 30-06-2014 2.302 0 0 2.302 2.302 Ongoing
601 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Mt. & Bt. of Road from Jaipur NH-31 C to Amguri JD Road (Dumbruguri to Amguri) including construction of RCC Bridges & Culverts NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 29-12-2014 14.7147 31-01-2017 13.192 0 0 13.192 13.192 Completed
602 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Improvement of Udalguri Sapekhaity Bhakatpara Road in Udalguri Rural Road Division under NLCPR in Assam NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Public works Department 11-05-2017 31.0305 11-05-2019 27.9274 0 0 27.9274 27.9262 Completed
603 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Improvement of Road Bye Lanes of Chabua Town NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 23-09-2013 9.0603 30-09-2015 6.1751 0 0 6.1751 6.1751 Ongoing
604 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Improvement of Roads in Biswanath Chariali Town NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 22-02-2011 11.7443 31-03-2013 8.1283 0 0 8.1283 4.1435 Ongoing
605 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Metalling and Blacktopping of Gunjung Maibang Road from 17th to 28.78 KM(NC Hills) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-08-2009 6.408 31-01-2011 1.9871 0 0 1.9871 1.9871 Ongoing
606 ASSAM Sports Development of Jorhat stadium at jorhat NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-07-2007 2.6893 31-07-2009 2.3503 0 0 2.3503 2.3503 Completed
607 ASSAM Sports i)Const. of Hojai Stadium ii)Const. of swimming pool type - II with RCC Building iii) Indoor Hall type-II NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 11-06-2013 5.7131 30-09-2014 2.053 0 0 2.053 2.053 Ongoing
608 ASSAM Sports Construction of Chandi Barua Stadium at Barpeta NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 10-02-2009 2.9036 31-07-2010 1.5124 0 0 1.5124 1.5142 Ongoing
609 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Improvement of Naginimora Jajoli Road from Ch. 8.346 Km to Ch. 13.650 Km including conversion of SPT bridge no. 14/1 to RCC Bridge NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 21-08-2012 4.8543 31-01-2014 4.3679 0 0 4.3679 4.3679 Completed
610 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Metalling and Black Topping of Swapanpur to Ramchandi Road of Hailakandi District. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-03-2008 3.7975 31-03-2009 2.7312 0 0 2.7312 2.7312 Ongoing
611 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Improvement of BBDC Road at 31 Km (Karbi Anglong) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 16-06-2009 40.1723 30-06-2011 22.6053 0 0 22.6053 22.6028 Ongoing
612 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Improvement of Road Network leading towards Dibru- Chaikhowa National Park under Dibrugarh Rural Road division NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 22-03-2010 7.4742 30-04-2013 6.5927 0 0 6.5927 6.6017 Ongoing
613 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Improvement of Namati to Sukani Road under PWD Dibrugarh Rural Road Division NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 20-02-2014 6.3158 29-02-2016 2.2725 0 0 2.2725 2.2725 Ongoing
614 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Improvement of Banglagarh Jaberikuchi Road including cross drainage works in Darrang District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 02-07-2013 20.4655 31-07-2015 18.4189 0 0 18.4189 16.2519 Ongoing
615 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Improvement of Morigaon - Pachatia-Damal-Dharamtul Road including construction of RCC bridge No. 5/1 over river Kolong NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 09-12-2013 7.3255 30-11-2015 2.6345 0 0 2.6345 2.6345 Completed
616 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Improvement of Road from Khairabari to Jamuguri in Udalguri NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-10-2013 13.2918 31-10-2016 4.783 0 0 4.783 4.783 Completed
617 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Upgradation of Road from NH-31 (C) via Serfanguri, Nepalpara, Athiabari, Ebargaon, Thaigiriguri and No. 2 Hazarikapara to Kapuragaon NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 14-12-2011 7.597 31-12-2013 6.5321 0 0 6.5321 6.5321 Completed
618 ASSAM Sports Construction of RCC Gallery of District Sports Association(Stadium Complex,Hailakandi) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 17-05-2010 1.7713 31-05-2012 0.9564 0 0 0.9564 0.9533 Ongoing
619 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Rupshir Ali (Construction of Bridge Nos. 3/25/2 &5/4) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 14-07-2009 2.1 31-03-2011 1.8839 0 0 1.8839 1.6507 Ongoing
620 ASSAM Sports Construction of District Sports Complex at Jhagrapar in Dhubri District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 10-12-2008 3.7777 30-04-2010 1.1666 0 0 1.1666 1.1666 Ongoing
621 ASSAM Water Supply Augumentation of Donka-Mokam Piped Water Supply Scheme in Karbi Anglong NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 15-10-2012 7.0664 31-10-2014 5.0878 1.2405 0 6.3283 2.543 Ongoing
622 ASSAM Water Supply Drinking Water supply, Gossigaon NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 01-12-2000 3.63 31-07-2005 2.3964 0 0 2.3964 2.5715 Ongoing
623 ASSAM Water Supply Dhubri Town Water Supply Scheme NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 12-09-2006 10.2653 30-09-2008 9.2388 0 0 9.2388 8.8051 Ongoing
624 ASSAM Tourism & Culture Mahapurush Shri Shri Madhav Deb Kalashetra at Dhekia Khowain Jorhat District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 02-07-2013 2.2511 31-07-2015 0.8095 0 0 0.8095 0.8087 Ongoing
625 ASSAM Water Supply Tamulpur Piped Water Supply Scheme NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 15-12-2011 2.937 31-12-2013 2.6171 0 0 2.6171 2.0937 Ongoing
626 ASSAM Sports Construction of Multi Disciplinary Sports Complex at Khanikar, Dibrugarh District under NLCPR in Assam NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 07-12-2017 139.8223 07-12-2019 103.8869 0 0 103.8869 93.8366 Ongoing
628 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge No. 1/1 over River Doomdooma on old AT Road NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 26-09-2012 4.2187 30-09-2014 1.518 0 0 1.518 1.518 Ongoing
629 ASSAM Health Conversion of 100 bedded Civil Hospital to 200 Bedded Hospital with construction of Staff Quarters and improvement & renovation of existing buildings at Haflong(NC Hills) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 29-07-2004 11.1981 31-12-2006 9.7064 0 0 9.7064 10.1264 Completed
630 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of Alternative Road to Kamakhya Temple at Guwahati in Kamrup (Metro) District (Phase-1 restricted to Hill Cutting and retaining wall) under NLCPR in Assam. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Public works Department 11-05-2017 13.8539 11-05-2019 12.4671 0 0 12.4671 12.4671 Completed
631 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of Bridge No. 1/1 including approaches and protection work over Jatinga at Borkhola on Mahasadak to Borkhola road NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 22-02-2013 14.3223 31-08-2015 12.8813 0 0 12.8813 12.8164 Completed
632 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of Flyover at the Intersection of Pramathesh Barua Road and N.F Railway Track at Bijni Town in Assam NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 29-12-2011 19.6335 30-06-2013 16.6683 0 0 16.6683 16.6683 Completed
633 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of Kaliapani RCC bridge No.21/1 over River Dibru on Domdoma Dighaltarang Natun Gaon road with approach Road in Tinsukia NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 22-08-2012 13.2294 31-07-2015 11.509 0 0 11.509 11.5089 Completed
634 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of Khetri Dharmapur to Hajo Nalbari Road at Morowa via Piplibari, Kakaya,Jagara, Goalpara,Baguhati & Kalakuchi NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 09-12-2013 10.3922 30-11-2015 9.0661 0 0 9.0661 9.0661 Completed
635 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of Road from Gopalpur (Kekerikuchi) to Niz-Kaurbaha(13.50kmlength) including construction of RCC Br.No5/1(15.00m) under PWD,Musalpur(R&B)Division. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 25-02-2013 11.7083 28-02-2015 10.5372 0 0 10.5372 10.5372 Completed
636 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of Road from Subhaijhar to Uttar Ballamguri via Kumarshali at Bijni in Chirang District, Assam NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Public works Department 09-03-2017 14.3488 09-03-2019 12.9136 0 0 12.9136 12.9136 Completed
637 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Conversion of SPT Bridge No. 10/1, 12/3, 14/2 and 16/1 into RCC Bridge on metd. Kokrajhar Bahalpur road NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 23-09-2013 6.9894 30-09-2015 6.2282 0 0 6.2282 6.2282 Completed
638 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Improvement of Municipal Roads in Narayanpur Town in Assam NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 20-01-2010 4 31-01-2012 3.5294 0 0 3.5294 3.5294 Completed
639 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Improvement of Singimari-Sualkuchi Road including cross drainage works & road side drains in Kamrup district NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 25-03-2013 18.2776 31-03-2015 16.4498 0 0 16.4498 16.4498 Completed
640 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Improvement/Upgradation of Mangaldoi Bhutiachang Samrang road from CH-47722M to CH-48292 and fromCH-50000 to CH-62500M including cross drainage works NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 11-06-2013 29.9166 30-06-2014 26.9192 0 0 26.9192 26.9192 Completed
641 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Widening & Strengthening of Lahowal- Bordubi-Tinsukia Road (L.B.T.Road) in Tinsukia District. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 09-12-2013 9.9821 30-11-2015 8.9838 0 0 8.9838 8.6564 Completed
642 ASSAM Tourism & Culture Development of Tourism Infrastructure at Bagori Entry Point of Kaziranga National Park(Karbi Anglong) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 08-02-2010 3.2957 31-07-2012 2.908 0 0 2.908 2.908 Completed
643 ASSAM Water Supply Greater Silchar Town Water Supply Scheme NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-01-2003 12.3 31-03-2005 10.6482 0 0 10.6482 11.5882 Completed
644 ASSAM Miscellaneous Infrastructure Development of Road Transport system under Karbi Anglong Autonomous Council (Karbi Anglong) - Part-I NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 10-11-2010 1.8328 30-04-2012 1.3196 0 0 1.3196 1.3196 Ongoing
645 ASSAM Water Supply Water Supply Projects in Tinsukia Town (Phase-III) Tinsikia District in Assam NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS 01-03-2019 27.1952 31-03-2020 0.1 0 0 0.1 0.1 Ongoing
646 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Const. Of RCC Br.No.29/1 (at Brg.) at Kuhimari Bordowa road (SH-15) with RCC Bridge. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-06-2012 5.0137 30-06-2014 3.2485 0 0 3.2485 1.8044 Ongoing
647 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Improvement of Lahorijan Gautom basti Road( Ph-II, L-5.50Km from Ch 9000.0m to Ch 145000.0 M) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 02-07-2013 5.1735 31-03-2015 3.7228 0 0 3.7228 3.6623 Ongoing
648 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Improvement of Road from 1st Km of Demow Dehing Road to Dhaoma Pukhuri (Length - 10.125 Km) with R.C.C. Bridge (Length 18.75 m) in Demow Rural Road sub - Division NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-05-2012 7.6 30-05-2014 5.4165 0 0 5.4165 4.3524 Ongoing
649 ASSAM Irrigation & Flood Control Flood Control scheme (5 No.) - Protection of different reaches from the erosion of river Dhansiri at Assam, K.A. Distt. Phase-I NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-02-2002 2.1 31-03-2003 1.89 0 0 1.89 2.1 Completed
650 ASSAM Power ST&D - Installation of 11 KV Auto Reclosers in S/S (40 Nos.) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-02-2003 3.17 31-07-2005 3.17 0 0 3.17 3.17 Completed
651 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge No. 1/1, 4/1 and 5/1 on Sripani Jengrai Road in Dhemaji District (Assam) with approaches NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 21-02-2006 3.0178 31-08-2007 2.1691 0 0 2.1691 2.1691 Completed
652 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of Roads at Tinsukia Town NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 20-02-2014 14.6065 29-02-2016 11.3542 0 0 11.3542 11.3542 Ongoing
653 ASSAM Roads & Bridges upgradation of NT road through Ramphalbil Bazar to all weather road with conversion of SPT bridges into RCC bridge(International Border Areas) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-06-2011 7.6418 31-07-2014 6.7144 0 0 6.7144 6.6731 Completed
654 ASSAM Water Supply Langklangvong Water Supply Scheme (Karbi Anglong) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 02-12-2009 5.9647 31-12-2012 2.1051 0 0 2.1051 0 Closed
655 ASSAM Water Supply Mangaldoi Water Supply Scheme NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 22-03-2010 12.6105 30-04-2013 8.9014 0 0 8.9014 4.4506 Ongoing
656 ASSAM Irrigation & Flood Control Langkhailu Irrigation Scheme NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 26-09-2013 10.3768 30-09-2015 9.3184 0 0 9.3184 9.3184 Completed
657 ASSAM Education Constrution and Renovatioin of lakhimpur Govt.HS School, lakhimpur in Assam NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS 04-06-2021 1.2337 04-06-2023 0.1 0 0 0.1 0 Ongoing
658 DELHI Education Indira Gandhi National Open University NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 01-04-1999 8 31-03-2000 7.2 0 0 7.2 0 Completed
659 DELHI Education Hostel for NER Student at JNU NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 01-04-1999 3.95 31-03-2000 0.9 0 0 0.9 0 Completed
660 DELHI Miscellaneous Software Devolpoment for AIR and Doordarshan NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 01-04-2000 4.46 31-03-2001 4.014 0 0 4.014 0 Completed
661 DELHI Miscellaneous Creation of Export Development Fund (EDF) for NER NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Choose... 01-04-2000 5 31-03-2001 4.5 0 0 4.5 0 Completed
662 MANIPUR Health Construction of Dharmasala Building at Regional Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 11-09-2006 2.8212 30-09-2008 1.8777 0 0 1.8777 1.8777 Ongoing
663 MANIPUR Health Establishment of Trauma Care Centre at CHC Nungba, Noney District in Manipur NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS 20-04-2022 3.787 30-04-2024 0.1 0.8627 0 0.9627 0.001 Ongoing
664 MANIPUR Roads & Bridges Infrastructure Development in and around the Polo Ground at Ibudhou Marjing, Heingang, Imphal East NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS 20-04-2022 30.4 30-04-2024 0.1 0 0 0.1 0 Ongoing
665 MANIPUR Agriculture & Allied Construction of Women Marketing Complex at Tamenglong HQ NESIDS-OTRI HADP 19-08-2019 5.97 30-10-2021 5.677 0 0 5.677 2.2708 Ongoing
666 MANIPUR Education strengthening of 120 High School & Higher Secondary School in Manipur NESIDS-OTRI Dept. of Education 11-10-2024 134.363 31-10-2026 0 0 0 0 0 Ongoing
667 MANIPUR Water Supply Rural Water Supply Scheme at Nungba Sub-Division Headquarter NESIDS-OTRI HADP Dept. of Power 07-08-2019 6.9 17-09-2021 5.3553 0 0 5.3553 5.3553 Ongoing
668 MANIPUR Education Construction of buildings for 52 Anganwadi centres with one toilet and rain water harvesting, Chandel District in Manipur NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS Dept. of Education 22-01-2020 3.0949 22-01-2022 1.2132 1.8198 0 3.033 0.003 Ongoing
669 MANIPUR Power Installation of 2x5 MVA 33 KV Sub- station at Moreh Town NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-01-2000 4.6 31-01-2002 4.131 0 0 4.131 4.59 Completed
670 MANIPUR Water Supply Augmentation of Water Supply at Litan and surrounding five villages in Ukhrul District in Manipur. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 16-08-2017 5.15 16-08-2019 4.7076 0 0 4.7076 4.7076 Completed
671 MANIPUR Irrigation & Flood Control Modernisation of Kakching Ithei Maru Main Canal NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-03-2008 3.4064 31-03-2010 3.0057 0 0 3.0057 3.0057 Completed
672 MANIPUR Water Supply Augmentation of Water Supply Scheme at Tadubi NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-10-2004 4.3 30-09-2006 3.6954 0 0 3.6954 3.8704 Completed
673 MANIPUR Health Construction of 32 PHCs in Hill areas in Manipur NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 21-11-2007 5.4539 28-11-2008 4.8124 0 0 4.8124 4.8124 Completed
674 MANIPUR Health Procurement of 2000 Nos. Oxygen Concentrators and Procurement of Oxygen Cylinder -D Type-2000 No. and 1000 No. D/B type in Manipur NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS Dept. of Health & familly 27-08-2021 18.7392 01-09-2023 0.1 0 0 0.1 0 Closed
675 MANIPUR Health Porvision of paid/private Ward in Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Medical Science (JNIMS) Imphal East, Manipur NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS Public Health & Engg Depa 13-08-2019 12.9325 31-03-2020 12.6911 0 0 12.6911 12.6911 Ongoing
676 MANIPUR Health Setting up/installation of Liquid Medical Oxygen Tank and Vaporizer 3 Nos. (one 10KL and two no. of 20 KL) at JNIMS, Imphal East in Manipur NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS Dept. of Health & familly 27-08-2021 5.6863 01-09-2023 0.1 0.64186 0 0.74186 0.1 Ongoing
677 MANIPUR Power Installation of grid connected SPV Power Plant of capacity 600kWP at 132/33 kv Elangkhangpokpi, Power sub-station, Kakching district in Manipur NESIDS-OTRI Manipur Renewal Energy De 20-01-2025 33.394 19-01-2026 0 0 0 0 0 Ongoing
678 MANIPUR Education Extension of 2 (Two) Class rooms for 172 State Govt. Secondary Schools NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 31-03-2000 8.6 31-12-2004 7.74 0 0 7.74 8.6 Completed
679 MANIPUR Roads & Bridges Construction of Road from Aibulon to Bungpilon in Churachandpur NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 15-03-2011 11.1886 31-03-2013 9.8723 0 0 9.8723 9.8723 Completed
680 MANIPUR Miscellaneous Basic Minimum services - Construction of rural shelters NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-12-1999 0.4 31-12-2001 0.36 0 0 0.36 0.4 Completed
681 MANIPUR Health Construction of Veterinary Hospitals in 9 Districts NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 31-12-2007 7.4892 31-12-2009 6.6082 0 0 6.6082 6.6082 Completed
682 MANIPUR Water Supply Augmentation of Water Supply Scheme at Saikul NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-10-2004 1.68 30-09-2006 1.492 0 0 1.492 1.56 Completed
683 MANIPUR Education Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-03-2006 2.6549 31-03-2007 2.6549 0 0 2.6549 2.6549 Completed
684 MANIPUR Education Construction of 5 Nos. of Model Primary School Buildings for Senapati ADC in Senapati district NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 04-07-2011 2.1603 30-04-2012 1.9062 0 0 1.9062 1.9062 Completed
685 MANIPUR Water Supply Augmentation of water supply scheme at Sanghshak in Ukhrul NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 04-09-2009 6.9069 03-09-2011 6.0943 0 0 6.0943 6.0943 Completed
686 MANIPUR Power Installation of 2x5 MVA 33/11 KV sub-station along with the associated 33 KV line and related works at Khongjom in Thoubal district in Manipur NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 26-02-2014 4.7949 31-01-2017 4.3154 0 0 4.3154 4.3154 Completed
687 MANIPUR Water Supply Augmentation of Water Supply Scheme at Tolloi in Ukhrul NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 19-12-2011 3.2293 31-10-2013 2.8104 0 0 2.8104 2.8104 Completed
688 MANIPUR Roads & Bridges Construction of bridge over Jaduiki river on Tamei Kuilong Road NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-09-2009 2.2648 30-09-2011 1.9983 0 0 1.9983 1.9983 Completed
689 MANIPUR Education Basic Minimum services- Construction of 32 primary schools NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-12-1999 1.25 26-12-2002 1.125 0 0 1.125 1.25 Completed
690 MANIPUR Roads & Bridges Construction of Bridge over Imphal River at Kiyamgei Mang Mapa NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-11-2006 4.7122 28-11-2008 4.1174 0 0 4.1174 4.1174 Completed
691 MANIPUR Agriculture & Allied Construction of Chilly/Spices processing Centre at Khoupum under Integrated Horti/Agri Project NESIDS-OTRI HADP 07-08-2019 2.01 30-10-2021 1.9968 0 0 1.9968 1.4597 Ongoing
692 MANIPUR Education Construction 2 (Two) class rooms for 205 schools without Building. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 31-03-2000 1.6 31-03-2003 1.44 0 0 1.44 1.6 Completed
693 MANIPUR Education Extension of 2 (Two) Class rooms for the State Govt. Secondary Schools including 21 newly upgraded Higher Secondary Schools. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 31-03-2000 2.15 31-12-2004 1.935 0 0 1.935 2.15 Completed
694 MANIPUR Sports Infrastucrctural devlopment for national games NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 15-02-1999 10 25-05-2004 9 0 0 9 10 Completed
695 MANIPUR Water Supply Augmentation of Water Supply Scheme at Noney NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-10-2004 1.42 30-06-2006 1.2348 0 0 1.2348 1.2928 Completed
696 MANIPUR Agriculture & Allied Development & Promotion of Eco-Tourism Centres at Zeilad Lake & Tharon Cave, Tamenglong NESIDS-OTRI HADP 07-08-2019 3.52 04-01-2022 3.4 0 0 3.4 3.4 Completed
697 MANIPUR Power Loktak Downstream H.E. Project (2x33 MW) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 24-11-2008 109.5867 30-11-2010 34.5 0 0 34.5 0 Closed
698 MANIPUR Water Supply Augmentation of Water Supply Scheme at Purul Sub Division HQ NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 31-12-2007 4.2886 30-06-2009 3.7841 0 0 3.7841 3.7841 Completed
699 MANIPUR Education Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (2006-07) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 29-06-2006 3.7805 29-06-2007 3.7805 0 0 3.7805 3.7805 Completed
700 MANIPUR Power Electrification of tribal Villages NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-01-2002 11.29 31-01-2005 10.161 0 0 10.161 11.29 Completed
701 MANIPUR Sports Construction of District Sports Complex at Ukhrul NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 01-09-2009 9.1987 31-08-2012 7.0773 0 0 7.0773 5.6618 Ongoing
702 MANIPUR Education Basic Minimum services - Construction of 40 primary schools under ADC NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-12-1999 1.18 26-12-2002 1.062 0 0 1.062 1.18 Completed
703 MANIPUR Power Installation of Sub Station at Thinkew NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 15-03-2005 3.15 15-03-2007 2.831 0 0 2.831 2.941 Completed
704 MANIPUR Power ST&D - 2x1MVA Sub Station at Shivapurikhan NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 21-10-2002 1.32 31-10-2004 1.188 0 0 1.188 1.32 Completed
705 MANIPUR Power Trial Run of Laimakhong Heavy Fuel Based Power project. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-09-2001 4.32 30-09-2002 3.888 0 0 3.888 4.32 Completed
706 MANIPUR Water Supply Augmentation of Water Supply at Tamei NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 15-03-2005 1 31-03-2007 0.8698 0 0 0.8698 0.9188 Completed
707 MANIPUR Agriculture & Allied Fruits and vegetables processing Plant at Tamenglong NESIDS-OTRI HADP 07-08-2019 2 03-10-2021 1.4633 0 0 1.4633 1.4633 Ongoing
708 MANIPUR Water Supply Water supply distribution network for Churachandpur for promoting tourism in Manipur NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS Public Health & Engg Depa 14-09-2018 19.8026 31-03-2020 19.8026 0 0 19.8026 19.8026 Ongoing
709 MANIPUR Health Infrastructure Development of Maternity & Child Hospital, Imphal East in Manipur NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS Choose... 20-04-2022 34.64 30-04-2024 0.1 8.56145 0 8.66145 0.1 Ongoing
710 MANIPUR Water Supply Rural Water Supply Scheme for Haochong Sub-Division Headquarter & adjoining areas NESIDS-OTRI HADP Dept. of Power 07-08-2019 4.78 20-08-2021 3.7297 0 0 3.7297 3.7297 Ongoing
711 MANIPUR Water Supply Water Supply scheme at Tamah, Tamei Sub-Division, Tamenglong Dist. NESIDS-OTRI HADP Dept. of Power 07-08-2019 9 02-10-2021 7.0924 0 0 7.0924 7.0924 Ongoing
712 MANIPUR Health Construction of District Hospital Imphal West at Mayang, Imphal,Manipur NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS Dept. of Health & familly 10-02-2021 53.4 10-02-2023 51.8599 0 0 51.8599 20.744 Ongoing
713 MANIPUR Agriculture & Allied Establishment of bamboo processing Centre at Tamenglong Headquarter NESIDS-OTRI HADP 07-08-2019 3.84 02-09-2021 2.2017 1.5965 0 3.7982 2.2017 Ongoing
714 MANIPUR Agriculture & Allied Convention Centre / Training Hall at Tamenglong NESIDS-OTRI HADP 07-08-2019 6.87 30-10-2021 2.264 0.5671 0 2.8311 2.264 Ongoing
715 MANIPUR Water Supply Augmentation of Water Supply Scheme at Sanakeithel and surrounding four villages in Ukhrul District in Manipur. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 16-08-2017 4.68 16-08-2019 4.2559 0 0 4.2559 4.2559 Completed
716 MANIPUR Agriculture & Allied Tea processing centre under integrated Horti/Agri project NESIDS-OTRI HADP 07-08-2019 1.33 03-09-2021 1.1842 0 0 1.1842 0.4736 Ongoing
717 MANIPUR Agriculture & Allied Construction of Market shed with storage at Lukhambi NESIDS-OTRI HADP 07-08-2019 2.19 30-10-2021 0.684 0.908 0 1.592 0.684 Ongoing
718 MANIPUR Agriculture & Allied Upgradation of connecting Roads under Noney District Headquarter (L-5.4km) (SH: P/L DSB, WBM &PC) NESIDS-OTRI HADP 07-08-2019 3.34 28-12-2020 2.3846 0 0 2.3846 2.3846 Ongoing
719 MANIPUR Agriculture & Allied Fruits and vegetables processing Plant at Azuram NESIDS-OTRI HADP 07-08-2019 2 03-10-2021 1.4633 0 0 1.4633 1.4633 Ongoing
720 MANIPUR Education Teachers Quarters (Barrak type) at 2 Schools NESIDS-OTRI HADP 07-08-2019 2.27 31-12-2021 0.1 1.04668 0 1.14668 0.1 Ongoing
721 MANIPUR Tourism & Culture Development of Eco-Tourism projects at Cheirao Ching, Thangmeiband. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-12-2017 13.3 18-12-2019 11.6282 0 0 11.6282 11.6282 Ongoing
722 MANIPUR Agriculture & Allied Construction of Bamboo shoot processing Centre at Noney under Integrated Horti/Agri Project NESIDS-OTRI HADP 07-08-2019 1.22 02-09-2021 0.8446 0.25059 0 1.09519 0.8446 Ongoing
723 MANIPUR Education Construction of Nungba PHC Operation Theatre NESIDS-OTRI HADP 07-08-2019 0.38 07-02-2020 0.221 0 0 0.221 0.221 Ongoing
724 MANIPUR Agriculture & Allied Construction of incubation centre under Integrated Horti/Agri Project NESIDS-OTRI HADP 07-08-2019 1.03 30-10-2021 0.6743 0 0 0.6743 0.6743 Ongoing
725 MANIPUR Agriculture & Allied Construction of feed plant at Lukhambi under Integrated Horti/Agri Project NESIDS-OTRI HADP 07-08-2019 1.15 30-10-2021 0.3507 0 0 0.3507 0.3507 Completed
726 MANIPUR Miscellaneous Construction of Transit Hostel for Doctor and Nurses at PHC Noney NESIDS-OTRI HADP 19-08-2019 1.09 30-10-2021 0.388 0.5846 0 0.9726 0.388 Ongoing
727 MANIPUR Miscellaneous Construction of Transit Quarter /hostel at Nungba Hr. Secondary School NESIDS-OTRI HADP 07-08-2019 1.12 31-08-2021 0.9809 0 0 0.9809 0.9809 Ongoing
728 MANIPUR Agriculture & Allied Construction of Suspension bridge over Irang River, Tamlok Village NESIDS-OTRI HADP 07-08-2019 0.52 28-12-2020 0.3824 0 0 0.3824 0.3824 Completed
729 MANIPUR Miscellaneous Transit/working Hostel for District Level Officers at 3 Sub Stations HQ (TML, Tamei, Tousem) NESIDS-OTRI HADP 07-08-2019 6.6 31-08-2021 2.148 2.517 0 4.665 2.148 Ongoing
730 MANIPUR Agriculture & Allied Construction of Pack House at 20 places under Integrated Horti/Agri Project NESIDS-OTRI HADP 07-08-2019 1.6 02-09-2021 1.4154 0 0 1.4154 1.4154 Ongoing
731 MANIPUR Miscellaneous Construction of Transit Quarter/Hostel at Khangsilung Hr. Secondary School, Khoupum NESIDS-OTRI HADP 07-08-2019 1.11 31-08-2021 0.9742 0 0 0.9742 0.9742 Ongoing
732 MANIPUR Education Infrastructure Development of Manipur University Phase II NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 29-10-2004 3.88 31-10-2006 3.0551 0 0 3.0551 3.1651 Completed
733 MANIPUR Water Supply Augmentation of Moreh Water Supply Scheme for promoting Tourism Tengnoupal District in Manipur NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS Public Health & Engg Depa 13-08-2019 21.3105 31-03-2020 21.3105 0 0 21.3105 21.3105 Completed
734 MANIPUR Miscellaneous Construction of Transit Hostel cum -Qtr for Govt. Employee /Doctor/Teacher at Haochong NESIDS-OTRI HADP 07-08-2019 1.1 31-08-2021 0.9631 0 0 0.9631 0.9631 Completed
735 MANIPUR Miscellaneous Construction of Transit Hostel cum -Qtr for Govt. Employee /Doctor/Teacher at Nungba HQ. NESIDS-OTRI HADP Public Health & Engg Depa 07-08-2019 1.12 31-08-2021 0.9776 0 0 0.9776 0.9776 Completed
736 MANIPUR Miscellaneous Construction of Tribal Markets in Manipur NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 23-12-2010 12.3042 31-12-2012 10.8566 0 0 10.8566 8.859 Ongoing
737 MANIPUR Education Construction of 5 Nos. of Model Primary School Building for Sadar Hills Autonomous District Council, Sadar Hills district in Manipur Phase-I (Construction of 300 Nos. of Model Primary School under the Autonomous District Council of Manipur) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 21-02-2014 2.3645 31-01-2017 2.1281 0 0 2.1281 2.1281 Completed
738 MANIPUR Health Establishment of Blood Bank at CHC Nungba, Noney District in Manipur NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS 20-04-2022 2.35 30-04-2024 0.1 0.114 0 0.214 0.001 Ongoing
739 MANIPUR Water Supply Augmentation of water supply to Imphal City Phase-1 (29.5 MLD) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-12-1999 43.29 31-12-2004 38.957 0 0 38.957 42.532 Completed
740 MANIPUR Power Installation of Sub Station at Lakhamai NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 15-03-2005 2.87 15-03-2007 2.5811 0 0 2.5811 2.6811 Completed
741 MANIPUR Health Establishment of Infectious Disease Centre at Porompat, Imphal East NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS Dept. of Health & familly 10-12-2018 20.04 31-03-2020 10.5345 0 0 10.5345 5.7004 Ongoing
742 MANIPUR Health Project Strengthening for Covid-19 testing (RT-PCR, RAT and TrueNat) in Manipur NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS 30-09-2021 19.2508 30-09-2022 0.1 2.4132 0 2.5132 0.1 Ongoing
743 MANIPUR Health Procurement of 17 ALS ambulances for 16 Districts and 1 Central Pool (Medical Directorate) in Manipur NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS Dept. of Health & familly 27-08-2021 4.25 01-09-2023 3.5 0 0 3.5 3.4 Completed
744 MANIPUR Roads & Bridges Construction of Bridge at Babu Bazar NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-11-2006 2.9266 28-11-2008 2.5572 0 0 2.5572 2.5572 Completed
745 MANIPUR Health Construction of 10 PHCs in valleys NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 20-11-2007 7.8571 28-11-2008 6.9325 0 0 6.9325 6.9125 Completed
746 MANIPUR Health Construction of 18 PHSCs in valley areas NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 20-11-2007 2.565 28-11-2008 2.2632 0 0 2.2632 2.2632 Completed
747 MANIPUR Health Construction of Thoubal District Hospital NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 01-01-2005 1.86 31-01-2006 0 0 0 0 0 Completed
748 MANIPUR Health Strengthening of Health equipments in Govt Hospitals NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 17-03-2005 8.27 30-09-2006 7.4403 0 0 7.4403 7.5399 Completed
749 MANIPUR Miscellaneous Basic Minimum services - Construction of 156 houses for tribals NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-12-1999 0.25 31-12-2001 0.225 0 0 0.225 0.25 Completed
750 MANIPUR Power 2nd Phase electrification of 29 tribal villages NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 21-12-2005 4.5988 31-03-2007 4.1389 0 0 4.1389 4.1389 Completed
751 MANIPUR Power Construction of 33 kv sub-station at Tousem NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 17-03-2003 2.54 31-12-2007 2.367 0 0 2.367 2.367 Completed
752 MANIPUR Power Construction of 33/11 kv sub-station at Noney NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 17-03-2003 3.82 31-12-2005 3.3887 0 0 3.3887 3.7443 Completed
753 MANIPUR Power Construction of 33/11 kv sub-station at Tamei NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-02-2003 2.91 31-07-2005 2.62 0 0 2.62 2.7076 Completed
754 MANIPUR Power Construction of 33/11 kv, 2x5 MVA sub-station at Maram (Senapati Dist.) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 17-03-2003 2.81 31-03-2005 2.529 0 0 2.529 2.81 Completed
755 MANIPUR Power Construction of 33/11 kv, 2x5 MVA substation at Singhat NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 21-03-2003 4.1 31-12-2007 3.6953 0 0 3.6953 3.7787 Completed
756 MANIPUR Power Installation of 132/33 KV substation at Rengpang (Tamelong District) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-02-2003 6.44 28-02-2005 5.796 0 0 5.796 6.35 Completed
757 MANIPUR Power Installation of 2x2.5 MVA 33/11 KV Sub Station at Willong along with 33 KV S/C line from Maram Sub Station to Wilong Sub Station in Manipur NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-04-2008 5.4489 30-03-2010 4.904 0 0 4.904 4.904 Completed
758 MANIPUR Power Installation of Sub Station at Namare NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 15-03-2005 3.75 15-03-2007 3.3709 0 0 3.3709 3.5019 Completed
759 MANIPUR Power Installation of Sub Station at Thanlon NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 15-03-2005 5.44 15-03-2007 4.8977 0 0 4.8977 5.0877 Completed
760 MANIPUR Power Laimakhong Heavy Fuel Bassed Power project. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 15-02-1999 117.61 30-11-2000 105.849 0 0 105.849 117.605 Completed
761 MANIPUR Power ST&D - 2x1MVA Sub Station at Saikul NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 17-11-2000 1.49 30-11-2002 1.341 0 0 1.341 1.49 Completed
762 MANIPUR Power ST&D - 33 KV DC line from Leimakhong to Iroisemba. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 13-02-2002 4.31 28-02-2005 3.619 0 0 3.619 3.879 Completed
763 MANIPUR Power ST&D - 33 KV DC line from yaingangpokpi to Kongba NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 21-10-2002 0.6 31-10-2004 0 0 0 0 0 Completed
764 MANIPUR Power ST&D - 33 KV DC line from Yurembam to Mongsangei NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 17-11-2000 1.72 30-07-2005 1.548 0 0 1.548 1.72 Completed
765 MANIPUR Roads & Bridges Construction of Bally Suspension Bridge (360 ft. span) over Barak River on Tamenglong - Tousem - Haflong Road NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 26-12-2005 3.3878 31-03-2007 2.9659 0 0 2.9659 2.9659 Completed
766 MANIPUR Roads & Bridges Construction of Bridge over thoubal River at Haokha NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-11-2006 2.756 28-11-2008 2.4082 0 0 2.4082 2.4089 Completed
767 MANIPUR Roads & Bridges Construction of Bridge over Thoubal River at Leishangthem NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-11-2006 3.407 28-11-2008 2.977 0 0 2.977 2.977 Completed
768 MANIPUR Roads & Bridges Construction of Brodge over Heirok river at Heirok Chingdongpok NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 25-05-2007 2.2045 29-05-2009 1.9263 0 0 1.9263 1.9263 Completed
769 MANIPUR Roads & Bridges Construction of Keishmathong Bridge NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 17-02-2006 3.47 29-02-2008 3.029 0 0 3.029 3.029 Completed
770 MANIPUR Roads & Bridges Construction of Kumbi Bridge over Khuga River at km 10.75 of Moirang-Kumbi Road NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 04-01-2007 4.32 30-11-2008 3.774 0 0 3.774 3.774 Completed
771 MANIPUR Roads & Bridges Construction of Lamlong Bridge NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 17-02-2006 4.54 29-02-2008 3.9701 0 0 3.9701 3.9701 Completed
772 MANIPUR Water Supply Augmentation of Water Supply at Chakpikarong NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 15-03-2005 1.15 31-03-2007 1.0022 0 0 1.0022 1.0582 Completed
773 MANIPUR Roads & Bridges Senapati-Phaibung Road (128.90 Kms.) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 31-03-2000 167.73 31-03-2005 147.958 0 0 147.958 150.4794 Ongoing
774 MANIPUR Water Supply Augmentation of Water Supply at Khoupum NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 15-03-2005 1.49 31-03-2007 1.2977 0 0 1.2977 1.3717 Completed
775 MANIPUR Water Supply Augmentation of Water Supply for Chandel HQ and surrounding areas NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-02-2003 5.64 28-02-2006 5.076 0 0 5.076 5.558 Completed
776 MANIPUR Water Supply Augmentation of Water Supply for Churachandpur town from Khuga dam (Khuga river source) - Zone-III NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-02-2003 8.15 31-03-2006 7.3369 0 0 7.3369 7.837 Completed
777 MANIPUR Water Supply Augmentation of Water Supply for Churachandpur town from Koite and Loklao river sources-Zone-I NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-02-2003 14.17 31-03-2006 12.753 0 0 12.753 13.97 Completed
778 MANIPUR Water Supply Augmentation of Water Supply for Ukhrul District Headquarter NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-02-2003 5.29 30-06-2006 4.761 0 0 4.761 5.026 Completed
779 MANIPUR Water Supply Augmentation of Water Supply Scheme at Dampi in Churanchandpur NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 17-03-2011 5.5398 31-03-2014 4.8881 0 0 4.8881 4.8881 Completed
780 MANIPUR Water Supply Augmentation of Water Supply Scheme at Mao NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-10-2004 5.65 31-10-2006 4.9176 0 0 4.9176 5.1496 Completed
781 MANIPUR Water Supply Augmentation of Water Supply Scheme at Maram NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-10-2004 3.06 30-09-2006 2.6638 0 0 2.6638 2.7898 Completed
782 MANIPUR Water Supply Augmentation of Water Supply Scheme at Thanlong in Churachandpur NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 16-07-2009 2.1326 31-07-2011 1.8817 0 0 1.8817 1.8817 Completed
783 MANIPUR Water Supply Augmentation of Water Supply Scheme at Tungjoy NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 31-12-2007 2.1575 30-06-2009 1.9037 0 0 1.9037 1.9037 Completed
784 MANIPUR Water Supply Augmentation of Water Supply Scheme at Unopat and Surrounding village NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 31-03-2008 2.9705 31-03-2010 2.6209 0 0 2.6209 2.6209 Completed
785 MANIPUR Water Supply Composite water supply for Senapati District Headquarter NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-02-2003 4.68 30-04-2006 4.212 0 0 4.212 4.5138 Completed
786 MANIPUR Water Supply Composite water supply for Tamenglong District Headquarter NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-02-2003 4.7 31-12-2005 4.23 0 0 4.23 4.463 Completed
787 MANIPUR Water Supply Upgradation of existing treatment plant at Bungmual from Lanva river source (Churachandpur District)-Zone-II NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-02-2003 1.08 31-03-2006 0.918 0 0 0.918 1.0167 Completed
788 MANIPUR Water Supply Waithou Pat Water Supply Scheme NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 23-03-2005 59.71 31-03-2008 52.4168 0 0 52.4168 52.8757 Completed
789 MANIPUR Water Supply Augmentation of Water Supply Scheme at Kangpokpi NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-10-2004 2.12 31-10-2006 1.8489 0 0 1.8489 1.9359 Completed
790 MANIPUR Agriculture & Allied Construction of Suspension bridge over Barak River, Tuiphai Village NESIDS-OTRI HADP 07-08-2019 0.33 15-12-2020 0.2565 0 0 0.2565 0.2565 Completed
791 MANIPUR Agriculture & Allied Construction of Suspension bridge over Chengthuitok River, Sempat Naga Village NESIDS-OTRI HADP 07-08-2019 0.27 05-12-2020 0.2025 0 0 0.2025 0.2025 Completed
792 MANIPUR Agriculture & Allied Construction of Suspension bridge over Ijei River, Numgang Village NESIDS-OTRI HADP 07-08-2019 0.8 25-11-2020 0.6268 0 0 0.6268 0.6268 Completed
793 MANIPUR Education Construction of 8 Classrooms in Rengkai Government High School, Churachandpur NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-09-2005 0.6 31-12-2006 0.5241 0 0 0.5241 0.5241 Completed
794 MANIPUR Irrigation & Flood Control Construction of Barrage across Itam river at Kharason, Impahl East NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 04-11-2008 3.6134 31-10-2010 3.1883 0 0 3.1883 3.1883 Completed
795 MANIPUR Health Basic Minimum services - Construction of primary health service centre NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-12-1999 5.92 26-12-2002 5.328 0 0 5.328 5.92 Completed
796 MANIPUR Health Construction and Equipping of 50 Bedded Hospital at Chandel District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-11-2006 13.1577 28-11-2008 11.497 0 0 11.497 11.497 Completed
797 MANIPUR Miscellaneous Restoration of (i) Manipur Legislative Assembly,(ii) CM Secretariate Building Complex and (iii) Speaker's Bungalow and Annexxe NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 31-03-2002 1.6 30-09-2002 1.44 0 0 1.44 1.6 Completed
798 MANIPUR Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC bridge over Iril river at Chingaren Mapa in Imphal East Manipur NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-06-2011 6.3712 30-06-2013 5.6215 0 0 5.6215 5.6217 Completed
799 MANIPUR Roads & Bridges Construction of Singjamei bridge NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 29-10-2004 3.69 31-10-2006 3.2247 0 0 3.2247 3.3547 Completed
800 MANIPUR Roads & Bridges Improvement of Lamsong-Khonghampat Road NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 07-03-2008 2.6834 30-03-2009 2.3678 0 0 2.3678 2.3678 Completed
801 MANIPUR Roads & Bridges Improvement of Jiri - Tipaimukh Road (8-48 Km) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 31-12-2007 18.5633 30-12-2009 16.3795 0 0 16.3795 16.3795 Completed
802 MANIPUR Water Supply Augmentation of Water Supply Scheme at Chingai, block Headquarter (0.17 MLD) at Ukhrul in Manipur NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-12-2012 4.4263 30-12-2014 3.9837 0 0 3.9837 3.9837 Completed
803 MANIPUR Water Supply Augmentation of Water Supply Scheme at Keibul Lamjao (0.418 MLED) in Bishnupur, Manpur NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 15-12-2010 2.5557 31-12-2012 2.255 0 0 2.255 2.3067 Completed
804 MANIPUR Water Supply Basic Minimum services - Rural water supply NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-12-1999 7 26-12-2002 6.3 0 0 6.3 7 Completed
805 MANIPUR Water Supply Construction of six overhead Tank & ground sump & necessary pipelines in the Thongju and its adjoining areas in Imphal East District for promoting Tourism NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS Public Health & Engg Depa 14-09-2018 41.9164 31-03-2020 41.9164 0 0 41.9164 41.9164 Closed
806 MANIPUR Agriculture & Allied Tea processing Unit at Tamenglong Headquarter NESIDS-OTRI HADP 07-08-2019 3.09 02-09-2021 2.382 0 0 2.382 2.382 Ongoing
807 MANIPUR Miscellaneous Construction of Transit Hostel cum -Qtr for Govt. Employees /Doctor/Teachers at Noney HQ. NESIDS-OTRI HADP 07-08-2019 0.99 29-01-2021 0.9479 0 0 0.9479 0.9479 Ongoing
808 MANIPUR Sports Construction of District Sports Complex at Bishnupur in Manipur NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 15-12-2010 9.4035 15-12-2013 6.6378 0 0 6.6378 3.385 Ongoing
809 MANIPUR Sports Construction of District Sports Complex at Tamenglong in Manipur NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 09-11-2010 7.4867 31-10-2013 5.315 0 0 5.315 5.315 Ongoing
810 MANIPUR Agriculture & Allied Construction of Pack House at 24 Locations NESIDS-OTRI HADP 07-08-2019 1.92 15-09-2021 1.6984 0 0 1.6984 1.6984 Ongoing
811 MANIPUR Tourism & Culture Development of Cave Tourism project at the prominent tourist sites at Khangkui Cave, Ukhrul District. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-12-2017 7.5 18-12-2019 6.5534 0 0 6.5534 6.5534 Completed
812 MANIPUR Miscellaneous Integrated project on Health, Education and Training Programme for peace & Goodwill in senapati Hqrs. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 26-06-2012 4.0187 31-12-2013 3.6168 0 0 3.6168 3.6168 Completed
813 MANIPUR Water Supply Augmentation of Senapati District Head Quarter Water Supply Scheme for promoting tourism NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS Public Health & Engg Depa 14-09-2018 29.94 31-03-2020 29.94 0 0 29.94 29.94 Completed
814 MANIPUR Education Girls Hostel at 2 Schools NESIDS-OTRI HADP 19-08-2019 3.64 31-12-2021 0 1.24308 0 1.24308 0 Ongoing
815 MANIPUR Water Supply Composite Water Supply at Motbung in Senapati NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 20-07-2009 2.5645 31-07-2011 2.2628 0 0 2.2628 2.2628 Completed
816 MANIPUR Water Supply Water Supply Scheme at Sapam in Thobal District, Manipur NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 13-10-2010 2.5731 15-10-2012 2.2576 0 0 2.2576 2.2576 Completed
817 MANIPUR Education Construction of 5 Nos. of Model Primary School buildings for Chandel ADC in Chandel district NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 04-07-2011 2.1603 30-04-2012 1.9062 0 0 1.9062 1.9062 Completed
818 MANIPUR Education Construction of 5 Nos. of Model Primary School buildings for Churanchandpur ADC, Churachandpur district NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 04-07-2011 2.1603 30-04-2012 1.9062 0 0 1.9062 1.9062 Completed
819 MANIPUR Education Construction of 5 Nos. of Model Primary School buildings for Ukhrul ADC in Ukhrul district NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 04-07-2011 2.1603 30-04-2012 1.9062 0 0 1.9062 1.9062 Completed
820 MANIPUR Education Construction of Tribal Boys Hostel at Adimjati Shiksha Ashram Campus, Imphal (150 boys capacity) in Manipur NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-07-2017 8.3 28-07-2019 7.3234 0 0 7.3234 7.3234 Completed
821 MANIPUR Education Establishment of a model residential Govenment School (VI-XII) at Jiribam Imphal East Manipur NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 15-12-2010 14.0421 15-12-2012 12.3901 0 0 12.3901 12.3901 Completed
822 MANIPUR Irrigation & Flood Control Construction of Barrage over Itok river at Chandrakhong at ThoubalManpur NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 15-12-2010 4.9831 31-12-2012 4.3689 0 0 4.3689 4.3689 Completed
823 MANIPUR Irrigation & Flood Control Construction of Pick up weir across Namia river at Konkan Thana in Ukhrul Manipur NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 15-12-2010 3.0632 31-12-2012 2.6596 0 0 2.6596 2.6596 Completed
824 MANIPUR Health Construction and Equipping of 50 bedded Hospital at Senapati District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-11-2006 14.261 28-11-2008 12.4699 0 0 12.4699 12.4699 Completed
825 MANIPUR Health Construction and Equipping of 50 bedded Hospital at Tamenglong District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-11-2006 14.3672 28-11-2008 12.5538 0 0 12.5538 12.5538 Completed
826 MANIPUR Health Construction and equipping of 50 bedded hospital at Ukhrul District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-11-2006 13.9657 30-11-2008 12.176 0 0 12.176 12.176 Completed
827 MANIPUR Health Purchase of Hospital Equipments for Tamenglong Dist. Hospital NESIDS-OTRI HADP 07-08-2019 2.03 02-09-2021 1.9053 0 0 1.9053 1.9053 Completed
828 MANIPUR Miscellaneous Construction of Tribal Working Women Hostel (50 working women) Imphal in Manipur NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 23-06-2015 2.3775 31-12-2017 2.1396 0 0 2.1396 2.1396 Completed
829 MANIPUR Miscellaneous Improvement of Pemikhong Drainage System from Khurai Konsam Leikai to Porompat Thawanthaba Leikai. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-12-2017 11.34 18-12-2019 8.2064 0 0 8.2064 8.2064 Completed
830 MANIPUR Water Supply Augmentation of Water Supply Scheme at Sajik Tampak in Chandel NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 13-04-2010 2.6372 15-02-2012 2.327 0 0 2.327 2.327 Completed
831 MANIPUR Water Supply Augmentation of water supply scheme at Sangpikot in Churachandpur NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-09-2009 1.2501 30-09-2011 1.103 0 0 1.103 1.103 Completed
832 MANIPUR Power Construction of 400 KV Line on D/C Towers initially charged at 132 KV from Yurembam to Thoubal via Nambol in Manipur NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 22-12-2015 123.15 31-12-2018 110.835 0 0 110.835 110.835 Completed
833 MANIPUR Power Construction of 400/132/33 KV SS at Thoubal in Manipur NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 30-03-2015 128.24 31-03-2018 115.416 0 0 115.416 115.416 Completed
834 MANIPUR Power Installation of 2.12.5 MVA 132/33 KV Sub-station at Moreh along with the associated 132 lines NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 29-12-2014 31.6164 31-12-2016 28.4547 0 0 28.4547 28.4547 Completed
835 MANIPUR Power Installation of 2x1 MVA 33 KV S/S along with associated 33 KV line at Henglep in Churachandpur NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-03-2009 4.1073 01-03-2011 3.6463 0 0 3.6463 3.6463 Completed
836 MANIPUR Power Installation of 2x1 MVA 33 KV Sub-station with 33 KV line at Chakpikarong in Chandel NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-03-2009 5.549 01-03-2011 4.9286 0 0 4.9286 4.9286 Completed
837 MANIPUR Power Installation of 2x12.5 MVA 132 KV Sub Station along with the associated 132 KV line & related works at Chandel in Manipur NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-04-2008 13.2598 30-03-2010 11.7482 0 0 11.7482 11.7482 Completed
838 MANIPUR Power Installation of 2x12.5 MVA 132/33KV S/S at Thanlon with associated 132 line in Manipur NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 20-02-2014 59.9782 31-01-2017 53.9804 0 0 53.9804 53.9804 Completed
839 MANIPUR Power Installation of 2x2.5MVA 33/11 KV sub-station along with the associated 33KV line and related works at Gelnel in Senapati district in Manipur. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-02-2014 3.8013 31-01-2017 3.4212 0 0 3.4212 3.4212 Completed
840 MANIPUR Power Installation of 2x3.15 MVA 33 KV Sub-station along with the associated 33 KV line & related works at Sagolmang in Impahl West NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-03-2009 3.3986 01-03-2011 3.0214 0 0 3.0214 3.0214 Completed
841 MANIPUR Power Installation of 2x5 MVA 33 KV Sub-station along with the associated 33 KV line & related works at Sekmaijin in Imphal West NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-03-2009 3.7751 01-03-2011 3.3529 0 0 3.3529 3.3529 Completed
842 MANIPUR Power Installation of 2x5 MVA 33 KV Sub-station with associated 33 KV line & related works at Ukhrul Khunjao in Ukhrul NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-03-2009 4.2059 01-03-2011 3.7369 0 0 3.7369 3.7369 Completed
843 MANIPUR Health Upgradation and Equipping of 480 Bed JN Hospital at Imphal NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 31-12-2007 17.5475 31-12-2009 11.8375 0 0 11.8375 8.7075 Closed
844 MANIPUR Power Installation of 2x5 MVA 33/11 KV sub-station along with the associated 33 KV line related works at Nungbi Khullen in Ukhrul District in Manipur NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-02-2014 5.3888 31-01-2017 4.8499 0 0 4.8499 4.8499 Completed
845 MANIPUR Power Installation of 2x5 MVA 33/11KV sub-station along with the associated 33KV LILO line and related works at Sekmai in Imphal west district in Manipur NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-02-2014 4.6464 31-01-2017 4.1818 0 0 4.1818 4.1818 Completed
846 MANIPUR Power Renovation & Modernisation of 2 (two) nos. 132/33 KV Sub stations at Yaingangpokpi Ningthoukhong in Manipur- Phase I NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 22-12-2011 34.2555 31-12-2013 30.83 0 0 30.83 30.83 Completed
847 MANIPUR Power renovation and Modernaisation of 132 KV SSlocated at Kakching, Karong an dChurachandpur phase -II, thoubal , Senapati, Churachandpu in Manipur NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 19-07-2013 46.2027 31-07-2015 41.5824 0 0 41.5824 41.5824 Completed
848 MANIPUR Power ST&D- 33 KV DC line from Mongsangei to Khumanlampak via kongba NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 21-10-2002 4.52 31-10-2005 4.068 0 0 4.068 4.128 Completed
849 MANIPUR Roads & Bridges Construction of Bridge at Irong Ichin NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-11-2006 3.3421 28-11-2008 2.9203 0 0 2.9203 2.9203 Completed
850 MANIPUR Roads & Bridges Construction of bridge over Challow river between Chingai (Kuingai) and Tusom in Manipur NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-06-2011 3.0238 30-06-2013 2.6675 0 0 2.6675 2.6675 Completed
851 MANIPUR Roads & Bridges Construction of Bridge over Iril river at Tinseed Road, Imphal East in Manipur NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-12-2013 6.408 31-12-2016 5.7672 0 0 5.7672 5.7672 Completed
852 MANIPUR Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC bridge (60 m) over Thoubal River at Thoubal Mathak Leikai Keirambi in Manipur NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 13-04-2010 5.0573 31-03-2012 4.4623 0 0 4.4623 4.4623 Completed
853 MANIPUR Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge over Imphal river at Moirangkhom (Old Thumbuthong) in Imphal West Manipur NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-06-2011 7.132 30-06-2013 6.293 0 0 6.293 6.293 Completed
854 MANIPUR Roads & Bridges Improvement of Sawombung-Sagolmang Road from 0-12 Km NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 03-06-2009 2.2276 31-05-2011 1.9655 0 0 1.9655 1.9655 Completed
855 MANIPUR Roads & Bridges Widening and Improvement of road from Khongman Mangjil to Khongman Okram Chuthek at Imphal East in Manipur NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 26-02-2013 11.1839 28-02-2015 9.7902 0 0 9.7902 9.7902 Completed
856 MANIPUR Sports Construction of District Sports Complex at Churachandpur in Manipur NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 09-11-2010 8.6201 31-10-2013 7.606 0 0 7.606 7.606 Completed
857 MANIPUR Sports Establishment of National Sports Academy at Khuman Lampak Sports complex,Imphal. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-11-2006 18.4317 31-03-2010 16.0908 0 0 16.0908 16.0908 Completed
858 MANIPUR Water Supply Augmentation of Konthoujam Water Supply Scheme (Imphal West District) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 31-12-2007 8.8576 30-06-2009 7.8156 0 0 7.8156 7.8156 Completed
859 MANIPUR Water Supply Augmentation of Leimaching Water Supply Scheme, Imphal East NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 22-12-2011 11.0168 31-12-2014 9.7207 0 0 9.7207 9.7207 Completed
860 MANIPUR Water Supply Augmentation of Leimaram Irengham area Water Supply Scheme at Bishnupur NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 05-02-2010 2.5969 15-02-2012 2.2738 0 0 2.2738 2.2738 Completed
861 MANIPUR Water Supply Augmentation of water supply at Langthabal Puramkhong in Imphal West NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 07-09-2009 7.6417 06-09-2011 6.7427 0 0 6.7427 6.7427 Completed
862 MANIPUR Water Supply Augmentation of water supply scheme at Changpikot in Churachandpur NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-09-2009 1.0453 30-09-2011 0.9223 0 0 0.9223 0.9223 Completed
863 MANIPUR Water Supply Augmentation of Water Supply Scheme at Hengbung Senapati NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 21-02-2011 4.2276 28-02-2013 3.7302 0 0 3.7302 3.7302 Completed
864 MANIPUR Water Supply Augmentation of Water Supply Scheme at Kamjong Sub-Divisional head quarter in Ukhrul (0.22 MLD) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 19-12-2011 5.2482 31-10-2013 4.6308 0 0 4.6308 4.6308 Completed
865 MANIPUR Water Supply Augmentation of Water Supply Scheme at Komlathabi in Chandel NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 16-07-2009 3.7858 31-07-2011 3.2992 0 0 3.2992 3.2992 Completed
866 MANIPUR Water Supply Augmentation of Water Supply Scheme at Nunghar in Ukhrul NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 19-12-2011 5.4406 31-10-2013 4.7794 0 0 4.7794 4.7794 Completed
867 MANIPUR Water Supply Augmentation of Water Supply Scheme at Phungyar Sub Divisional HDQR. at Ukhrul NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-02-2013 3.8187 29-02-2016 3.4118 0 0 3.4118 3.4118 Completed
868 MANIPUR Water Supply Augmentation of water supply scheme at Riha Loute and surrounding villages in Manipur NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-09-2008 3.492 30-09-2010 3.0812 0 0 3.0812 3.0812 Completed
869 MANIPUR Water Supply Augmentation of Water Supply Scheme at Saikot Block HQr. in Churachandpur NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 16-07-2009 2.9733 31-07-2011 2.6235 0 0 2.6235 2.6235 Completed
870 MANIPUR Water Supply Augmentation of Water Supply Scheme at Singhat in Churachandpur NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 20-07-2009 2.0464 31-07-2011 1.8057 0 0 1.8057 1.8057 Completed
871 MANIPUR Water Supply Augmentation of Water Supply Scheme at Thanga (1.014 MLD) in Bishnupur, Manipur NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 15-12-2010 5.3126 31-12-2012 4.6875 0 0 4.6875 4.6875 Completed
872 MANIPUR Water Supply Rehabilitation of Khomidolk Water Supply System at Imphal East NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 05-02-2010 4.5994 15-02-2012 4.0583 0 0 4.0583 4.0583 Completed
873 MANIPUR Water Supply Rehabilitation of Water Supply Scheme at Liyai Khullen in Senapati NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 16-07-2009 3.4298 31-07-2011 3.0262 0 0 3.0262 3.0262 Completed
874 MANIPUR Water Supply Water Supply Scheme by water conservation at Tamenglong HQ (Hangoipat at Carpentry area and Zelian lake) and Joulen NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 19-12-2017 39.32 19-12-2019 35.063 0 0 35.063 35.063 Completed
875 MANIPUR Water Supply Water Supply Scheme in Government Polytechnic Campus, Takyel in Imphal West. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-12-2013 4.7904 30-11-2016 4.3113 0 0 4.3113 4.3113 Completed
876 MANIPUR Agriculture & Allied Establishment of cold storage Chain at Temenglong NESIDS-OTRI HADP 07-08-2019 2 30-10-2021 1.8894 0 0 1.8894 1.8894 Completed
877 MANIPUR Education Construction of 5 Nos. of Model Primary School Building for Tamenglong Autonomous District Council Tamenglong district in Manipur- Phase I (Construction of 300 Nos. of Model Primary School under the Autonomous District Council of Manipur) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 21-02-2014 2.3645 24-02-2014 2.1146 0 0 2.1146 2.1146 Completed
878 MANIPUR Education Infrastructure Development of 9 Govt. colleges in valley/ hills in Manipur NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 23-12-2010 9.7207 31-12-2012 8.0133 0 0 8.0133 8.0133 Completed
879 MANIPUR Education University and 60 Affiliated Colleges from Manipur NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 31-03-2000 20 31-03-2004 16.902 0 0 16.902 17.7821 Completed
880 MANIPUR Irrigation & Flood Control Construction of Mini Barrage across Wangjing river at Wangjing Canteen Lampak in Thoubal Manipur NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 15-12-2010 4.9828 31-12-2012 4.3169 0 0 4.3169 4.3169 Completed
881 MANIPUR Health Construction and Equipping of 50 bedded Hospital at Jiribam Sub Division NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-11-2006 15.6426 30-11-2009 14.0783 0 0 14.0783 14.0783 Completed
882 MANIPUR Miscellaneous Upgradation of Cricket Stadium at Lauwangsangbam (Construction of southern Gallery) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 05-12-2017 11.14 05-06-2019 9.4133 0 0 9.4133 9.4133 Completed
883 MANIPUR Power Installation of 2x5MVA 33/11 KV sub-station along with the associated 33KV line and related works at Sugnu in Thoubal district in Manipur NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-02-2014 5.3888 31-01-2017 4.8499 0 0 4.8499 4.8499 Completed
884 MANIPUR Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC bridge over Iril River at Keiro Litan Makhong in Manipur NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 13-04-2010 6.2519 31-03-2012 5.5164 0 0 5.5164 5.5164 Completed
885 MANIPUR Roads & Bridges Improvement of Koirengei- Sekmai Road i/c bridge approach from Sangakpham to Salanthong NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-12-2017 16.5411 18-12-2019 14.7395 0 0 14.7395 14.7395 Completed
886 MANIPUR Agriculture & Allied Sustainable Agro-Livestock Technology (SALT) 4-Model village. NESIDS-OTRI HADP 07-08-2019 2.41 30-08-2022 2.41 0 0 2.41 2.41 Completed
887 MANIPUR Education Construction of Government College of Technology NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 09-07-2004 10 31-07-2007 8.7372 0 0 8.7372 9 Completed
888 MANIPUR Power Installation of 2x5 MVA 33/11 KV Sub-station along with the associated 33 KV line & releated work at Gumnom in Ukhrul district in Manipur NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 04-03-2015 4.8399 28-02-2017 4.3559 0 0 4.3559 4.3559 Completed
889 MANIPUR Roads & Bridges Construction of bridge over Layii river on Kharasom Lazo to Layii Road NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-09-2009 3.5321 30-09-2011 3.1165 0 0 3.1165 3.1165 Completed
890 MANIPUR Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC bridge over Imphal river at Mongkhang Lambi NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 24-06-2010 5.7904 15-06-2012 5.1092 0 0 5.1092 5.1092 Completed
891 MANIPUR Roads & Bridges Foot-path suspension bridge(11) NESIDS-OTRI HADP 07-08-2019 3.74 30-03-2020 3.0507 0 0 3.0507 3.0507 Completed
892 MANIPUR Health Construction of CHC Napet Palli, Jiribum sub division in Imphal East, Manipur NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 04-11-2010 5.0492 31-10-2012 4.4552 0 0 4.4552 4.4552 Ongoing
893 MANIPUR Roads & Bridges Improvement of Tamenglong District Hospital Approach Road (L- 0.6km) i/c parking NESIDS-OTRI HADP 01-08-2019 0.4497 02-06-2020 0.4095 0 0 0.4095 0.4095 Completed
894 MANIPUR Miscellaneous Management of Solid Waste on Regional Basis (Cluster- B) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 05-12-2017 13.52 05-06-2019 10.3149 0 0 10.3149 10.315 Completed
895 MANIPUR Health Telemedicine at District Hospital 3 PHC NESIDS-OTRI HADP 07-08-2019 0.21 06-01-2021 0.08 0 0 0.08 0.08 Ongoing
896 MANIPUR Agriculture & Allied Spice Processing Unit at Tamei NESIDS-OTRI HADP 07-08-2019 2 30-10-2021 1.4597 0 0 1.4597 1.4597 Ongoing
897 MANIPUR Agriculture & Allied Engaging local vibrant NGO for community mobilization and instituitional building under integrated Horti/Agri project NESIDS-OTRI HADP 07-08-2019 0.35 06-09-2021 0.35 0 0 0.35 0.35 Ongoing
898 MEGHALAYA Education Upper Primary School Buildings NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 17-11-2000 8 31-12-2003 7.2 0 0 7.2 8 Completed
899 MEGHALAYA Water Supply Greater Baghmara Water Supply Scheme NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS Dept of Planning 27-01-2021 47.54 27-01-2023 47.54 0 0 47.54 47.54 Ongoing
900 MEGHALAYA Roads & Bridges Construction length of possengagre to Anangpara including Metalling and Blacktopping upto Anchenggre in Meghalaya NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 12-03-2012 6.8894 12-03-2012 5.4937 0 0 5.4937 5.4937 Ongoing
901 MEGHALAYA Roads & Bridges construction of an approach road from Chokpot in South Garo Hills to Jetra (jetragre) (0-17 Km) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 09-06-2014 17.6476 24-06-2014 15.8829 0 0 15.8829 15.8828 Ongoing
902 MEGHALAYA Water Supply Greater Raliang Water Supply Project NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 16-02-2010 21.562 28-02-2013 19.0253 0 0 19.0253 19.0253 Ongoing
903 MEGHALAYA Education Rymbai Presbyterian Higher Secondary School, Rymbai, Meghalaya NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 30-09-2010 3.8144 30-09-2013 3.4012 0 0 3.4012 3.4012 Completed
904 MEGHALAYA Roads & Bridges Construction of road from Rongjeng-Mangsang-Adorgre road including metalling and blacktopping (33rd to 38th Km) with bridges (5.16 Km) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 25-03-2010 4.3924 31-03-2012 3.041 0 0 3.041 3.041 Ongoing
905 MEGHALAYA Miscellaneous Construction of Shopping Complex cum Auditorium near Lumshad, Lad Mawgap NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 20-02-2009 5.58 28-02-2011 0.7288 0 0.5005 1.2293 0.02 Ongoing
906 MEGHALAYA Roads & Bridges Construction including M&BT of Intermediate lane on Rongjeng Mangsang Adokgre Road from 0.00 Km to 32.00 Km. including 90.00 m bridge over lldek river at 44th Km in Meghalaya NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Public works Department 19-06-2017 123.28 30-06-2019 110.9552 6.8416 0 117.7968 91.8375 Ongoing
907 MEGHALAYA Sports Construction of Synthetic Athletic Track NESIDS-OTRI State Sports Council Govt 20-01-2025 41.9 05-01-2027 0 0 0 0 0 Ongoing
908 MEGHALAYA Transport and Communication Upgradation of Meghalaya State Wide Area Network MSWAN NESIDS-OTRI IT & Communication Depart 28-01-2025 57.31 31-01-2026 0 0 0 0 0 Ongoing
909 MEGHALAYA Power Augmentation of the 132/33 KV Mawlai substation from 3x20 MVA to 3x50 MVA, along with re-engineering of the 132 KV bus bar in Meghalaya NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS 08-03-2019 49.8 31-03-2020 0.1 0 0 0.1 0 Ongoing
910 MEGHALAYA Roads & Bridges Strengthening improvement including metalling & blacktopping of road from Bholaganj to Nongiri, including construction of a major bridge at Tharia over river Wahrew NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 02-01-2012 29.3689 02-01-2012 25.9137 0 0 25.9137 25.7537 Completed
911 MEGHALAYA Health Setting up of Corona Care Centre for Management of Covid-19 in Meghalaya NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS 03-06-2020 10.0247 31-03-2021 8.2413 0 0 8.2413 5.8026 Ongoing
912 MEGHALAYA Roads & Bridges Sutnga-Sumer Road (20 km)- Widening Metalling and Blacktopping in Jaintia Hills District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Public works Department 29-12-2014 21.1972 31-12-2017 19.0775 0 0 19.0775 19.3275 Completed
913 MEGHALAYA Health Procurement of Advance Life Support Ambulances (ALS) with equipment at an estimated cost of Rs. 3.65 crore in Meghalaya under NESIDS NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS Dept. of Health & familly 17-09-2021 3.65 17-09-2021 0.7378 0 0 0.7378 0 Ongoing
914 MEGHALAYA Education Infrastructural Requirements of Mawsynram Border Area College NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 02-11-2005 2.863 02-10-2007 2.5767 0 0 2.5767 2.5767 Completed
915 MEGHALAYA Miscellaneous Construction of Airport at Baljek, Tura NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 13-11-2000 3.21 30-11-2001 2.862 0 0 2.862 3.18 Completed
916 MEGHALAYA Water Supply Bulk Water supply to Adjoining Rural Villages of Tura town NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS 14-11-2023 97.77 14-11-2025 0 48.885 0 48.885 0 Ongoing
917 MEGHALAYA Roads & Bridges Widening of road to double lane from Araimile to Dakopgre of Tura town (4 Km) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-09-2007 3.1383 31-03-2010 2.7691 0 0 2.7691 2.7691 Completed
918 MEGHALAYA Roads & Bridges Widening of roads into double lane in Williamnagar town (8 Km) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-03-2008 15.1267 31-03-2011 13.3471 0 0 13.3471 13.3471 Completed
919 MEGHALAYA Roads & Bridges Reconstruction of bridge over river Leiten (Bridge No-31/1) on Dkhiah-Sutnga-Saipung-Mawblei-Halflong Road NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-09-2007 2.4315 31-03-2010 2.1454 0 0 2.1454 2.1454 Completed
920 MEGHALAYA Roads & Bridges Reconstruction of Bridges and Approaches on Damalgre - Mellim Boldamgiri road, Tura (Bridge No.5/3, 8/5, 9/1 and 10/2) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-09-2009 11.4694 30-09-2011 10.1201 0 0 10.1201 10.1201 Completed
921 MEGHALAYA Roads & Bridges Reconstruction of Bridges and Approaches on Mawphlang - Balat Road NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-10-2005 9.0053 18-11-2008 7.8686 0 0 7.8686 7.8686 Completed
922 MEGHALAYA Water Supply Mairang Water Supply Scheme NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-12-2005 7.6927 31-12-2008 6.7218 0 0 6.7218 6.7219 Completed
923 MEGHALAYA Water Supply Nongpoh Urban Water Supply Scheme NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 26-03-2007 17.4672 31-03-2010 15.2626 0 0 15.2626 15.2616 Completed
924 MEGHALAYA Power Sub Transmission & Distribution Scheme - Improvement of power supply in Shillong NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 16-10-2000 6.33 31-03-2003 5.697 0 0 5.697 6.33 Completed
925 MEGHALAYA Education North Eastern Hill Univesity, Shillong NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-03-2000 6 31-03-2004 5.4 0 0 5.4 6 Completed
926 MEGHALAYA Roads & Bridges Improvement including metalling and blacktopping of Mawkyrwat - Rangblang Road (12th to 19th Km) (8 Km) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-09-2007 4.8 31-03-2010 4.32 0 0 4.32 4.32 Completed
927 MEGHALAYA Roads & Bridges Upgradation and Strengthening of Garobadha - Betasing Raod via Rangasakhona (from 6th Km of GR road upto 6th Km of BM road via Khasibil) in Tura District (7.833 Km) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 31-12-2007 11.3756 31-12-2009 10.0372 0 0 10.0372 10.0372 Completed
928 MEGHALAYA Education Construction of RCC Building at Govt. Girls Higher Secondary School Shillong. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 17-03-2010 2.5014 31-03-2012 2.1806 0 0 2.1806 2.1806 Completed
929 MEGHALAYA Roads & Bridges Construction including metalling and black topping of Lumshnong - Umlong Road (0-8 km) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 26-09-2007 6.0176 31-03-2010 5.31 0 0 5.31 5.31 Completed
930 MEGHALAYA Education SAC Expansion Programme - Developing the Employment Potential of NE Region in the New Economy & Promoting and Documenting Regional talent NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 08-12-2006 4.2354 31-12-2010 2.3259 0 0 2.3259 2.3259 Ongoing
931 MEGHALAYA Tourism & Culture International centre for performing Arts & Culture,Shillong NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 27-03-2014 151.3331 28-02-2017 136.1938 0 0 136.1938 136.1938 Ongoing
932 MEGHALAYA Education Construction of 23 Anganwadi Centre Building in Meghalaya NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS Dept. of Power 30-03-2020 1.6 31-12-2024 0.1 1.0633 0 1.1633 0.1 Ongoing
933 MEGHALAYA Health Strengthening of Diagnostic Services: State of the Art Diagnostic Centre at Pasteur Institute in Meghalaya NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS Public Health & Engg Depa 08-03-2019 20 31-12-2024 7.884 2.071 0 9.955 7.784 Ongoing
934 MEGHALAYA Education Construction/renovation of school building of DNS Wahlang Memorial Secondary School, East Khasi Hills,Shillong in Meghalaya NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 17-02-2011 3.057 28-02-2013 2.4761 0 0 2.4761 2.4761 Ongoing
935 MEGHALAYA Education Construction of School Building, Mawthawpdah Presbyterian Secondary School, West Khasi Hills NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 07-07-2010 3.271 31-03-2012 2.3552 0 0 2.3552 2.3552 Ongoing
936 MEGHALAYA Education College of Science and Commerce at Mawphlang in Meghalaya NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-06-2017 36.55 30-06-2019 22.661 8.5075 0 31.1685 22.66 Ongoing
937 MEGHALAYA Education Construction of Bormanik College Building at Laimer, Upper Shillong NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 29-09-2009 2.5052 30-09-2012 2.2047 0 0 2.2047 2.2047 Ongoing
938 MEGHALAYA Sports Football Stadium at Ampati NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept of Planning 15-03-2016 38.2068 31-03-2019 34.3861 1.728 0 36.1141 27.5088 Ongoing
939 MEGHALAYA Water Supply Greater Shilong Water Supply Scheme, Shilong NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 01-01-1999 35.79 31-03-2002 32.211 0 0 32.211 35.79 Completed
940 MEGHALAYA Education Construction of RK Mission Ashram School Building, Teacher's Quarters and Student's Home at Cherrapunji. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 08-03-2001 1.56 31-03-2004 1.404 0 0 1.404 1.56 Completed
941 MEGHALAYA Education Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (2005-06) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-03-2006 3.8516 31-12-2006 3.8516 0 0 3.8516 3.8516 Completed
942 MEGHALAYA Miscellaneous Updating facilities of Ginger Processing Plant at Byrnihat for commercial production NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 11-07-2007 0.5121 31-07-2008 0.5121 0 0 0.5121 0.5121 Completed
943 MEGHALAYA Power Construction of 132 kV D/C line from Sarusajai to Byrnihat NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 10-03-2004 9.7824 30-06-2005 8.8042 0 0 8.8042 9.7824 Completed
944 MEGHALAYA Power Construction of 132/33 kV S/S at Lumshnong with LILO from Khleirhiat to Badarpur NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-09-2004 4.63 30-09-2006 4.1677 0 0 4.1677 4.3297 Completed
945 MEGHALAYA Miscellaneous Upgradation of Market at Mowphlong NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 21-03-2003 1.9 31-03-2004 1.71 0 0 1.71 1.9 Completed
946 MEGHALAYA Education Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (2006-07) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 26-09-2006 8.588 31-03-2007 8.588 0 0 8.588 8.588 Completed
947 MEGHALAYA Education College of Science & Commerce at Mahendraganj in Meghalaya NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 30-06-2017 36.31 31-07-2025 30.231 9.6634 0 39.8944 12.204 Ongoing
948 MEGHALAYA Education Construction of School Building of O.M. Roy Memorial School at Kynton Massar, Mawlai, Shillong NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 03-07-2006 2.2584 01-01-2008 1.9734 0 0 1.9734 1.9734 Completed
949 MEGHALAYA Education Construction of School Building, Pohskur Secondary School, Jaintia Hills NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 06-12-2006 1.7536 31-12-2009 1.2626 0.2644 0 1.527 1.2626 Ongoing
950 MEGHALAYA Education Construction of School Building for Sutnga Presbyterian Higher Secondary School NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 16-02-2006 2.3356 31-08-2007 2.1021 0 0 2.1021 2.1021 Completed
951 MEGHALAYA Education Construction of School Building, Mendipathar Secondary School, East Garo Hills NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 19-09-2008 1.214 31-03-2010 0.3824 0 0 0.3824 0.3824 Ongoing
952 MEGHALAYA Miscellaneous Construction and Development of the Iawmusiang Multi Purpose Market Complex, Jowai NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 03-07-2006 20.0963 01-01-2008 6.3303 0 0 6.3303 6.3303 Ongoing
953 MEGHALAYA Power Construction of 220 KV D/C Transmission Line from Misa (Assam) to Byrnihat (Meghalaya) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-09-2007 63.37 31-03-2010 56.03 0 0 56.03 56.03 Completed
954 MEGHALAYA Power Construction of new 132 kv S/C line connecting Khleihriat S/S (PGCIL) and Khliehriat (MeSEB) at Khleihriat NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-12-2004 2.52 31-12-2006 2.1986 0 0 2.1986 2.2924 Completed
955 MEGHALAYA Power Electrification of Tribal Villages NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 06-10-2000 1.5 31-10-2003 1.341 0 0 1.341 1.49 Completed
956 MEGHALAYA Power Sub Transmission & Distribution Scheme - Master plan for distribution of power in Meghalaya NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-01-2003 24 30-06-2005 20.8692 0 0 20.8692 22.8362 Completed
957 MEGHALAYA Roads & Bridges Construction and Strengthening of Jakrem - Ranikor Road ( 6-15 Km) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 13-07-2007 4.164 31-03-2010 3.3324 0 0 3.3324 3.3324 Completed
958 MEGHALAYA Roads & Bridges Construction including M & BT of a road from G. S. Road NH 40 to Nongthymmai Umsning (4.311 Km) Ri-Bhoi Distt. in Meghalaya NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 16-09-2011 4.2615 31-08-2014 3.6414 0 0 3.6414 3.6414 Completed
959 MEGHALAYA Roads & Bridges Construction including Metalling and Blacktopping of a road from Khliehtrshi (near ATS) to meet Jowai Bypass (4.03 KM) in jaintia Hills District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-02-2013 5.3094 31-12-2015 4.6651 0 0 4.6651 4.6651 Completed
960 MEGHALAYA Roads & Bridges Missing approaches of bridge over Kalipai river on Rymbai-Lampala-Suchen road in Jaintia Hills district NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-03-2014 4.6761 28-02-2017 4.2084 0 0 4.2084 4.2084 Completed
961 MEGHALAYA Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge over River Daru on Ampati-Purkashia Road (2nd km) to Ampati Village NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 23-12-2005 5.068 31-12-2007 3.4261 0 0 3.4261 3.4261 Completed
962 MEGHALAYA Roads & Bridges Improvement including metalling and blacktopping of Mukhaialong Lumshyrmit Road (19 km) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 16-11-2007 9.11 30-11-2010 8.0383 0 0 8.0383 8.0383 Completed
963 MEGHALAYA Roads & Bridges Improvement, widening including metalling and blacktopping of Dkhiah - Sutnga - Saipung - Mouslei - Halflong Road (16 Km) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 26-03-2007 7.2208 31-03-2010 6.3094 0 0 6.3094 6.3094 Completed
964 MEGHALAYA Roads & Bridges Improvement, Widening, Strengthening including Metalling & Blacktopping of a road from 9th Mile of NH-37 (Guwahati - Shillong road) to Killing � Pilangkata (6.00KM) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-09-2007 3.1273 31-03-2009 2.7594 0 0 2.7594 2.7594 Completed
965 MEGHALAYA Roads & Bridges Improvement, Widening, Strengthening including Reconstruction of Bridges and Culverts of Rymbai - Iapmala - Suchen Road (1-17 Km) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-12-2005 18.7749 31-12-2007 16.4053 0 0 16.4053 16.4053 Completed
966 MEGHALAYA Roads & Bridges Improvement/construction including Metalling and Blacktopping of a double lane road from Rymbai to Deichynrum (7Km) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 20-02-2009 6.0256 29-02-2012 5.3167 0 0 5.3167 5.3167 Completed
967 MEGHALAYA Roads & Bridges Providing passing places in portion from 0 to 9-th Km. Of Smit- Mawkynrew- Mawlat Road etc. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 11-07-2001 4.93 31-07-2004 4.437 0 0 4.437 4.93 Completed
968 MEGHALAYA Roads & Bridges Re-Construction of SPT bridge No. 14/1 over Umngi River to Permanent RCC Bridge at 14th km of Laitmawsiang-Mawthawpdah road including approaches - West Khasi Hills Distt. in Meghalaya NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 23-12-2010 7.0661 31-01-2014 5.9 0 0 5.9 5.9 Completed
969 MEGHALAYA Roads & Bridges Strengthening including widening of existing pavement into Intermediate Lane of 4.75 m. width of Mawshynrut- Nongchau Rd. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 11-07-2001 7.3261 31-03-2004 6.5935 0 0 6.5935 7.3261 Completed
970 MEGHALAYA Roads & Bridges Widening to double lane standard including M&BT of Dkhiah-Sutanga-Saipung-Moulsei-Halflong Road (portion 1st to 8th and 18th Km), Jaintia Hills District, Meghalaya NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 09-11-2010 15.775 31-10-2013 13.2459 0 0 13.2459 13.2459 Completed
971 MEGHALAYA Water Supply Upper Shillong Water Supply Project NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 23-12-2010 33.0236 31-01-2014 29.1412 0 0 29.1412 29.1412 Ongoing
972 MEGHALAYA Power Sub Transmission & Distribution Scheme - Improvement of power supply in Tura NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 16-10-2000 12.03 31-03-2003 10.827 0 0 10.827 12.03 Completed
973 MEGHALAYA Power Sub Transmission & Distribution Scheme - T&D scheme - commissioning of transformer at Khliehriat NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-01-2003 1.64 24-12-2003 1.476 0 0 1.476 1.64 Completed
974 MEGHALAYA Power Sub Transmission & Distribution Scheme - T&D scheme - commissioning of transformer at NEHU NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 22-04-2002 2 30-04-2004 1.8 0 0 1.8 2 Completed
975 MEGHALAYA Roads & Bridges Rehabilitation of Lyngkhat - Dawki Road (9.75 km) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-09-2009 11.6085 30-09-2012 10.2429 0 0 10.2429 10.2429 Completed
976 MEGHALAYA Water Supply Tura Phase-III Water Supply Project NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 21-03-2003 21.58 31-03-2006 18.531 0 0 18.531 19.7858 Completed
977 MEGHALAYA Roads & Bridges Construction including metalling and blacktopping of a Road from Mushut to Lumputhoi via Rngad (12 Km) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 26-12-2007 4.8721 31-12-2009 4.2989 0 0 4.2989 4.2989 Completed
978 MEGHALAYA Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC bridges No. 3/1 7/1 7/2 and 8/1 on Ampati - Mankchar Road NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 15-02-2012 5.0004 15-02-2012 4.4121 0 0 4.4121 4.4121 Completed
979 MEGHALAYA Power Lilo of one circuit of palatana-Bongaigaon at Killing with 400/220 KV 2315 MVA GIS Sub-Station in Meghalaya NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 06-07-2011 99.6665 31-12-2013 88.1609 0 0 88.1609 88.1609 Completed
980 MEGHALAYA Roads & Bridges Upgradation of Double Lane and Strengthening of Dkhiah - Sutnga - Saipung - Moulsei - Haflong Road (9th to 16th km) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-10-2005 4.4588 18-11-2008 3.896 0 0 3.896 3.896 Completed
981 MEGHALAYA Education Campus Development Project of Building Infrastructure of Thomas Jones Synod College, Jowai NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 02-11-2005 3.3658 31-12-2024 2.0602 0.969 0 3.0292 2.0602 Ongoing
982 MEGHALAYA Roads & Bridges Improvement, Metalling & Blacktopping of a road from NH-51 to Rongsigre (4.725 Km) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 31-12-2007 3.2708 31-12-2009 2.8868 0 0 2.8868 2.8868 Completed
983 MEGHALAYA Roads & Bridges Improvement including Metalling & Blacktopping of road from Sonapur (NH-44) to Lad Borsora (10 Km) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 10-10-2008 8.3299 31-10-2011 7.3499 0 0 7.3499 7.3499 Completed
984 MEGHALAYA Education Primary School Buildings NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 17-11-2000 14.4 31-12-2003 12.96 0 0 12.96 14.4 Completed
985 MEGHALAYA Water Supply Greater Selsella Water Supply Scheme (Tura North Division) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 26-12-2012 12.04 31-12-2015 10.836 0 0 10.836 10.836 Completed
986 MEGHALAYA Water Supply Greater Sohrybgkham Water Supply Scheme (Hills Division) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 04-03-2010 6.7024 28-02-2013 5.8515 0 0 5.8515 5.8515 Completed
987 MEGHALAYA Water Supply Ialong Combined Water Supply Scheme (Jowai Division) Meghalaya NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 26-08-2010 4.5984 31-07-2012 4.0574 0 0 4.0574 4.0574 Completed
988 MEGHALAYA Water Supply Jowai Water Supply Project NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 21-03-2003 15.41 31-03-2005 12.8456 0 0 12.8456 13.2756 Completed
989 MEGHALAYA Water Supply Laying of new feeder mains under Tura Phase-I&II Water Supply Scheme NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS Public works Department 22-02-2019 34.7394 31-03-2020 34.7394 0 0 34.7394 34.7394 Completed
990 MEGHALAYA Education Additional requirement of R.K. Mission, Cherrapunjee for construction of School Building, Library, Laboratory & Computer Classes NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 03-09-2004 2 30-09-2006 1.7354 0 0 1.7354 1.8054 Completed
991 MEGHALAYA Education Construction of Laban Bengalee Girls HSS NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 04-10-2013 2.15 30-09-2017 1.7415 0 0 1.7415 1.7415 Completed
992 MEGHALAYA Education Construction of School Building, Ri-Bhoi Presbyterian Higher Secondary School, Nongpoh, Ri-Bhoi District in Meghalaya NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 29-07-2008 3.6508 31-07-2010 2.4642 0 0 2.4642 2.4642 Ongoing
993 MEGHALAYA Education Construction of Nongstoin College Building, Boys & Girls Hostel, Library at Nongpyngdeng, Nongstoin, West Khasi Hills NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 02-02-2010 6.1962 30-06-2013 4.4171 1.1595 0 5.5766 4.4171 Ongoing
994 MEGHALAYA Water Supply Greater Umsning Water Supply Scheme (Umsning Division) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 04-03-2010 11.2828 28-02-2013 9.9554 0 0 9.9554 9.9554 Completed
995 MEGHALAYA Miscellaneous Integrated Police Welfare Complex Baghmara in South Garo Hills in Meghalaya NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 25-06-2015 12.852 30-06-2018 4.6267 6.9401 0 11.5668 4.6267 Ongoing
996 MEGHALAYA Power Construction of DC line from Rongkhon to Ampati along with 2x20 MVA, 132/33 KV Sub-Station at Ampati NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 25-03-2010 30.7933 31-03-2012 27.1705 0 0 27.1705 27.1705 Completed
997 MEGHALAYA Power Sanction of 30 Grant in the Project New Umtru Hydro Electric Project (2x20 MW) at Ri Bhoi District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-09-2008 48.2884 31-03-2011 43.32 0 0 43.32 43.32 Completed
998 MEGHALAYA Roads & Bridges Construction of including Metalling and Blacktopping of a Road from Sohbar to Tharia (13Km) in Meghalaya NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-06-2012 6.6585 31-07-2015 5.9927 0 0 5.9927 5.9927 Completed
999 MEGHALAYA Roads & Bridges Construction of major bridge over River Daru on Jholgaon-Katuli in Meghalaya NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Public works Department 19-06-2017 14.7 30-06-2019 12.8321 0 0 12.8321 12.8321 Completed
1000 MEGHALAYA Education Construction of Tikrikilla College Complex, West Garo Hills District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 06-12-2006 5.4283 31-12-2009 1.7099 0 0 1.7099 1.7099 Ongoing
1001 MEGHALAYA Miscellaneous Construction of New Nongstoin Market Complex at Nongstoin in Meghalaya NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 02-03-2009 5.2926 31-03-2012 4.287 0 0 4.287 4.287 Completed
1002 MEGHALAYA Roads & Bridges Construction of remaining portion of Mawsahew- Nongsteng-Umblai-Mawphu Road (6th to 13th Km) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-09-2008 9.5388 31-10-2010 6.8679 0 0 6.8679 3.2811 Ongoing
1003 MEGHALAYA Roads & Bridges Construction of Road from Rongsang A.Bagre to Bandalkona connection Betasing-Mellim Road with bridges in the State of Meghalaya NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 25-05-2017 13.7608 25-05-2019 12.3847 0 0 12.3847 12.3847 Completed
1004 MEGHALAYA Roads & Bridges Improvement, widening, strengthening including Metalling and Blacktopping of a road 9th Mile NH-37 Guwahati-Shillong road to Killing Pillankata (7th to21.50km) in Meghalaya NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 23-12-2010 10.9617 31-01-2014 9.2309 0 0 9.2309 9.2309 Completed
1005 MEGHALAYA Roads & Bridges Reconstruction of bridges on Kherapara to Dekubazar (Br.No.2/5, 5/3 & 10/2) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 02-02-2010 8.5289 31-01-2013 7.0465 0 0 7.0465 7.0465 Ongoing
1006 MEGHALAYA Roads & Bridges Reconstruction of BUG bridge No. 9/3 and 9/4 with RCC pemanent bridge including approavhes on Rongrenggre-Simsanggre-Nengkhra Road - East Garo Hills Distt. in Meghalaya NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 21-05-2012 3.7336 30-04-2016 3.1341 0 0 3.1341 3.1341 Completed
1007 MEGHALAYA Roads & Bridges Widening & Strengthening of Damara-Mendipathar-Songsak-Williamnagar Road (Conversion of SPT bridges to RCC bridges) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 02-01-2012 5.9483 02-01-2012 4.8839 0 0 4.8839 4.8839 Completed
1008 MEGHALAYA Water Supply Mawsynram Water Supply Scheme (Hills Division) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 09-03-2010 3.8838 31-03-2013 3.4268 0 0 3.4268 3.4268 Completed
1009 MEGHALAYA Water Supply Umroi Water Supply Scheme (Umsning Division), Meghalaya NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 26-08-2010 9.2036 31-07-2013 8.1208 0 0 8.1208 8.1208 Completed
1010 MEGHALAYA Power Sanction of 30 Grant in the Project Construction of Ganol Hydro Electric Project (22.5 MW) at Tura, West Garo Hills NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept of Planning 30-09-2008 36.7238 28-02-2011 23.1336 9.91 0 33.0436 23.1336 Completed
1011 MEGHALAYA Roads & Bridges Construction including metalling and Blacktopping of Bandapara-Mallangkona of Shallang road (52 KM) phase- I 10.00 Km- West Garo Hills Distt. in Meghalaya NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 08-07-2011 10.7209 30-06-2014 9.4338 0 0 9.4338 9.4338 Completed
1012 MEGHALAYA Water Supply Greater Sohra(Cherrapunjee) water supply Scheme NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS Public works Department 22-02-2019 24.8125 31-03-2020 24.8125 1.2162 0 26.0287 23.5963 Ongoing
1013 MEGHALAYA Education Construction of Schools Building, Hostels, Basketball Court etc of Nongpathaw Secondary School, East Khasi Hills NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 07-07-2010 2.707 30-06-2012 2.3885 0 0 2.3885 2.3885 Ongoing
1014 MEGHALAYA Roads & Bridges Strengthening of Baghmara-Maheshkhola Road (Strengthening of weak pavement from 35th Km. To 74th Km. In diff. Kms-15). NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 11-07-2001 1.86 31-03-2004 1.674 0 0 1.674 1.86 Completed
1015 MEGHALAYA Roads & Bridges Widening and Strengthening of hard crust on Mawngap-Mairang Road (5th to 24th Km.) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 11-07-2001 4.52 31-03-2004 4.068 0 0 4.068 4.52 Completed
1016 MIZORAM Education Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-03-2006 5.1183 31-03-2007 5.1183 0 0 5.1183 5.1183 Completed
1017 MIZORAM Miscellaneous Construction of High Court Building at New Sectt. Complex in Aizaw (Mizoram)l NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 18-03-2016 46.2412 18-02-2019 41.6159 2.65 0 44.2659 33.2927 Ongoing
1018 MIZORAM Miscellaneous Construction of Dam Reservoir and Development of Recreation Centre at Keilungliah, Champhai in Mizoram NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Public Health & Engg Depa 05-12-2017 19.88 05-12-2019 17.3133 0 0 17.3133 17.3133 Ongoing
1019 MIZORAM Health Purchase of 2 (two) Truenat Quattro machines in Mizoram to combat pandemic Covid-19 (for Lawngtlai and Serchhip District) NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS Dept. of Health & familly 30-09-2021 0.2912 30-09-2022 0.2912 0 0 0.2912 0.2912 Ongoing
1020 MIZORAM Agriculture & Allied Marketing facilities and marketing of Tung Seeds and Oil within Country & Abroad. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 24-01-2000 0.5 24-07-2004 0.45 0 0 0.45 0.5 Completed
1021 MIZORAM Health Construction of State Resource Centre for HIV/AIDS at Aizawl, Mizoram NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS 16-03-2022 4 21-03-2024 1.442 1.3618 0 2.8038 1.342 Ongoing
1022 MIZORAM Education Infrastructure development of 4 college in Mizoram NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-09-2009 5.4632 28-02-2011 4.7251 0 0 4.7251 4.7251 Completed
1023 MIZORAM Education Infrastructure Development of Govt. Champhai College at Champhai, Mizoram NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 17-03-2011 9.5129 31-03-2013 8.455 0 0 8.455 8.455 Completed
1024 MIZORAM Education Infrastructure Development of Mizoram University (additional) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 20-02-2004 23.26 30-06-2007 20.934 0 0 20.934 21.3889 Completed
1025 MIZORAM Miscellaneous Upgradation of Central Jail Aizawl for construction of Separate Women Jail in Mizoram NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 29-12-2014 13.0695 31-12-2017 11.7625 0 0 11.7625 11.7625 Completed
1026 MIZORAM Sports Construction of Indoor Stadium at Chanmari, Lunglei NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 21-02-2014 4.9619 20-02-2017 4.1408 0 0 4.1408 4.1408 Completed
1027 MIZORAM Miscellaneous Construction of 10 Nos. of Helipads NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 12-09-2012 2.582 30-09-2013 2.1438 0 0 2.1438 2.1438 Completed
1028 MIZORAM Education Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (2006-07) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 29-06-2006 6.8834 29-06-2007 6.8834 0 0 6.8834 6.8834 Completed
1029 MIZORAM Sports Construction of Aizawl Cricket Stadium at Sihhmui, Mizoram NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 21-12-2009 11.2816 31-03-2011 9.9543 0 0 9.9543 9.9543 Completed
1030 MIZORAM Education Construction of Examination Hall for MPSC Mizoram NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 23-12-2010 2.8832 31-12-2012 2.5577 0 0 2.5577 1.9197 Completed
1031 MIZORAM Miscellaneous Construction of market building - Bara Bazar Market Complex, Aizawl Block-II NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 31-12-2004 1.25 31-12-2006 1.125 0 0 1.125 1.25 Completed
1032 MIZORAM Miscellaneous Construction of market building - Bara Bazar Market Complex, Aizawl Block-III (A) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 31-12-2004 0.47 31-12-2006 0.423 0 0 0.423 0.47 Completed
1033 MIZORAM Miscellaneous Construction of market building - Bazar Veng Market, Hnahthial NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 23-07-2003 0.77 31-07-2005 0.693 0 0 0.693 0.77 Completed
1034 MIZORAM Miscellaneous Construction of market building - Bethel Market, Champhai NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 23-07-2003 0.34 31-07-2005 0.306 0 0 0.306 0.34 Completed
1035 MIZORAM Miscellaneous Construction of market building - Bungkawn Market, Aizawl NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 19-07-2002 0.45 31-07-2004 0.405 0 0 0.405 0.45 Completed
1036 MIZORAM Miscellaneous Construction of market building - Car Parking at Bara Bazar Market Complex, Aizawl NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 31-12-2004 0.03 31-12-2006 0.027 0 0 0.027 0.03 Completed
1037 MIZORAM Miscellaneous Construction of market building - Chanmari Market, Aizawl NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 19-07-2002 0.23 31-07-2004 0.207 0 0 0.207 0.23 Completed
1038 MIZORAM Miscellaneous Construction of market building - Chanmari Market, Hnahthial NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 23-07-2003 0.27 31-07-2005 0.243 0 0 0.243 0.27 Completed
1039 MIZORAM Miscellaneous Construction of market building - Chanmari Market, Lunglei NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 19-07-2002 1 31-07-2004 0.9 0 0 0.9 1 Completed
1040 MIZORAM Miscellaneous Construction of market building - Dawrkawn Market, Serchhip NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 23-07-2003 0.95 31-07-2005 0.855 0 0 0.855 0.95 Completed
1041 MIZORAM Miscellaneous Construction of market building - Dismantling Old Building at Bara Bazar, Aizawl NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 19-07-2002 0.13 31-07-2004 0.117 0 0 0.117 0.13 Completed
1042 MIZORAM Miscellaneous Construction of market building - Mamit Market, Mamit NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 23-07-2003 0.41 31-07-2005 0.369 0 0 0.369 0.41 Completed
1043 MIZORAM Miscellaneous Construction of market building - Rahsi Veng Market, Champhai NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 19-07-2002 1.18 31-07-2004 1.062 0 0 1.062 1.18 Completed
1044 MIZORAM Miscellaneous Construction of market building - Ramhlun Market, Aizawl NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 19-07-2002 0.54 31-07-2004 0.486 0 0 0.486 0.54 Completed
1045 MIZORAM Agriculture & Allied Establishment of 8 Units of Fish seed farms in Mizoram. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 14-01-2000 5.28 18-05-2005 4.752 0 0 4.752 5.28 Completed
1046 MIZORAM Agriculture & Allied Integrated piggery development project NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 14-01-2000 6.57 31-03-2003 5.913 0 0 5.913 6.57 Completed
1047 MIZORAM Miscellaneous Construction of market building - Serkawn Market, Lunglei NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 19-07-2002 0.11 31-07-2004 0.099 0 0 0.099 0.11 Completed
1048 MIZORAM Miscellaneous Construction of market building - Storm Drain at Bara Bazar, Aizawl NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 31-12-2004 0.19 31-12-2006 0.171 0 0 0.171 0.19 Completed
1049 MIZORAM Miscellaneous Construction of market building - Strengthening of Administration NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 23-07-2003 0.04 31-07-2005 0.036 0 0 0.036 0.04 Completed
1050 MIZORAM Miscellaneous Construction of market building - Tanhril Ramrikawn Market, Aizawl NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 23-07-2003 0.36 31-07-2005 0.324 0 0 0.324 0.36 Completed
1051 MIZORAM Miscellaneous Construction of market building - Thakthing Market, Aizawl NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 19-07-2003 0.17 31-07-2005 0.153 0 0 0.153 0.17 Completed
1052 MIZORAM Miscellaneous Construction of market building - Thuampui Market, Aizawl NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 31-12-2004 0.76 31-12-2006 0.684 0 0 0.684 0.76 Completed
1053 MIZORAM Miscellaneous Construction of market building - Vaivakawn Market, Aizawl NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 19-07-2002 0.62 31-07-2004 0.558 0 0 0.558 0.62 Completed
1054 MIZORAM Miscellaneous Construction of market building - Venglai Market, Kolasib NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 31-12-2004 0.74 31-12-2006 0.666 0 0 0.666 0.74 Completed
1055 MIZORAM Roads & Bridges Chawngte-Borapansury Road within Chakma Autonomous District Council NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 21-10-2003 10.46 31-10-2006 8.9501 0 0 8.9501 9.7501 Completed
1056 MIZORAM Roads & Bridges Construction of Link Roads to Bamboo Plantation - Plot No. B from Dur Lui - Sairum and Dur Lui - Mualkhang NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 29-09-2003 6.1662 30-09-2006 5.553 0 0 5.553 6.1662 Completed
1057 MIZORAM Roads & Bridges Construction of Road from Chuhvel to Sihthiang in Mizoram NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 23-02-2011 2.2353 28-02-2013 1.9723 0 0 1.9723 1.9723 Completed
1058 MIZORAM Roads & Bridges Improvement and widening of Bawngkawn to Durtland Road NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 21-03-2003 6.81 29-05-2004 6.129 0 0 6.129 6.81 Completed
1059 MIZORAM Roads & Bridges Lungtian-Mamte Road via Vartek Kai within Lai ADC NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 21-10-2003 26.65 31-10-2006 22.8305 0 0 22.8305 24.7745 Completed
1060 MIZORAM Miscellaneous Construction of market building - Sihphir Market, Aizawl NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 31-12-2004 0.5 31-12-2006 0.45 0 0 0.45 0.5 Completed
1061 MIZORAM Miscellaneous State Capital Project, Aizawl NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 23-07-2003 5.18 19-07-2004 4.662 0 0 4.662 5.18 Completed
1062 MIZORAM Roads & Bridges Bridge over River Tuisih on Tuipang-Zwangling-Chheihhlu Road(Mara ADC) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 07-01-2004 1.1406 31-01-2006 0.981 0 0 0.981 1.087 Completed
1063 MIZORAM Sports Construction of Indoor Stadium at Champhai NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 31-07-2006 11.5999 01-01-2008 10.1358 0 0 10.1358 10.1358 Completed
1064 MIZORAM Water Supply Augmentation of North Vanlaiphai Water Supply Scheme in Mizoram NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS 20-04-2022 19.4017 30-04-2024 7.7606 5 0 12.7606 7.7606 Ongoing
1065 MIZORAM Health State Referral Hospital, Aizawl. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 15-02-1999 40.53 29-02-2004 36.4775 0 0 36.4775 40.0165 Completed
1066 MIZORAM Education Construction of Secondary School Buildings in Mizoram NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 14-09-2006 9.6853 31-12-2007 8.3028 0 0 8.3028 8.3028 Completed
1067 MIZORAM Miscellaneous Construction of market building - Bara Bazar Market Complex, Aizawl Block-III (B) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 31-12-2004 0.76 31-12-2006 0.684 0 0 0.684 0.76 Completed
1068 MIZORAM Miscellaneous Construction of Community Halls at Various Places in Mizoram (Part-II) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 23-02-2011 2.0649 29-02-2012 1.6949 0 0 1.6949 1.6949 Completed
1069 MIZORAM Miscellaneous Intensive and Strengthening of Central Rural Sanitation Programme in Mara Autonomous District Council Area of Mizoram NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-10-2009 0.4686 30-09-2010 0.4218 0 0 0.4218 0.4312 Completed
1070 MIZORAM Power Power Evacuation from Thermal Power Plant, Bairabi NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-02-2003 4.56 30-09-2004 4.104 0 0 4.104 4.56 Completed
1071 MIZORAM Education Construction & Renovation of School Building. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-07-2000 21.43 31-07-2005 18.648 0 0 18.648 20.72 Completed
1072 MIZORAM Agriculture & Allied Bamboo processing industry. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 20-12-2000 4 29-05-2004 3.6 0 0 3.6 4 Ongoing
1073 MIZORAM Health Construction of two Residential Hostels at Zoram Medical College,Falkawn,Mizoram NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS Public Health & Engg Depa 09-03-2021 20 09-03-2023 20 0 0 20 17.7 Ongoing
1074 MIZORAM Health Strengthening Health Infrastructure for Comprehensive response to possible Outbreak of COVID-19 in Mizoram under NESIDS NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS 28-05-2020 16.1626 21-03-2024 11.8219 0.9274 0 12.7493 11.8219 Ongoing
1075 MIZORAM Health Renovation/Upgradation of NICU/PICU and HDU at Zoram Medical College, Falkawn, Mizoram NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS Dept. of Health & familly 27-08-2021 2.7731 01-09-2023 0.1 2.0994 0 2.1994 0.1 Ongoing
1076 MIZORAM Health Purchase of RT-PCR reagents & RNA extraction kits to last for approximately six months for Zoram Medical College, Falkawn, Mizoram in combating Covid-19. NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS Dept. of Health & familly 30-09-2021 2.5317 30-09-2022 2.2266 0 0 2.2266 2.2235 Completed
1077 MIZORAM Health Up-gradation of Cardiology, Department at Civil Hospital, Aizwal in Mizoram NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS 20-04-2022 12.4274 30-04-2024 0.3976 0.5966 0 0.9942 0.3976 Ongoing
1078 MIZORAM Health Construction of 100 Bedded Kolasib District Hospital and Procurement of Hospital and procurement of Hospital Equipment, Kolasib, Mizoram NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS 16-03-2022 22 21-03-2025 7.4394 6.8509 0 14.2903 5.9883 Ongoing
1079 MIZORAM Agriculture & Allied Mobilisation and development of feed & foder project, modafer NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 14-01-2000 7.25 31-01-2005 3.924 0 0 3.924 4.36 Ongoing
1080 MIZORAM Power Construction of 2x10 MVA, 33/11 KV Sub-Station Chite with Associated Linking Lines in Mizoram NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS 20-04-2022 10.49 30-04-2024 4.1143 6.1715 0 10.2858 4.1143 Ongoing
1081 MIZORAM Roads & Bridges Upgradation of Parva-I to Simenasora Road NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 26-09-2007 12.264 29-02-2008 10.8211 0 0 10.8211 10.367 Completed
1082 MIZORAM Education Construction of Post-Matric Students Hostel at Aizawl in Mizoram NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 22-02-2010 1.901 28-02-2013 1.6618 0 0 1.6618 1.6618 Completed
1083 MIZORAM Miscellaneous Solid Waste Management at Lunglei (under SAP) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-12-2017 6 18-06-2019 1.782 2.0129 0 3.7949 1.782 Ongoing
1084 MIZORAM Miscellaneous Construction of Community halls in various locations in Mizoram NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 07-03-2008 4.7 28-02-2009 4.23 0 0 4.23 4.23 Completed
1085 MIZORAM Water Supply Augmentation of Greater Mamit Water Supply Scheme Part-II NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS 20-04-2022 37.8571 30-04-2024 8.06 20 0 28.06 8.06 Ongoing
1086 MIZORAM Power Construction of 2X6.3 MVA, 132/33 KV Sub-Station at Mamit with associated 33 KV tower line up to Zawlnuam via Zamuang, Mizoram NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS 04-12-2018 40.3384 31-03-2020 38.4989 1.8395 0 40.3384 38.4989 Ongoing
1087 MIZORAM Health 200 Bedded Hospital at Lunglai. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 22-02-2002 7.62 28-02-2005 6.5056 0 0 6.5056 7.1776 Completed
1088 MIZORAM Education Secondary Schools Improvement Project NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 07-03-2001 12.48 28-05-2004 11.232 0 0 11.232 12.48 Completed
1089 MIZORAM Health Construction of 50 Bedded Hospital in Lawngtlai in Mizoram NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 29-12-2014 11.9151 31-12-2016 10.6987 0 0 10.6987 10.6987 Completed
1090 MIZORAM Education Construction of Mizoram Law College at Aizawl NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-02-2009 2.8958 31-08-2010 2.5551 0 0 2.5551 2.5551 Completed
1091 MIZORAM Education Construction of School Buildings in Mara Autonomous District Council NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 19-12-2007 2.1242 31-12-2008 1.9118 0 0 1.9118 1.9118 Completed
1092 MIZORAM Education Construction of Schools within LADC NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-03-2008 2.3686 28-02-2010 2.1106 0 0 2.1106 2.1106 Completed
1093 MIZORAM Health Construction of Out-Patient Department Block, Civil Hospital, Aizawl NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 21-03-2003 3.71 31-03-2006 3.2704 0 0 3.2704 3.4454 Completed
1094 MIZORAM Health Six bedded ICU at Civil Hospital, Aizawl NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 21-03-2003 1.42 25-06-2004 1.278 0 0 1.278 1.42 Completed
1095 MIZORAM Health Veterinary Polyclinic at Aizawl NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 02-03-2012 4.823 28-02-2014 4.2442 0 0 4.2442 4.2442 Completed
1096 MIZORAM Miscellaneous Allotment of BADP funds for Lai Autonomous District Council NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 11-06-2001 1 19-07-2004 0.9 0 0 0.9 1 Completed
1097 MIZORAM Miscellaneous BMS NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-12-1999 14.91 19-07-2004 13.419 0 0 13.419 14.91 Completed
1098 MIZORAM Miscellaneous Construction of market building - Banglakawn Market, Kolasib NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 23-07-2003 0.25 31-07-2005 0.225 0 0 0.225 0.25 Completed
1099 MIZORAM Miscellaneous Construction of market building - Bara Bazar Market Complex, Aizawl Block-I NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 19-07-2002 1.69 31-07-2004 1.521 0 0 1.521 1.69 Completed
1100 MIZORAM Miscellaneous Construction of market building - Zemabawk Market, Aizawl NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 19-07-2002 0.47 31-07-2004 0.423 0 0 0.423 0.47 Completed
1101 MIZORAM Roads & Bridges Construction of Link Roads to Bamboo Plantation - Plot No. A from W.Serzawl Saiphal/Saitlaw 18 kms NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 29-09-2003 5.82 30-09-2006 5.238 0 0 5.238 5.5 Completed
1102 MIZORAM Power Construction of 132 kV single circuit Line from Khawzawl to Champai NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 01-12-2006 5.9 30-11-2009 5.306 0 0 5.306 5.306 Completed
1103 MIZORAM Power Construction of 33 Kv D/C transmission line (Tower type) Lawngtalai to Saiha NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 22-06-2007 7.4369 30-06-2009 6.6932 0 0 6.6932 6.6932 Completed
1104 MIZORAM Power Construction of 33KV D/C Serlui 'B' Kolasib switchyard at Serlui 'B' & incoming bay at 132 KV S/s at Kolasib (bawktlang) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 10-05-2005 3.151 31-03-2007 2.7508 0 0 2.7508 1.99 Completed
1105 MIZORAM Power Electrification of 3 Tribal villages. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-01-2002 0.68 31-03-2004 0.612 0 0 0.612 0.68 Completed
1106 MIZORAM Power Sub- transmision and Distribution Lines - Aizwal Town NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 17-11-2000 25.83 27-05-2004 23.247 0 0 23.247 25.83 Completed
1107 MIZORAM Power Sub- transmision and Distribution Lines - Lunglei Town NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 21-10-2002 8.3 14-05-2004 7.47 0 0 7.47 8.3 Completed
1108 MIZORAM Roads & Bridges Bridge over River Chawngtelui on Diltlang to Chawngte Road(LAI ADC) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 07-01-2004 2.0349 31-01-2006 1.746 0 0 1.746 1.94 Completed
1109 MIZORAM Power HFO bassed 20 MW DG thermal plant at Bhairabi NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 20-12-2001 91.59 30-06-2003 82.422 0 0 82.422 91.58 Completed
1110 MIZORAM Roads & Bridges Bridge over River Vanva on Haulawng-Bualpui-Chhiphir Road NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 07-01-2004 1.4567 31-01-2006 1.251 0 0 1.251 1.3872 Completed
1111 MIZORAM Roads & Bridges Road formation and restoration works at Lawngtlai Slided loctaion NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-02-2009 2.237 28-02-2011 1.9738 0 0 1.9738 1.9738 Completed
1112 MIZORAM Sports Construction of Indoor Stadium at Aizawl NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 20-06-2007 13.0522 30-06-2009 11.4048 0 0 11.4048 11.4048 Completed
1113 MIZORAM Water Supply Aizawl Water Supply Scheme (Phase-2) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 31-03-1999 71.8 31-03-2004 59.62 0 0 59.62 64.12 Completed
1114 MIZORAM Water Supply Greater Champhai Water Supply Scheme. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 23-03-2000 13.71 31-03-2005 12.3402 0 0 12.3402 13.5302 Completed
1115 MIZORAM Water Supply Greater Mamit Water Supply Scheme NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 13-10-2003 5.7681 31-10-2006 4.8543 0 0 4.8543 5.2896 Completed
1116 MIZORAM Water Supply Lower Sakawrdai Water Supply scheme NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 10-07-2007 1.3372 31-07-2009 1.1799 0 0 1.1799 1.1799 Completed
1117 MIZORAM Education Mizoram University NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-08-2001 1.74 31-08-2004 1.566 0 0 1.566 1.74 Completed
1118 MIZORAM Roads & Bridges Development of Village based Eco-Tourism at Khamrang in Mizoram NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS 20-04-2022 7.8 30-04-2024 0.1 0 0 0.1 0.1 Ongoing
1119 MIZORAM Water Supply Bairabi Water Supply Scheme in Mizoram NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 04-07-2011 4.9037 30-06-2013 4.3268 0 0 4.3268 4.3268 Completed
1120 MIZORAM Water Supply Alternate Gravity Water Supply Scheme of Aizawl,Mizoram NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS Public Health & Engg Depa 04-12-2018 114.1965 31-03-2020 112.5 2.903 0 115.403 107.1358 Ongoing
1121 MIZORAM Water Supply Bilkhwthlir Water Supply Scheme, Kolasib District in Mizoram NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 03-05-2011 7.8047 30-04-2013 6.9182 0 0 6.9182 6.9182 Completed
1122 MIZORAM Education Infrastructure Development of Kamalanagar College in CADC NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 14-09-2012 2.24 30-09-2015 2.016 0 0 2.016 2.016 Completed
1123 MIZORAM Education Construction of Boys and Girls Hostel at Saitual and Thingsulthliah in Mizoram NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 04-07-2011 1.8999 30-06-2013 1.6926 0 0 1.6926 1.6807 Completed
1124 MIZORAM Education Construction of Government Aizawl College New Campus Building at Mualpui, Aizawl in Mizoram NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Education 18-12-2017 12 18-12-2019 10.7999 0 0 10.7999 10.7999 Completed
1125 MIZORAM Education Construction of Higher Secondary School Building at Kawlkulh and Kawlbem in Mizoram NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 26-12-2012 1.9588 31-12-2014 1.7629 0 0 1.7629 1.7629 Completed
1126 MIZORAM Education Construction of Hostels for Students of Higher Secondary Schools at Aizawl NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 29-12-2014 5.2048 30-06-2015 4.6843 0 0 4.6843 4.6843 Completed
1127 MIZORAM Education Construction of Mara Student Hostel at Aizawl NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 26-09-2013 5.3836 30-09-2016 4.8452 0 0 4.8452 4.8452 Completed
1128 MIZORAM Education Construction of Multi Complex Building Auditorium at Pachhunga University College, Aizawl, Mizoram NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 23-12-2010 2.8526 31-10-2012 2.5673 0 0 2.5673 2.5673 Completed
1129 MIZORAM Education Construction of School Building within LADC (Phase-II), Lai Autonomous District Council NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 23-09-2013 11.0985 30-09-2016 9.2584 0 0 9.2584 9.2584 Completed
1130 MIZORAM Education Construction of Students Hostel for Lai Autonomous District Council at Aizawl NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 17-10-2012 5.9672 31-10-2014 5.3704 0 0 5.3704 5.3704 Completed
1131 MIZORAM Education Construction of Teachers Training Complex at Lunglei in Mizoram NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 22-11-2017 10.4 22-11-2019 9.36 0 0 9.36 9.36 Completed
1132 MIZORAM Education Establishment of Sainik School at Chhingchhip, Serchhip District, Mizoram NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 29-02-2012 50.6423 28-02-2015 44.6842 0 0 44.6842 44.6842 Completed
1133 MIZORAM Education Construction of Student Hostel at Aizawl in respect of Chakma Autonomous District Council NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 25-10-2017 5.65 25-10-2019 5.085 1.4486 0 6.5336 3.9332 Ongoing
1134 MIZORAM Education Infrastricture Development of Lawngtlai College, Lawngtlai, Mizoram NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 04-05-2011 1.3609 30-04-2013 1.0729 0 0 1.0729 1.0729 Completed
1135 MIZORAM Health Construction of 100 bedded Civil Hospital at Saiha NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 26-09-2013 15.9252 30-09-2016 14.3327 0 0 14.3327 11.4661 Completed
1136 MIZORAM Health Construction of Medical Staff Quarters for CHC at Saitual and Thingsulthliah in Mizoram NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 03-05-2011 1.3221 31-10-2012 0.4666 0 0 0.4666 0.4666 Completed
1137 MIZORAM Miscellaneous Construction of Market Building at Vairengte in Mizoram NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 01-07-2013 3.8765 30-06-2015 3.4207 0 0 3.4207 3.4207 Completed
1138 MIZORAM Miscellaneous Construction of Mizoram State Account and Treasury Office Building at New Secretariat Complex, Aizawal. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 05-05-2017 11.1 05-05-2019 9.9899 0 0 9.9899 9.9899 Completed
1139 MIZORAM Miscellaneous Construction of Multi Level Car Parking at New Secretariat Complex, Aizawl NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 05-05-2017 39.89 05-05-2019 34.34 0 0 34.34 34.34 Completed
1140 MIZORAM Miscellaneous Construction of Multi Shopping Complex at Saitual NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Public works Department 16-11-2015 3.1033 31-12-2017 2.793 0 0 2.793 2.793 Completed
1141 MIZORAM Miscellaneous Construction of Multi-Level Parking, Community Centre and Office Complex at Aizawl North in Mizoram NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 15-12-2011 12.9826 31-10-2013 9.9109 0 0 9.9109 9.9109 Completed
1142 MIZORAM Miscellaneous Construction of Multipurpose Centre at Ramthar North, Aizawl NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 21-02-2014 1.8494 20-02-2017 1.6645 0 0 1.6645 1.6645 Completed
1143 MIZORAM Miscellaneous Construction of Police Headquarters Buildings at Khatla in Mizoram NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 29-12-2014 15.5579 30-06-2017 14.0021 0 0 14.0021 14.0021 Completed
1144 MIZORAM Miscellaneous Construction of RA Lorrain Market Centre at Saiha in Mizoram NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 08-04-2010 3.8087 31-03-2012 3.3764 0 0 3.3764 3.3764 Completed
1145 MIZORAM Miscellaneous Infrastructure Requirement of Mizoram Police ( Establishment of 3rd IR Battalion HQRTs at Thingkah), Lawngtlai NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 05-03-2014 28.4228 04-03-2017 25.5805 0 0 25.5805 25.5805 Completed
1146 MIZORAM Miscellaneous Modernization of Kamalanagar Town NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 23-10-2012 19.8882 31-10-2014 14.3196 0 0 14.3196 14.3196 Ongoing
1147 MIZORAM Miscellaneous Upgradation of Lawngtlai Town in the Lai Autonomous District Council in Mizoram NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 03-05-2011 11.8069 30-04-2014 10.4271 0 0 10.4271 10.4271 Completed
1148 MIZORAM Miscellaneous Upgradation of Lengpui Airport in Mizoram NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 15-03-2011 24.8162 28-02-2013 16.2046 0 0 16.2046 16.2046 Completed
1149 MIZORAM Power Construction of 110 km 132 KV S/C Aizawl (Melriat S/S) - Lunglei line including one out-going bay at Melriat and one incoming bay at Lunglei NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 11-09-2012 41.7607 30-09-2015 37.5845 0 0 37.5845 37.5845 Completed
1150 MIZORAM Power Construction of 132 kV S/C line on D/C towers from Kolasib to Aizawl (Melriat) with LILO of one circuit at Aizawl (Zuangtui) 132 kV Sub Station NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 22-12-2005 21.511 31-12-2008 17.0367 0 0 17.0367 17.0367 Completed
1151 MIZORAM Power Construction of 2 X 2.5 MVA, 33/11 KV S/s at P & E Complex with associated 33 KV line ai Saiha Town NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 05-05-2017 7.66 05-05-2019 6.6749 0 0 6.6749 6.6749 Completed
1152 MIZORAM Power Construction of 2 X 2.5 MVA, 33/11 KV S/s at P & E Complex with associated 33 KV lines in the heart of Lawngtlai Town NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 05-05-2017 6.78 05-05-2019 6.0752 0 0 6.0752 6.0752 Completed
1153 MIZORAM Power Construction of 33 kv D/C line tower from 3 MW Kautlabung SHP to Thenhlum 33 kv Sub-Station (17 kms) in Mizoram NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 12-12-2017 7.82 12-12-2019 7.038 0 0 7.038 2.8152 Completed
1154 MIZORAM Roads & Bridges Construction of 3 Bailey Bridges in Mizoram NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 26-09-2006 6.4942 30-09-2008 4.9821 0 0 4.9821 4.9821 Completed
1155 MIZORAM Roads & Bridges Construction of Approach Road to Tuival from Mimbung and approach road to Godown at Kawlkulh, Mizoram NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 24-06-2011 3.6709 31-12-2012 2.9206 0 0 2.9206 2.9206 Completed
1156 MIZORAM Roads & Bridges Construction of Bamboo Plantation Link road from tuiral airfield to Bukpui Phase - II (40 - 84) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 01-12-2006 25.125 31-12-2008 7.9144 0 0 7.9144 7.9144 Completed
1157 MIZORAM Roads & Bridges Construction of Bamboo Plantation Link Road to proposed Bamboo Plantation Areas from tuirial Airfield to Bukpui (0-40) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 01-12-2006 22.3902 31-12-2008 7.0529 0 0 7.0529 7.0529 Completed
1158 MIZORAM Roads & Bridges Construction of Link Road to Bamboo Plantation Areas from Saiphal to Hortoki (0-27.5km) in Mizoram NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 24-11-2006 12.9967 31-12-2008 8.188 0 0 8.188 8.188 Completed
1159 MIZORAM Roads & Bridges Construction of Road from Ramthar N to Ramhlum Sport Complex in Mizoram NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 23-12-2010 2.0223 31-12-2012 1.7844 0 0 1.7844 1.7844 Completed
1160 MIZORAM Roads & Bridges Construction of Sihpui to Thuampui Road in Mizoram NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 13-12-2010 2.4823 31-12-2012 2.1903 0 0 2.1903 2.1903 Completed
1161 MIZORAM Sports Construction of Additional Works for Indoor Stadium at Pitarte Tlang, Aizawl in Mizoram NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 21-02-2013 2.4511 31-08-2014 2.1874 0 0 2.1874 2.1874 Completed
1162 MIZORAM Sports Construction of Indoor Stadium at Bungtlang in Mizoram NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 23-12-2010 1.7375 31-12-2012 1.4947 0 0 1.4947 1.4947 Completed
1163 MIZORAM Roads & Bridges Construction of Longpuighat - Kukurduleya Road NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 03-02-2009 11.5245 28-02-2010 10.1687 0 0 10.1687 6.8938 Ongoing
1164 MIZORAM Roads & Bridges Construction of Lawngtlai By-Pass Road, Phase-I (13 km) in Mizoram NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-11-2012 11.4385 30-11-2014 6.7176 0 0 6.7176 6.7176 Ongoing
1165 MIZORAM Sports Construction of Indoor Stadium at Keitum in Mizoram NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 23-12-2010 1.7375 31-12-2012 1.4947 0 0 1.4947 1.4947 Completed
1166 MIZORAM Sports Construction of Mini Sports Complex at Aibawk NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 05-05-2017 4 05-05-2019 3.6 0 0 3.6 3.6 Completed
1167 MIZORAM Sports Construction of Mini Sports Complex at E. Lungdar NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 17-09-2015 4.3496 17-09-2017 3.9146 0 0 3.9146 4.0016 Completed
1168 MIZORAM Sports Construction of Mini Sports Complex at Khawbung (Mizoram) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 07-03-2016 3.6989 07-03-2018 3.329 0 0 3.329 3.329 Completed
1169 MIZORAM Sports Construction of Mini Sports Complex, Sakawrdai in Mizoram NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 25-10-2017 3.5 25-10-2019 3.15 0 0 3.15 3.15 Completed
1170 MIZORAM Sports Construction of Table Tennis TrainingCentre at Mission Vengthlang in Aizawl NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Public works Department 13-10-2015 3.6987 31-12-2017 3.3288 0 0 3.3288 3.3288 Completed
1171 MIZORAM Sports Construction of Zauva Sailo Memorial Tennis Centre Lunglei NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 14-09-2015 4.26 14-09-2017 3.834 0 0 3.834 3.834 Completed
1172 MIZORAM Sports State Sports Academy, Zobawk NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 02-08-2010 17.5124 31-07-2012 14.809 0 0 14.809 14.809 Completed
1173 MIZORAM Water Supply Aibawk Water Supply scheme NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 26-09-2013 9.7942 30-09-2016 8.8147 0 0 8.8147 8.8147 Completed
1174 MIZORAM Water Supply Greater Hnahthial Water Supply Scheme in Mizoram NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 29-11-2010 8.256 30-11-2013 7.2576 0 0 7.2576 7.2576 Completed
1175 MIZORAM Water Supply Greater Lawngtlai Water Supply Scheme in Mizoram NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 08-10-2010 25.645 15-10-2013 22.628 0 0 22.628 22.628 Completed
1176 MIZORAM Water Supply Greater Saitual Water Supply Scheme in Mizoram NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 08-10-2010 21.532 15-10-2013 18.9988 0 0 18.9988 18.9988 Completed
1177 MIZORAM Water Supply Sairang Water Supply Scheme in Mizoram NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 20-03-2012 2.2114 28-06-2014 1.9512 0 0 1.9512 1.9512 Completed
1178 MIZORAM Water Supply Water supply to Sainik School Chhingchhip,Mizoram NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 23-05-2017 7.87 23-05-2019 6.993 0 0 6.993 2.7972 Completed
1179 MIZORAM Water Supply South Khawbung Water Supply Scheme in Mizoram NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 15-12-2011 8.2738 31-12-2013 7.4322 0 0 7.4322 7.4322 Completed
1180 MIZORAM Water Supply Tuipang Water Supply Scheme Mara Autonomous District Council in Mizoram NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 24-12-2010 9.4113 30-11-2012 8.304 0 0 8.304 8.304 Completed
1181 MIZORAM Water Supply W.Phaileng Water Supply Scheme (Pumping) in Mizoram NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 24-06-2011 9.9519 30-06-2013 8.9567 0 0 8.9567 8.9567 Completed
1182 MIZORAM Roads & Bridges Construction of Bridge over Tuichang on Keituam - Artahkawn road in Mizoram NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-04-2008 2.5949 30-04-2010 0.81 0 0 0.81 0.81 Completed
1183 MIZORAM Roads & Bridges Construction of Hnahthial - Haulawng via Zotui Road Phase-I (14.393 Km. upto WBM & Bituminous works) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 29-12-2014 15.1578 31-12-2017 13.2043 0 0 13.2043 13.2043 Completed
1184 MIZORAM Roads & Bridges Construction of Jeepable Suspension Bridge over R. Chhimtuipui at Darzokai on Hnahthial to Sangau Road NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 02-03-2012 2.1621 28-02-2013 1.9078 0 0 1.9078 1.9078 Completed
1185 MIZORAM Roads & Bridges Construction of Khanpui to Tualbung road NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 04-07-2011 1.9721 30-06-2012 1.2431 0 0 1.2431 1.2431 Completed
1186 MIZORAM Education Infrastructure Development of various colleges (10 Nos.) in Mizoram NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 24-06-2011 13.6764 30-06-2013 11.7362 0 0 11.7362 11.5931 Completed
1187 MIZORAM Health Construction of 50 Bedded District Hospital Complex and Procurement of Equipment at Hnahthial District NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS Choose... 01-01-2024 17.85 01-01-2028 0 0 0 0 0 Ongoing
1188 MIZORAM Health Construction of 50 Bedded District Hospital Complex and Procurement of Equipment at Saitual Mizoram NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS Choose... 15-12-2023 16.9605 15-12-2025 0 0 0 0 0 Ongoing
1189 MIZORAM Health Construction of 50 Bedded District Hospital Complex and Procurement of Equipment at Khawzawl, Mizoram NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS Choose... 15-12-2023 17.7505 15-12-2025 0 3.3037 0 3.3037 0 Ongoing
1190 MIZORAM Miscellaneous Strengthening of Government Press, Aizawl, Mizoram NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 14-03-2011 8.4247 31-03-2012 7.3033 0 0 7.3033 7.3033 Completed
1191 MIZORAM Roads & Bridges Bridge over River Chawngte(P to C)(LAI&Chakma ADC) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 07-01-2004 2.5553 31-01-2006 2.196 0 0 2.196 2.4379 Completed
1192 NAGALAND Health Strengthening of Health Infrastructure of various Health Facilities in Nagaland in Nagaland under NESIDS NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS Dept. of Power 24-03-2021 21.0024 31-12-2025 0.1 4.2191 0 4.3191 0 Ongoing
1193 NAGALAND Health Strengthening of health systems for the management of COVID-19 pandemic with special reference to combat the impending 3rd wave of the pandemic in Nagaland NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS Dept. of Health & familly 20-04-2022 19.9619 24-09-2024 0.1 4.82935 0 4.92935 0 Ongoing
1194 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Construction of road from Jendang-Saddle-Noklak-Pangsha Tuensang District - 62 Km (Phase - II for 31 Km) in Nagaland NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 26-12-2012 21.8672 31-12-2024 15.7097 0 0 15.7097 15.7097 Ongoing
1195 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Construction of road from Noklak to Thonoknyu via Sanglao in Nagaland NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 27-03-2009 22.4938 31-12-2024 15.7646 0 0 15.7646 15.7646 Ongoing
1196 NAGALAND Water Supply Providing water supply to Samziuram village, Peren NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 21-11-2017 18.9316 31-12-2024 17.0384 10.223 0 27.2614 6.8154 Ongoing
1197 NAGALAND Water Supply Providing Water Supply by gravity to Mon village and 4 neighbouring villages in Mon District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 29-10-2015 15.4667 31-10-2017 13.8212 0 0 13.8212 13.8212 Ongoing
1198 NAGALAND Power Sub-Transmission system at Mokokchung NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-02-2003 6.99 31-03-2004 6.291 0 0 6.291 6.99 Completed
1199 NAGALAND Power 23MW HFO, Thermal Power Plant, Dimapur NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 17-03-2004 32 31-07-2005 28.8 0 0 28.8 32 Closed
1200 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Construction of road from Agunato-Samator Road in Nagaland NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-03-2009 15.973 31-03-2011 14.098 0 0 14.098 14.098 Completed
1201 NAGALAND Education Nagaland University NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 02-09-2001 4.03 31-07-2005 4.03 0 0 4.03 4.03 Completed
1202 NAGALAND Irrigation & Flood Control Tsurang Irrigation Project NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 19-12-2007 16.9332 31-03-2010 13.5236 0 0 13.5236 13.5236 Ongoing
1203 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Replacement of Hamilton Bridge on Diku-Chare Road NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 21-03-2003 1.6 21-03-2005 0.36 0 0 0.36 0.06 Ongoing
1204 NAGALAND Miscellaneous Construction of New High Court Complex at Kohima Phase-I (Construction of residence for Honble Chief Justice of High Court and Construction of residences for Justice of High Court (six blocks) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 19-12-2017 12.8674 30-03-2025 0.1 0 0 0.1 0.1 Ongoing
1205 NAGALAND Miscellaneous Construction of Rest House for ADC HQ at Aboi under Mon District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 19-09-2011 1.544 31-08-2014 1.0898 0.2696 0 1.3594 1.0898 Ongoing
1206 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Construction of 2 lane RCC Bridge over Dhansiri river NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 28-06-2007 6.4519 31-07-2009 5.8067 0 0 5.8067 5.8067 Ongoing
1207 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Construction of road from Kohima to Leikie road junction to Tepuiki to Barak - 10 km (MDR) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 28-02-2011 9.6854 31-01-2013 8.5459 0 0 8.5459 8.5459 Ongoing
1208 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Khipire-Amahator-Lukhani Road (Tuensang Seminar Road) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 30-01-2003 19.524 31-03-2008 14.0446 0 0 14.0446 14.4946 Ongoing
1209 NAGALAND Tourism & Culture Construction of Rani Gaidinliu Library Cum memorial Museum at Kohima NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 19-09-2011 9.8308 30-06-2012 5.8354 0 0 5.8354 5.8354 Ongoing
1210 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Upgradation of road from Alongchen to Mangkolemba to via impur Mopungchuket Mongchen (ODR to MDR) - 19 Km-Phase-II in Nagaland NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 25-05-2017 22.33 31-05-2019 20.097 0 0 20.097 16.097 Completed
1211 NAGALAND Water Supply Providing water supply by gravity system to Aboi HQ and Longching EAC HQ in Mon District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Public Health & Engg Depa 04-12-2017 9.6598 31-12-2019 8.6938 0 0 8.6938 3.4775 Ongoing
1212 NAGALAND Miscellaneous Construction of Multipurpose Hall at Longleng in Nagaland NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 09-12-2009 11.7042 30-06-2011 10.3272 0 0 10.3272 9.0849 Ongoing
1213 NAGALAND Power Likimro - HEP NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 01-04-1999 37.01 31-12-2002 33.309 0 0 33.309 37.01 Completed
1214 NAGALAND Health State Referral Hospital , Dimapur. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 10-09-2001 3 31-12-2002 2.7 0 0 2.7 3 Completed
1215 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Improvement of Dimapur Niuland Road NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 01-03-2000 7.36 31-03-2003 6.624 0 0 6.624 7.36 Completed
1216 NAGALAND Water Supply Augmantation of water supply at Dimapur. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 19-07-2000 13.33 01-03-2002 11.997 0 0 11.997 13.33 Completed
1217 NAGALAND Power Sub-transmission & Distribution schemes (34 No.) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 07-11-2000 67.85 30-12-2005 59.112 0 0 59.112 65.68 Completed
1218 NAGALAND Miscellaneous Construction of Rest House for EAC HQ at Khonsa under Kiphire District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 19-09-2011 1.8838 31-08-2014 1.6622 0 0 1.6622 1.6622 Completed
1219 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Construction of Road from Phek to Chozuba (44.36 Km) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 31-12-2007 17.4713 30-06-2009 14.5 0 0 14.5 14.5 Completed
1220 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC T Beam girder double-lane bridge over river Tezu on Lanye to Meluri, Phek Dist NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-06-2011 9.0026 31-05-2014 7.9435 0 0 7.9435 7.9435 Completed
1221 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Kiphire - Pungro Road (Tuensang Seminar Road) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 01-04-2001 29 31-03-2008 26.55 0 0 26.55 28.5601 Completed
1222 NAGALAND Education Construction of School Buildings NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 01-09-2000 32.24 30-03-2001 29.016 0 0 29.016 32.24 Completed
1223 NAGALAND Health Strengthening health Infrastructure for Comprehensive response to possible Outbreak of COVID19 IN Nagaland NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS Dept. of Health & familly 02-07-2020 17.9562 30-09-2024 7.1825 8.3393884 0 15.5218884 7.1825 Ongoing
1224 NAGALAND Sports Construction of Football Stadium at Tobu Hq in Mon District in Nagaland NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 20-02-2014 2.6656 12-12-2024 1.8969 0 0 1.8969 1.3596 Ongoing
1225 NAGALAND Sports Construction of Indoor and Outdoor Stadium at Peren Government College, Peren NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 30-07-2010 8.2314 31-12-2024 2.903 0 0 2.903 2.903 Ongoing
1226 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Improvement of Roads in Tuensang District (Under PM's Package) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 29-09-2005 40.7211 31-03-2007 32.8222 0 0 32.8222 32.8182 Completed
1227 NAGALAND Education Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (2006-07) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 29-06-2006 4.6304 29-12-2006 4.6304 0 0 4.6304 4.6304 Completed
1228 NAGALAND Education Upgradation and Modernization of 3 ITIs in the State of Nagaland NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 14-12-2006 2.1933 30-05-2008 1.2831 0 0 1.2831 1.974 Completed
1229 NAGALAND Irrigation & Flood Control Integrated Nguiki Irrigation Project NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 22-06-2007 2.3713 31-07-2008 2.0924 0 0 2.0924 2.0924 Completed
1230 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Construction of road from NH-150 to Thiphuzu (25 km) in Nagaland NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 02-03-2009 11.9246 31-08-2010 10.7321 0 0 10.7321 10.7321 Completed
1231 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Constrcution of road from Kohima to Leike road junction to Barak - 15 Km (Phase- III) in Nagaland NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 24-12-2012 19.1148 31-12-2014 17.2033 0 0 17.2033 15.672 Ongoing
1232 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Construction of road from Pughoboto to Satakha, Zunheboto road, Zunheboto District (50km) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 19-09-2011 39.2404 31-08-2013 35.3162 0 0 35.3162 35.3162 Completed
1233 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Construction of Tizu Bridge & Chizuti Bridge at Nimi-Laluri Road to Mineral Deposit Areas NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 23-12-2010 20.5393 30-11-2012 18.1229 0 0 18.1229 18.1229 Completed
1234 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Constructon of T.Beam Girder Double Lane Bridge of IRC Class 'A' loading over river DZU-U on Rusoma to Kijumetuma road NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-12-2008 5.4441 15-06-2010 4.8997 0 0 4.8997 4.8997 Completed
1235 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Improvement and Upgradation of road from Longkhum via Mangmetong - Aliba NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 22-02-2006 17.81 29-02-2008 15.5589 0 0 15.5589 15.5589 Completed
1236 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Improvement of road from Hezidesa Village to Intanki River Bridge (6.60 km) and upgradation of Road from Mounglumuk to Jalukie Zandi Village (6.30km) in Nagaland NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 26-09-2007 7.27 28-08-2008 6.5434 0 0 6.5434 6.5434 Completed
1237 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Improvement of Roads in Wokha District (Under PM's Package) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 29-09-2005 4.3542 29-09-2007 3.8012 0 0 3.8012 3.8012 Completed
1238 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Railway Over bridge at Dimapur NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 01-01-2001 3.5 30-09-2002 3.15 0 0 3.15 3.5 Completed
1239 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Construction of road from Razeba to Chizami via Thetsumi NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-12-2008 25.7267 15-12-2010 23.154 0 0 23.154 23.154 Completed
1240 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Improvement of road from Zhekiye to Satoi - 70 km (Ghukhuyi upto Satoi Administrative Hq., MDR-21 km) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 10-11-2010 14.3884 30-04-2012 12.6957 0 0 12.6957 12.6957 Completed
1241 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Tohok-Chenkhao-Wangti,31KM NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 23-10-2001 8.1889 31-03-2006 7.37 0 0 7.37 7.9094 Completed
1242 NAGALAND Education Construction of 92 no. of Separate Girls Toilet in Government Schools in Nagaland NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS 29-03-2020 1.4651 30-03-2021 1.4651 0 0 1.4651 1.4651 Completed
1243 NAGALAND Education Implementation of Educational Infrastructure related to IT projects in 190 schools across Nagaland NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS Dept. of Power 10-05-2022 18.9527 30-06-2025 7.581 11.37 0 18.951 0 Completed
1244 NAGALAND Education In Service Teachers Training cum Examination Centre with Residential Facilitiesin Nagaland under NESIDS NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS Dept. of Power 31-03-2021 15.5 31-03-2025 6.2 5.425 0 11.625 6.2 Ongoing
1245 NAGALAND Education Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (2005-06) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 29-03-2006 4.646 29-12-2006 4.646 0 0 4.646 4.646 Completed
1246 NAGALAND Miscellaneous Administrative Training Institute. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 01-01-1999 1 30-09-2000 0.9 0 0 0.9 1 Completed
1247 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Tohok-Chen HQ-Chenlaiso-Wangti,49 KM NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 12-01-2004 11.1108 31-03-2006 9.7807 0 0 9.7807 9.7146 Completed
1248 NAGALAND Power Construction of 220 K/V F/C Transmission Line from Dimapur to Zadima NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 17-11-2017 108.1589 31-12-2024 97.3363 0 0 97.3363 97.3363 Ongoing
1249 NAGALAND Sports Development of Ziekezou Sports Complex, Kohima NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 21-11-2017 12.5 30-12-2024 11.25 6.75 0 18 4.5 Ongoing
1250 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Upgradation and Improvement of roads from Tourist Villages from major/minor hubs in Nagaland NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 02-03-2009 4.8964 28-02-2011 4.323 0 0 4.323 4.323 Completed
1251 NAGALAND Health Upgradation of Naga Hospital at Kohima . NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 23-12-1998 25 31-03-2001 16.2 0 0 16.2 14.28 Ongoing
1252 NAGALAND Water Supply Augmentation of water supply at Chen EAC H.Q. Chenwatnyu village NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 12-10-2007 2.7948 12-10-2007 2.466 0 0 2.466 2.466 Completed
1253 NAGALAND Irrigation & Flood Control Protection from Dhansiri river at Dimapur NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-02-2002 5.108 31-03-2003 4.59 0 0 4.59 5.1 Completed
1254 NAGALAND Irrigation & Flood Control Sowhi Minor Irrigation Project. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 11-10-2001 1.06 31-12-2002 0.954 0 0 0.954 1.06 Completed
1255 NAGALAND Miscellaneous Setting up of State Archive at Kohima NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 29-06-2006 4.3095 30-05-2008 3.7656 0 0 3.7656 3.7656 Completed
1256 NAGALAND Miscellaneous Extension of Hotel Japfu in Nagaland NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 05-07-2013 9.8312 24-12-2025 3.5392 0 0 3.5392 3.5392 Ongoing
1257 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Construction of Road from Purana Bazar (NH-39 Bypass) to Kohima-Bokajan Road NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 20-09-2004 21.1763 31-03-2006 18.5033 0 0 18.5033 19.2496 Completed
1258 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Upgradation of Dimapur Khopanala Jalukie Peren Road NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 21-02-2006 36.73 29-02-2008 33.0595 0 0 33.0595 33.0595 Completed
1259 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Upgradation of Dimapur-Nuiland Road from ODR to MDR (28 Kms) in Nagaland NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 16-08-2010 29.4108 29-02-2012 25.9507 0 0 25.9507 25.9507 Completed
1260 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Upgradation of road from Alongchen to Mangkolemba to via impur, Mopungchuket, Omngchem (ODR to MDR) - 15 Km (Phase-I) (upto WBM & Bituminous works) in Nagalnd NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 23-10-2013 16.95 30-09-2015 15.255 0 0 15.255 15.255 Completed
1261 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Upgradation of Road from Rusoma to Kijumetuma (36.00 Km) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 31-12-2007 21.8457 30-09-2009 19.6605 0 0 19.6605 19.6605 Completed
1262 NAGALAND Sports Construction of Sports Hall at Mokokchung NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 21-03-2003 1.94 31-10-2005 1.746 0 0 1.746 1.771 Completed
1263 NAGALAND Education Additional facilities (false ceiling) forr sainik School at Punglwa NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-09-2007 0.5858 27-02-2009 0.5187 0 0 0.5187 0.5187 Completed
1264 NAGALAND Education Additional Facilities to Sainik School at Punglwa, Nagaland NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 13-12-2006 2.08 30-05-2008 0.9115 0 0 0.9115 0.9115 Completed
1265 NAGALAND Education Computerisation & Computer Education in Schools. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 31-03-2000 1.62 31-03-2003 1.458 0 0 1.458 1.62 Completed
1266 NAGALAND Education Improvement of Science Education. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 01-04-2000 2.24 31-03-2003 2.016 0 0 2.016 2.24 Completed
1267 NAGALAND Irrigation & Flood Control Utilization of ground water resources through Shallow Tube Well NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-04-2008 0.6305 31-10-2008 0.5674 0 0 0.5674 0.5674 Completed
1268 NAGALAND Health Upgradation of District Hospitals, Nagaland NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 26-02-2004 14.4 31-12-2005 11.835 0 0 11.835 12.3469 Completed
1269 NAGALAND Health Vitalisation of State Referral Hospital, Dimapur NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 19-02-2004 35.62 31-03-2005 29.969 0 0 29.969 31.693 Completed
1270 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Aboi-Tohok, 14 KM NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 23-10-2001 6.53 31-03-2006 5.877 0 0 5.877 6.53 Completed
1271 NAGALAND Miscellaneous Construction of Judicial quaters for Judicial Officers in Nagaland NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 28-02-2014 9.8515 31-12-2024 8.0947 0 0 8.0947 6.4757 Ongoing
1272 NAGALAND Power Construction of new 66 kV Tizit to Mon Transmission Line NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 10-05-2005 12.4286 31-05-2006 10.8096 0 0 10.8096 10.8096 Completed
1273 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Chantongya - Longleng Road (23 KMs) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 01-03-2000 4.23 30-09-2002 3.807 0 0 3.807 4.23 Completed
1274 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Construction & Improvement of road from Zhekiye to Hokiye via Satoi (Zhekiye to Chokhuvi)-26 km in Nagaland NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 02-03-2009 16.9361 31-08-2010 14.9436 0 0 14.9436 14.9436 Completed
1275 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Construction / Improvement of road from Tuophema to Kasha (8.5 km) in Nagaland NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 26-03-2009 5.8682 31-08-2010 5.1779 0 0 5.1779 5.1779 Completed
1276 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Construction and Upgradation of road from Old Phek via Khuza to Satakha Road NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 22-02-2006 29.1721 29-02-2008 25.4902 0 0 25.4902 25.4902 Completed
1277 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Construction of road from Chuchuyimlang to Mongdikang 20 km in Nagaland NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 14-10-2009 11.0638 31-03-2011 9.7622 0 0 9.7622 9.7574 Completed
1278 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Construction of road from Longtho to Governors Camp at Liphayan 20 km in Nagaland NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-09-2009 10.9456 31-03-2011 9.6579 0 0 9.6579 9.6579 Completed
1279 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Construction of road from Tamlu Administrative Hq. to Shemnyuching in Nagaland NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 02-03-2009 11.4295 28-02-2011 10.2865 0 0 10.2865 10.2865 Completed
1280 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Construction of road from Tuophema to Pughoboto via Kasha (Kasha to Pughoboto) - 12.47km NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 19-09-2011 14.9487 31-08-2013 13.176 0 0 13.176 13.176 Completed
1281 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Construction of Road from Yangli to Surohoto (17Km) in Nagaland NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 04-09-2009 8.9468 28-02-2011 7.8942 0 0 7.8942 7.8942 Completed
1282 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Construction of road from Zero Point Sanis to Woruku village - 27km (ODR) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 19-09-2011 22.9944 30-09-2013 20.275 0 0 20.275 20.275 Completed
1283 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Construction of Road Kohima Laike Road junction to old Puilwa -15km in Nagaland NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 04-09-2009 7.4893 28-02-2011 6.6083 0 0 6.6083 6.6083 Completed
1284 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Construction of Road to Dimapur Dist. Headquarters at Chumukedima NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 01-03-2000 2.65 29-03-2002 2.385 0 0 2.385 2.65 Completed
1285 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Improvement and upgradation of District Capital Roads NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 29-07-2004 20 29-07-2006 17.4753 0 0 17.4753 18.1763 Completed
1286 NAGALAND Sports Mini Outdoor Stadium at Wangkhao College in Mon Town NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 22-05-2006 0.8026 30-04-2008 0.7014 0 0 0.7014 0.7014 Completed
1287 NAGALAND Water Supply Water Supply scheme for Mon and Chui villages NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 08-11-2003 3.92 31-03-2005 3.3622 0 0 3.3622 3.6622 Completed
1288 NAGALAND Water Supply Providing Water Supply to New Peren District HQ of Nagaland NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 14-09-2012 9.3094 31-12-2014 8.3564 0 0 8.3564 8.3564 Completed
1289 NAGALAND Power Scheme for Providing Stable Power Supply to Mon District in Nagaland NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS 29-08-2019 20.9607 31-03-2020 20.684 0 0 20.684 20.684 Completed
1290 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Dimapur to Ganeshnagar Road NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-01-2003 12.12 31-03-2004 10.4132 0 0 10.4132 11.1132 Completed
1291 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Lampong Singha to Phomehing via Changnyu EAC HQ. (Mon Seminar Road) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-01-2003 8.78 31-12-2005 0.54 0 0 0.54 0 Completed
1292 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Mokokchung-Dikhu-Chare road in Tuensang Dist. (Tuensang Seminar Road) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-02-2001 8.7 31-03-2006 7.831 0 0 7.831 8.537 Completed
1293 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Mon-Namotola Road (Mon Seminar Road) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 01-10-2001 9.58 31-03-2004 8.622 0 0 8.622 9.501 Completed
1294 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Tang-Junction to Chenmoho Road (Mon Seminar Road) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 01-04-2001 15.54 31-03-2005 14.2828 0 0 14.2828 15.1258 Completed
1295 NAGALAND Water Supply Development of Tourism related infrastructure at Tuophema Tourist Village, Kohima District in Nagaland NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS Dept. of Agriculture & An 03-09-2019 3.0823 31-03-2020 1.2329 1.8494 0 3.0823 1.2329 Ongoing
1296 NAGALAND Miscellaneous Construction of Swimming Pool at Dimapur, Nagaland NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-09-2013 2.5985 30-06-2015 2.267 0 0 2.267 2.267 Completed
1297 NAGALAND Power Up-gradation of Transformation capacity at 132 kv sub-station Nagarjan, Dimapur(132/66 kv, 100 MVA-1Nos. and 66/33, kv, 50 MVA -1 nos.) NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS Dept. of Power 22-12-2023 24.46 31-01-2028 0 18.250575 6.083525 24.3341 0 Ongoing
1298 NAGALAND Water Supply Augmenataion of Water Supply to Wokha Town NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 23-11-2012 19.596 31-10-2014 16.8368 0 0 16.8368 16.8368 Completed
1299 NAGALAND Education Construction of Senayangpa School Building at Ungma Mokokchung in Nagaland NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 20-02-2014 5.6924 31-01-2017 5.1232 0 0 5.1232 5.1232 Completed
1300 NAGALAND Education Construction of Tribal Boys Hostel near Fazl Ali College, Mokokchung Town, Mokokchung District in Nagaland NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 20-02-2014 4.4498 31-01-2017 3.8882 0 0 3.8882 3.8882 Completed
1301 NAGALAND Education Improvement and upgradation of 11 Government High School Buildings NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 05-11-2008 9.9894 31-10-2010 8.8141 0 0 8.8141 8.8141 Completed
1302 NAGALAND Education Sainik School at Punglwa, Kohima NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 19-03-2004 14.07 19-03-2006 12.308 0 0 12.308 12.5895 Completed
1303 NAGALAND Miscellaneous Construction of Bus and Truck Terminus at Peren New District HQ (Model Township) in Nagaland NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 31-10-2012 8.7386 30-04-2014 7.8647 0 0 7.8647 7.8647 Completed
1304 NAGALAND Miscellaneous Construction of Rest House for EAC HQ at Ghathashi under Zunheboto District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 19-09-2011 1.2737 31-08-2014 1.1238 0 0 1.1238 1.1238 Completed
1305 NAGALAND Miscellaneous Construction of Rest House for EAC HQ at Sakshi under Longleng District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 19-09-2011 1.5437 31-08-2014 1.3621 0 0 1.3621 1.3621 Completed
1306 NAGALAND Miscellaneous Construction of Rest House for EAC HQ at Satoi under Zunheboto District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 19-09-2011 1.2726 31-08-2014 1.1229 0 0 1.1229 1.1229 Completed
1307 NAGALAND Miscellaneous Construction of Rest House for SDO HQ at Changtongya under Makokchung District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 19-09-2011 1.7971 31-08-2014 1.5857 0 0 1.5857 1.5857 Completed
1308 NAGALAND Miscellaneous Construction of Rest House for SDO HQ at Sanis under Wokha District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 19-09-2011 1.9312 31-08-2014 1.7041 0 0 1.7041 1.7041 Completed
1309 NAGALAND Miscellaneous Construction of Rest House for SDO Hq. at Changtongya under Mokokchung District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 19-09-2011 1.7971 31-08-2014 1.5857 0 0 1.5857 1.5857 Completed
1310 NAGALAND Miscellaneous Construction of Rest House for Sub-divisional Officer (Civil) at Dhansiripar under Dimapur District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 19-09-2011 1.6006 31-08-2014 1.4123 0 0 1.4123 1.4123 Completed
1311 NAGALAND Power Construction of end equipments and 220 kv S/C transmission line from PGCIL sub-station Dimapur to Chiephobozou NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 03-12-2010 14.2339 31-10-2012 12.5593 0 0 12.5593 12.5593 Completed
1312 NAGALAND Power Upgradation of 132/66/33 KV Grid Sub-station at Nagarjan, Dimapur NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 01-07-2014 17.0543 30-06-2017 15.3033 0 0 15.3033 15.3033 Completed
1313 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Construction of Link Roads to Mineral Deposit Areas in Nagaland NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 16-05-2008 26.5391 31-05-2010 23.4171 0 0 23.4171 23.4171 Completed
1314 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Construction of road from Diezephe to Razephe via Vidima - 15 km NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 19-05-2011 13.7124 31-05-2013 12.0992 0 0 12.0992 12.0992 Completed
1315 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Construction of road from Ruzhazo to Phek town via Khumvophu NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-12-2008 8.6004 15-09-2010 7.6486 0 0 7.6486 7.6486 Completed
1316 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges construction of Road from Sainik School Punglwa to Jalukie( from ODR to Intermediate Lane)-28 Km in Peren District ) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 25-02-2016 36.1196 28-02-2018 32.2503 0 0 32.2503 32.2503 Completed
1317 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Improvement & Upgradation of road from Border road to Changlanshu - 19 km NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-06-2011 6.1078 31-05-2014 5.3892 0 0 5.3892 5.3892 Completed
1318 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Improvement and Upgradation of road from NH-61 (Alichen to Mangmetong - 11 Km) to Doyang Hydro Project Phase -I in Nagaland NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 05-02-2010 7.0414 15-08-2011 6.2129 0 0 6.2129 6.2129 Completed
1319 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Improvement of Roads in Mon District (Under PMs Package) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 29-09-2005 23.7478 29-09-2007 20.5814 0 0 20.5814 20.5814 Completed
1320 NAGALAND Water Supply Providing Water Supply to 24 villages of Chiephobozou R.D.Block in Nagaland NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-09-2009 26.2641 30-09-2011 23.1742 0 0 23.1742 23.1742 Completed
1321 NAGALAND Miscellaneous Construction of Rest House for ADC HQ at Khuza under Phek District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 16-09-2011 1.6246 31-08-2014 1.4335 0 0 1.4335 1.4335 Completed
1322 NAGALAND Miscellaneous Construction of Rest House for ADC HQ at Meluri under Phek District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 19-09-2011 1.8751 31-08-2014 1.6545 0 0 1.6545 1.6545 Completed
1323 NAGALAND Miscellaneous Construction of Rest House for ADC HQ at Niuland under Dimapur District in Nagaland funded under NLCPR Scheme. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 19-09-2011 1.7027 19-09-2013 1.5024 0 0 1.5024 1.5024 Completed
1324 NAGALAND Miscellaneous Construction of Rest House for ADC HQ at Shamator under Tuensang District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 19-09-2011 1.8489 31-08-2014 1.6314 0 0 1.6314 1.6314 Completed
1325 NAGALAND Miscellaneous Construction of Rest House for Deputy Commissioner HQ at New Peren under Peren District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 19-09-2011 2.1677 31-08-2014 1.9127 0 0 1.9127 1.9127 Completed
1326 NAGALAND Miscellaneous Construction of Rest House for EAC HQ at Botsa under Kohima District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 16-09-2011 1.3605 31-08-2014 1.2005 0 0 1.2005 1.2005 Completed
1327 NAGALAND Power Construction of 10 MVA 132/33 kV Sub-station at Doyang (NH-61) near NEEPCO project NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 23-03-2012 10 31-03-2014 5.76 0 0 5.76 5.76 Completed
1328 NAGALAND Power Construction of 132 kV S/C Wokha-Zunheboto-Makokchung Transmission line Phase I, Wokha Doyang NH-61 NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 23-09-2011 20.4809 30-09-2013 17.6346 0 0 17.6346 17.6346 Completed
1329 NAGALAND Power Construction of 66KV Transmission Line (charged at 33KV) from Ganeshnagar to Peren & construction of 5MVA, 33/11 KV S/S at Jalukie & Peren NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-12-2008 21.7844 15-05-2010 19.2216 0 0 19.2216 19.2216 Completed
1330 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Construction of road from Kephore to Kituskir (10 km) in Nagaland NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 02-03-2009 7.4905 31-08-2010 6.2638 0 0 6.2638 6.2638 Completed
1331 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Construction of Road from Chen HQ to Wangti, 23.10 Km in Mon District, Kohima in Nagaland NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 08-07-2013 24.5059 30-06-2016 22.0553 0 0 22.0553 22.0553 Completed
1332 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Construction of road from Chozuba Border Road to Kijumetuma Junction via Khusami (26 km) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 15-03-2011 34.355 28-02-2013 30.312 0 0 30.312 30.312 Completed
1333 NAGALAND Miscellaneous Establishment of North East Expo Centre ar Dimapur NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 12-10-2007 21.2178 30-09-2010 19.096 0 0 19.096 19.096 Completed
1334 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Construction of road from NH-150 to Chokriba via Thipuzu (10 km) in Phek District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 19-12-2011 11.6791 31-03-2013 10.3049 0 0 10.3049 10.3049 Completed
1335 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Project Upgradation of road from Aizuto Mission Centre to Shena old Saptiqa EAC HQ via Atoizu and Tulo river i/c one bridge (25m span) 45 km. retained for 23 kms. only in Nagaland NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 10-08-2015 14 30-04-2018 15.84 0 0 15.84 12.6 Completed
1336 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Upgradation of Co-Co Doyang Road (NH-61) to Kitsaki via Atoizu SDO HQ-37 (MDR) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 23-12-2010 16.6112 30-11-2012 14.6569 0 0 14.6569 14.6569 Completed
1337 NAGALAND Power Electrification of 4 Tribal Villages NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 31-10-2000 0.7 31-12-2002 0.63 0 0 0.63 0.7 Completed
1338 SIKKIM Roads & Bridges Construction of 70 Mtrs Span Roruchu Steel Bridge along GRBA road in East Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 06-09-2017 10.7514 30-09-2020 9.6763 0 0 9.6763 9.6763 Ongoing
1339 SIKKIM Education Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-03-2006 2.0005 29-12-2006 2.0005 0 0 2.0005 2.0005 Completed
1340 SIKKIM Education Multi-purpose Auditorium at Tashi Namgyal Academy, Gangtok, East Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 25-05-2017 6.5 30-11-2019 5.524 0 0 5.524 5.524 Completed
1341 SIKKIM Education Construction of Model School in Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 20-06-2013 10.0936 30-06-2015 9.0842 0 0 9.0842 9.0842 Completed
1342 SIKKIM Sports Upgradation of Football Stadium with other allied facilities at Mangan, North Sikkim (Phase-II) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 06-12-2016 9 30-11-2019 6.372 0 0 6.372 3.186 Ongoing
1343 SIKKIM Power Construction of 66/11 KV 2x5 MVA Sub - station at Perbing Ranka East Sikkim including drawing of 11 KV HT Transmission lines for power evacuation and other allied electrical works in and around Gangtok in East Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 20-04-2010 15.891 30-09-2011 14.0929 0 0 14.0929 14.0929 Completed
1344 SIKKIM Water Supply Augmentation of water supply at Soreng, West Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS 20-04-2022 4.6 30-04-2024 4.6 0 0.9834 5.5834 1.74 Completed
1345 SIKKIM Water Supply Augmentation of rural water supply scheme at Central Pandem,Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 03-06-2009 20.4975 30-05-2012 6.33 0 0 6.33 3.7004 Ongoing
1346 SIKKIM Water Supply Water Supply Scheme for Meli Bazar South Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 08-07-2011 8.7243 30-06-2013 7.7097 0 0 7.7097 7.7097 Completed
1347 SIKKIM Miscellaneous Infrastructure Development and Beautification of Gyalshing Bazaar, Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 17-09-2013 6.258 31-08-2016 5.6323 0 0 5.6323 5.6323 Completed
1348 SIKKIM Power Construction of 132 KV Transmission line from LLHP to Nathula NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 29-06-2006 31.0087 30-05-2008 26.9806 0 0 26.9806 26.9806 Completed
1349 SIKKIM Roads & Bridges Construction of 40 M Span Steel Bridge over Lwang Khola along Namchi Phongla Road Km 8th, South Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 09-11-2010 3.2656 31-10-2011 2.8757 0 0 2.8757 2.3512 Completed
1350 SIKKIM Roads & Bridges Construction of Bridge over Rangit River at Kitchudumra, Namchi - Sikip in South Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 14-12-2016 13.7495 31-12-2020 12.0779 0 0 12.0779 12.0779 Completed
1351 SIKKIM Tourism & Culture Construction of Scholars residence at Namgyal Institute of Tibetology, Deorali, Gangtok NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 21-11-2012 2.3241 31-10-2014 1.783 0 0 1.783 1.783 Completed
1352 SIKKIM Water Supply Augmentation of Namchi Water Supply Scheme, South Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-12-2012 38.2199 30-11-2016 34.3979 0 0 34.3979 34.3979 Completed
1353 SIKKIM Roads & Bridges Construction of Diversion of Ranipool-Pakyong Road in East Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 29-09-2004 2.37 29-09-2006 2.0499 0 0 2.0499 2.1327 Completed
1354 SIKKIM Health Procurement of equipment for strengthening of Bio-Medical Waste Management (BMV) system & High Flow Nasal Oxygen (HFNO) System in Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS Dept. of Health & familly 27-09-2021 5.3343 27-10-2022 2.1124 3.1685 0 5.2809 0.1 Ongoing
1355 SIKKIM Water Supply Water Supply Scheme for newly developed township Pangthang/Bojoghari NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 07-05-2004 5.86 30-12-2006 5.0211 0 0 5.0211 5.2961 Completed
1356 SIKKIM Water Supply Water Supply Scheme from Chakmakey and Ringyang under Soreng Sub-Division NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 22-05-2006 8.7515 30-11-2007 7.669 0 0 7.669 7.669 Completed
1357 SIKKIM Education Construction of Multipurpose Halls cum Classroom in Six Senior Secondary Schools. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 02-01-2012 18 31-05-2013 13.0645 0 0 13.0645 13.0645 Ongoing
1358 SIKKIM Irrigation & Flood Control Anti Erosion Works (38 No.) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 12-09-2001 15 31-03-2004 13.5 0 0 13.5 15 Completed
1359 SIKKIM Education Assistance to affiliated colleges (4 No) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 15-09-2000 5 31-03-2005 4.5 0 0 4.5 5 Completed
1360 SIKKIM Education Construction of School Buildings and Rain Water Harvesting for various Schools NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 08-12-2006 11.474 07-12-2008 10.0434 0 0 10.0434 10.0433 Completed
1361 SIKKIM Irrigation & Flood Control Anti Erosion Works (32 No.) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-03-2000 10.02 30-12-2001 9.02 0 0 9.02 10.02 Completed
1362 SIKKIM Miscellaneous Ropeway from Deorali to tashiling NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 09-03-2000 10.6 30-06-2004 9.54 0 0 9.54 10.6 Completed
1363 SIKKIM Power 132 kv S/c transmission line from rangit to Melli with 132/66 kv sub-station at Melli. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 16-01-2002 28.17 31-08-2004 25.353 0 0 25.353 28.17 Completed
1364 SIKKIM Power Centralized Load Dispatch Centre at Melli NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 23-09-2002 9.7416 31-03-2005 9.0674 0 0 9.0674 9.2164 Completed
1365 SIKKIM Power Construction of 66 kV S/C transmission line from Myong to Chungthang and transformer bay at Chungthang and feeder bay at Mayong NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 22-03-2004 8.7676 31-12-2005 7.8579 0 0 7.8579 7.8579 Completed
1366 SIKKIM Power Cost. of 66/11 kv ,2 x 2.55 MVA Sub-Station with LILO arrangement at old Namchi Bazar including Up-gradation of existing 2X 2.5 MVA Sub-Station to 2X 7.5 MVA Sub-Station at Namchi , South Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 23-12-2010 13.4793 30-06-2012 11.726 0 0 11.726 11.726 Completed
1367 SIKKIM Power Installation of 1x15 MVA transformer & extension bay at 66/11KV S/S Mamring South Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 09-03-2010 6.0584 30-09-2011 5.3636 0 0 5.3636 5.3636 Completed
1368 SIKKIM Power Remodelling of transmission and distribution network of Gangtok Town NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-05-2004 22.444 28-02-2006 20.1996 0 0 20.1996 21.0996 Completed
1369 SIKKIM Power Sub-Transmission and Distribution works at three locations (i) Power Supply to VIP Complex at Gangtok, (ii) Augmentation of Substation capacity at Tadong by 1x5 MVA, 66/11 KV transformer for referal hospital, (iii) construction of 66 KV D/C line from low NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 11-09-2001 17.1156 30-09-2004 15.791 0 0 15.791 16.641 Completed
1370 SIKKIM Power Drawing of new 66 kv double circuit transmission line from LLHP to Tadong 66/11 KV Sub-Station, Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 02-09-2009 8.3443 31-08-2011 7.3626 0 0 7.3626 7.3626 Ongoing
1371 SIKKIM Power Synchronization of Rimbi Stage I, Stage II and Kalez HEP to Common 11 kV grid and further to 66 kV State grid NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 23-03-2006 9.6232 29-09-2006 8.6608 0 0 8.6608 8.6608 Completed
1372 SIKKIM Roads & Bridges Carpeting / Surface Improvement of Dentam - Uttarey Road (10 Km) in West Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-07-2004 3.99 31-12-2005 3.4717 0 0 3.4717 3.3399 Completed
1373 SIKKIM Roads & Bridges Carpeting / Surface Improvement of Soreng-Budang Road via Malbassey (10Km) in South Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-07-2004 3.39 31-05-2008 3.0522 0 0 3.0522 3.1712 Completed
1374 SIKKIM Roads & Bridges Carpeting / Surface Improvement, Protective works and Drainage on Namchi-Rabongla Road (26 Kms) in South Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-07-2004 12.07 31-12-2005 10.4588 0 0 10.4588 10.8808 Completed
1375 SIKKIM Roads & Bridges Construction of Goshkan Dara Bridge over Teesta at Singtam NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 15-02-2006 15.5971 15-02-2008 12.6871 0 0 12.6871 12.7096 Completed
1376 SIKKIM Roads & Bridges Improvement & widening of Tintek Dikchu Road - 12 km in East Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 02-03-2009 16.153 31-08-2010 11.718 0 0 11.718 11.718 Completed
1377 SIKKIM Roads & Bridges Replacement of 2 nos. of existing suspension bridges on Pelling-Yuksom Road in Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-07-2004 3.28 31-03-2006 2.8738 0 0 2.8738 2.9888 Completed
1378 SIKKIM Roads & Bridges Upgradation of LLHP to Nandok road (4kms) in East Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 02-03-2009 3.6277 31-08-2010 3.2273 0 0 3.2273 3.2273 Completed
1379 SIKKIM Roads & Bridges Upgradation of Rabongla - Makha Road (26 Kms) in South Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-07-2004 9.94 31-05-2008 8.7912 0 0 8.7912 9.1392 Completed
1380 SIKKIM Roads & Bridges Strengthening of roads and bridges (8 No.) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 05-02-2002 13.69 31-03-2007 12.321 0 0 12.321 13.69 Completed
1381 SIKKIM Roads & Bridges WBM Carpetting of 9 roads (9 No.) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 09-03-2000 5.2 31-03-2001 4.68 0 0 4.68 5.2 Completed
1382 SIKKIM Sports Paljor Stadium's Upgradation NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 16-03-2001 15.36 31-03-2003 15.36 0 0 15.36 15.36 Completed
1383 SIKKIM Water Supply Augmentation of Rongli Water Supply Scheme NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 21-03-2003 1.6871 30-09-2004 1.512 0 0 1.512 1.68 Completed
1384 SIKKIM Water Supply Augmentation of Water Supply for Sang Naya Bazar in East Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-09-2007 2.0074 30-09-2008 1.7712 0 0 1.7712 1.7712 Completed
1385 SIKKIM Water Supply Augmentation Water Supply Scheme for Greater Gangtok Phase-II in Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-07-2004 24.3439 31-03-2006 21.7406 0 0 21.7406 22.6406 Completed
1386 SIKKIM Water Supply Extension of Gangtok Sewerage Project (Phase-I), Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 21-03-2003 2.9649 31-03-2005 2.6684 0 0 2.6684 2.9649 Completed
1387 SIKKIM Water Supply Extension of Gangtok Sewerage Project (Phase-II), Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 21-03-2003 7 31-03-2005 6.2958 0 0 6.2958 7 Completed
1388 SIKKIM Water Supply Multi-stage pumping for Drinking water from River Rangeet to Namchi NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 21-03-2003 12.48 31-03-2005 11.2278 0 0 11.2278 11.7378 Completed
1389 SIKKIM Water Supply Rhenock Water Supply Scheme in East Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 07-03-2008 16.2731 28-02-2010 14.3586 0 0 14.3586 14.3586 Completed
1390 SIKKIM Miscellaneous Dacheling Cremation Ground NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 21-03-2003 1.09 31-12-2005 0.9745 0 0 0.9745 1.0615 Completed
1391 SIKKIM Water Supply Rural water supply schemes NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 31-08-2001 13.5 01-01-1970 12.15 0 0 12.15 13.5 Completed
1392 SIKKIM Water Supply AuGmentation of Water Supply for greater Rangpo in East Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 13-12-2006 19.9434 12-12-2008 16.1787 0 0 16.1787 16.1787 Completed
1393 SIKKIM Roads & Bridges Slope stabilisation of Labing landslide (160 m) and Chongrang landslide (800 m) on Yuksom-Legship road in West Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-07-2004 1.28 30-04-2008 1.1073 0 0 1.1073 1.1523 Completed
1394 SIKKIM Irrigation & Flood Control Anti Erosion Works (6 No.) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 12-09-2001 5.4866 31-03-2003 4.941 0 0 4.941 5.49 Completed
1395 SIKKIM Roads & Bridges Development of Eco-Tourism Zone at Zandidara under Barsey Rhodoendron Sanctuary in West Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS 20-04-2022 20 30-04-2024 0.1 0 0 0.1 0.1 Ongoing
1396 SIKKIM Roads & Bridges Extension of road from Chakhung Khanesherbong SPWD road to Majuwa village via Chota Samdung-3kms length alongwith 2nos. of RCC bridges in West District NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-12-2008 2.7079 15-06-2010 2.3893 0 0 2.3893 2.3893 Completed
1397 SIKKIM Roads & Bridges Namachi Assangthang Road under South Sikkim circle (5 km) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-03-2008 6 28-02-2010 5.4 0 0 5.4 5.4 Completed
1398 SIKKIM Roads & Bridges Surface improvement/widening,carpeting and bridge replacement on Gyalshing-Soreng Road (up to Dentam): (a) Pelling - Dentam Road (20 km) and (b) Replacement of BB Lal Suspension Brdg over Kalez Khola NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 22-03-2004 12.51 31-12-2005 10.8255 0 0 10.8255 10.9905 Completed
1399 SIKKIM Irrigation & Flood Control Anti Erosion Works (15 No.) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 14-01-2000 5.32 30-09-2003 4.788 0 0 4.788 5.32 Completed
1400 SIKKIM Roads & Bridges Construction of 70 m Span Bridge over Dev Khola along GLVC road Km 8th, South Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 09-11-2010 5.0634 31-10-2011 3.6456 0 0 3.6456 3.6456 Completed
1401 SIKKIM Health Construction of Annexe Block for 1000 Bedded Super Speciality STNM Hospital at Sochyagang, East Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-12-2013 27.1267 30-06-2017 24.414 0 0 24.414 24.414 Completed
1402 SIKKIM Power Complete Electrification of Lord Buddha Statue including garden along with conversion of existing overhead L.T. distribution lines into underground cable system with modernization and refurbishment of existing electrical network at Rabong bazaar in South NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 09-03-2010 4.0052 30-09-2011 3.534 0 0 3.534 3.534 Completed
1403 SIKKIM Roads & Bridges Construction of 28 new roads (28 No.) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 09-03-2000 4.56 31-12-2003 4.104 0 0 4.104 4.56 Completed
1404 SIKKIM Education Construction of 198 School buildings NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 15-09-2000 23.42 31-03-2003 21.078 0 0 21.078 23.42 Completed
1405 SIKKIM Education Centre for Computer and Communication Technology Polytechnic, Gangtok. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 22-03-2000 2.5 31-03-2004 2.25 0 0 2.25 2.5 Completed
1406 SIKKIM Health Construction of 70 bedded District Hospital at Mangan, North Sikkim, Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS Dept. of Health & familly 20-03-2020 10 21-03-2021 4 6 0 10 4 Completed
1407 SIKKIM Water Supply Augmentation of Gyalshing water supply scheme in west sikkim under NESIDS NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS 18-03-2021 36.45 18-03-2023 36.45 0 0 36.45 34.5935 Ongoing
1408 SIKKIM Miscellaneous Namchi to Samdruptse Ropeway, South Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 12-10-2007 16.0425 31-08-2009 14.4382 0 0 14.4382 14.4382 Completed
1409 SIKKIM Roads & Bridges Construction of Rural suspension Foot Bridges (35 No.) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-02-2002 8.9 31-03-2005 8.01 0 0 8.01 8.839 Completed
1410 SIKKIM Roads & Bridges Upgradation of Ranka Burtuk-Gangtok Road (8 kms) in East Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 07-05-2004 4.2 30-09-2005 3.672 0 0 3.672 3.872 Completed
1411 SIKKIM Miscellaneous Solid Waste Treatment Project for Mangan in Sikkim (under SAP) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 05-12-2017 10 31-12-2019 3.6 0 0 3.6 2.3991 Ongoing
1412 SIKKIM Education Construction of Multi Purpose Hall cum Classroom for 5 Senior Secondary Schools at various places in Sikkim under NLCPR. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-09-2008 9.7115 31-03-2010 8.6066 0 0 8.6066 8.6066 Completed
1413 SIKKIM Miscellaneous Regional facility for Solid Waste Treatment and Disposal Project at Shipsu to cater to South & West Sikkim (under SAP) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 06-12-2017 11.144 31-12-2019 10.0295 0 0 10.0295 10.0067 Ongoing
1414 SIKKIM Power Augmentation of 66/11 KV, 2.5 MVA phodong Sub-Station to 5 MVA and replacement of all electrical equipments, North Sikkim under NLCPR NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 06-07-2011 8.6095 30-06-2012 7.6084 0 0 7.6084 7.6084 Completed
1415 SIKKIM Power Construction of 11kV Heavy Duty Transmission Line from Mangan to Upper Dzongu and Lower Dzongu and Installation of 11/11 kV Control Room at Phidang, Lower Dzongu and Lingze, Upper Dzongu, North Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-02-2014 17.7141 28-02-2016 15.9427 0 0 15.9427 12.7541 Completed
1416 SIKKIM Power Construction of 66 KV line from Lachung to Maltin including construction of 66/11 KV 5 MVA Switchyard at Lachung and additional bay at Maltin in Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 22-03-2011 10.791 30-09-2012 9.5253 0 0 9.5253 9.5253 Completed
1417 SIKKIM Power Conversion of existing 440 V L.T. distribution overhead lines including service connections into underground cable system at Gyalshing Bazar and its surrounding areas in Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 07-09-2011 4.4532 31-07-2012 3.9293 0 0 3.9293 3.9293 Completed
1418 SIKKIM Power Design, Supply, erection, testing & commissioning of 11/66 KV switchyard at Rbochu HEP with 25 MVA, 11/66 KV transformer and construction of 66 KV transmission line from Rabochu to mAltin with additional bay in Maltin in Noth Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 08-07-2011 10.8763 31-12-2012 9.6106 0 0 9.6106 9.6106 Completed
1419 SIKKIM Power Drawing of 66 KV Transmission line including construction of 2x7.5 MVA, sub-station at Marchak, East Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 20-04-2010 10.0077 30-09-2011 8.8303 0 0 8.8303 8.8303 Completed
1420 SIKKIM Power Establishment of 11/11 kV switching substation, upgradation of 11 kV transmission system under Pakyong Division in East Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 29-04-2013 26.331 30-10-2014 23.6979 0 0 23.6979 23.6979 Completed
1421 SIKKIM Power Extension of 132 Kv system in South and West Districts of Sikkim covering Gyalshing, Pelling and Rabongla NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-07-2004 23.03 31-03-2006 20.7283 0 0 20.7283 21.5355 Completed
1422 SIKKIM Power Upgradation and Modernization of the power distribution network of Namchi and its surrounding areas with high voltage distribution system (HVDS), South Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-08-2017 18.5599 31-08-2019 16.7039 0 0 16.7039 16.7039 Completed
1423 SIKKIM Roads & Bridges Construction / improvement of 18.3 km road Sribadam-Deythang-Mangalbarey in West Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 02-03-2009 16.8026 28-02-2011 14.0935 0 0 14.0935 14.0935 Completed
1424 SIKKIM Roads & Bridges Construction of Link Road from Middle Tumin to Dhanbari via Namrang in East Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 06-12-2013 5.028 30-11-2015 4.5252 0 0 4.5252 4.5252 Completed
1425 SIKKIM Roads & Bridges Construction of link road from Passingdong P.H.E. to Linghtem Gumpha (Monastery) and Lingthem School-8km, upper Dzongo, North Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 26-03-2009 7.6555 28-02-2011 6.89 0 0 6.89 6.89 Completed
1426 SIKKIM Roads & Bridges Construction of pre- stressed Bridge over River Rangit on Legship Tashiding road in West Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-09-2008 21.868 30-09-2010 19.6775 0 0 19.6775 19.6775 Completed
1427 SIKKIM Roads & Bridges Pakyong- Machong - Rolep Road in East NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 04-11-2008 33.3858 31-10-2010 29.0169 0 0 29.0169 29.0169 Completed
1428 SIKKIM Roads & Bridges Upgradation and Carpeting of Link Road from Kaluk Dentam Road, Km 4th (Bermiok) to Leghship Bermoik Road Km 10th (Shivalaya Mandir) in Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 22-02-2013 5.7128 31-01-2015 5.1415 0 0 5.1415 5.1415 Completed
1429 SIKKIM Roads & Bridges Upgradation of Rongli to Rorathang Road in East Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 22-02-2013 17.7503 31-01-2015 14.7733 0 0 14.7733 14.7733 Completed
1430 SIKKIM Roads & Bridges Upgradation to Intermediate Standard of Gangtok- Rumtek Road in East Sikkim (24 Km upto Old Rumtek Monastery)-MDR NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 29-12-2014 62.1192 31-12-2017 55.9073 0 0 55.9073 55.9073 Completed
1431 SIKKIM Roads & Bridges Upgradation, carpeting of Namchi Phong Mamring Road in Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 22-02-2013 47.715 31-01-2016 42.9435 0 0 42.9435 42.9435 Completed
1432 SIKKIM Tourism & Culture Tourist Wayside Amenity, Toilets for all age and differently-abled along en-route Nathula in East Sikkim (at 7 locations) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-05-2016 2.48 31-05-2018 2.232 0 0 2.232 2.232 Completed
1433 SIKKIM Water Supply Augumentation of Water Supply of newly created Jorthang Nagar Panchyat in South Sikkim (Modified version of DPR of Providing Water Supply with Treatment Plant to New Reigonal Administrative Centre at Karfectar, South Sikkim) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 07-03-2011 9.5265 28-02-2013 8.4056 0 0 8.4056 8.4056 Completed
1434 SIKKIM Water Supply Construction of water supply scheme in Pakyong , East Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 23-12-2010 9.8342 31-01-2014 8.6773 0 0 8.6773 8.6773 Completed
1435 SIKKIM Water Supply Providing water supply scheme to Central University located at Yangang from Burphong Khola Source in South Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept of Planning 23-03-2016 40.4665 30-04-2018 36.4199 0 0 36.4199 36.4199 Completed
1436 SIKKIM Water Supply Rural Water Supply for Amba, Taza and parts of Linkey Tareythang GPU in East Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 16-01-2013 9.1685 30-11-2014 8.2516 0 0 8.2516 8.2516 Completed
1437 SIKKIM Water Supply Water Distribution Network for Singtam Town in East Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-07-2011 21.0495 31-07-2013 18.5732 0 0 18.5732 18.5732 Completed
1438 SIKKIM Tourism & Culture Development of Tourist Infrastructure for Kailash Mansarovar Yatra in Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 17-08-2017 42.23 31-08-2019 38.007 4.1803 0 42.1873 33.8262 Ongoing
1439 SIKKIM Water Supply Construction of Rain Water Harvesting structure at Rabdentse in West Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 04-07-2007 4.621 03-07-2008 3.3271 0 0 3.3271 3.3271 Completed
1440 SIKKIM Miscellaneous Beautification and upgradation of Ranipool Bazaar in Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 20-12-2013 7.635 31-12-2015 6.3592 0 0 6.3592 6.3592 Completed
1441 SIKKIM Miscellaneous Development and Upgradation of Rangpo Bazar NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-06-2012 6.4566 30-06-2013 5.3525 0 0 5.3525 5.3525 Completed
1442 SIKKIM Miscellaneous Development of Crematorium Complex at Jalipool in East Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 16-12-2016 6.5 16-12-2018 5.805 0 0 5.805 5.805 Completed
1443 SIKKIM Power Modenisation and Beautification of Distribution System with conversion of overhead transmission lines with underground cable system at Jorethang, South Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 17-09-2013 7.4116 31-08-2016 6.4704 0 0 6.4704 6.4704 Completed
1444 SIKKIM Power Modernization and Beautification of Ravangla and Sosing Bazaars alongwith addition of 66/11, 1X5 MVA sub-station at Ravangla under South Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 06-09-2017 18.4 31-03-2019 16.56 0 0 16.56 16.56 Completed
1445 SIKKIM Power Modernization of electrical network in and around Melli Bazaar, South Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 04-11-2011 8.8596 31-10-2013 7.8352 0 0 7.8352 7.8352 Completed
1446 SIKKIM Power Major overhauling of 2x6 MW hydel generating station at lower lagyap hydel project. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 07-01-2000 19.51 31-03-2002 17.559 0 0 17.559 19.51 Completed
1447 SIKKIM Power Remodeling of Electrical Installation including System Improvement Works at Rhenock Bazar and adjoining areas in East Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-06-2014 15.95 31-01-2016 10.1944 0 0 10.1944 10.1944 Completed
1448 SIKKIM Power Remodeling of Power Distribution System at Rangpo Town, East Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 20-02-2014 14.7059 28-02-2017 10.4278 0 0 10.4278 10.4278 Completed
1449 SIKKIM Roads & Bridges Construction of Steel Bridge at Khundrukay Khola along Yangang-Makha Road, South Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 09-11-2010 2.4106 31-10-2011 2.0638 0 0 2.0638 2.0638 Completed
1450 SIKKIM Roads & Bridges Double laning of Sichey-Ranka Road (11 Km). East Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 09-11-2010 25.6333 30-06-2012 22.608 0 0 22.608 22.608 Completed
1451 SIKKIM Miscellaneous Development of village tourism at (a) chirbirey, (b) Zoom and (c) Majhigaon river Bank in Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept of Planning 04-07-2007 19.6831 31-07-2009 16.0092 0 0 16.0092 16.0092 Completed
1452 SIKKIM Roads & Bridges Construction of road from Latuk Thek to Rolep 5 km including 1 No. of Bridge over Rangpo Khola at Km 1st, Ch:10 in Sikkim NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-07-2017 8.5598 31-07-2019 7.7038 0.3938 0 8.0976 7.3076 Ongoing
1453 SIKKIM Water Supply Augmentation of Gyalshing Water Supply Scheme NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 22-03-2004 7.5228 31-12-2005 6.635 0 0 6.635 7.0845 Completed
1454 TRIPURA Education Construction of Tripura Institute of Technology (Phase-II), West Tripura NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Education 12-05-2017 74.39 31-05-2019 58.45 1.2558 0 59.7058 58.4 Ongoing
1455 TRIPURA Sports Construction of District SPorts Complex at Udaipur NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 02-01-2012 4.8014 02-01-2012 4.2366 0 0 4.2366 4.2366 Ongoing
1456 TRIPURA Education Construction of one (G3) storeyed office building for the accommodation of Directorate of Higher Education, Directorate of School Education, Directorate of Youth Affairs & Sports in the premises vacated by the SDM Sadar, West Tripura, Phase-I NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 20-02-2014 17.71 28-02-2017 7.8575 0 0 7.8575 7.8575 Ongoing
1457 TRIPURA Power Re-conductoring of 132 KV Intra-State Transmission lines by High Tension Low HTLS conductor with allied accessories in Tripura NESIDS-OTRI Tripura Power Transmissio 12-02-2025 49.01 11-02-2026 0 0 0 0 0 Ongoing
1458 TRIPURA Sports Construction of Boys Hostel (Sports), Tripura NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 20-09-2010 3.0188 31-08-2012 2.6636 0 0 2.6636 2.6636 Completed
1459 TRIPURA Sports Construction of District Sports Complex at Kailashahar, North Tripura District, Tripura NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 22-09-2011 3.9521 31-08-2013 3.4871 0 0 3.4871 3.4871 Completed
1460 TRIPURA Tourism & Culture Tourism and Cultural Promotion Hub at Gandhighat Agartala West TRIPURA NESIDS-OTRI Urban Development 28-02-2024 32.5867 28-02-2026 0 0 0 0 0 Ongoing
1461 TRIPURA Roads & Bridges Upgradation of Halahali-Ambassa-Dangabari-Bel NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 12-09-2001 189.093 31-03-2006 155.2361 0 0 155.2361 161.8547 Ongoing
1462 TRIPURA Power Upgradation of 132KV Surjamaninagar Sub-Station of TSECL into 400KV in Tripura NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS Dept. of Power 07-10-2019 120.88 31-03-2020 43.3036 0 0 43.3036 0.1 Closed
1463 TRIPURA Roads & Bridges Improvement and Upgradation of the Road connecting Sub- Division Headquarter with Nh-44/Percharthal (NH-44) to Kanchanpur Road (26.50 Km) phase-I portion from Percharthal to Machamara (8.50 km) in Tripura NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-03-2014 24.8856 31-03-2017 17.9176 2.91 0 20.8276 17.9176 Ongoing
1464 TRIPURA Health Government Medical College and Hospital at Agartala NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 10-10-2005 104.5136 30-11-2009 94.0622 0 0 94.0622 94.0622 Completed
1465 TRIPURA Roads & Bridges Improvement of Mailak-Gamukabari via Burbaria (7.50Km) in Tripura NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 23-12-2010 10.6805 31-01-2013 9.424 0 0 9.424 9.424 Completed
1466 TRIPURA Roads & Bridges Jogendranagar to Takarjal road (26.50Km) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 25-09-2012 36.796 25-09-2015 33.1164 0 0 33.1164 33.1164 Completed
1467 TRIPURA Roads & Bridges Replacement of 2 existing semi permanent timber (SPT) bridges in Tripura on Kamalpur-Maracherra-Ambassa Road by RCC bridges NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 20-03-2006 4.2777 31-03-2008 3.7378 0 0 3.7378 3.7378 Completed
1468 TRIPURA Education Upgradation of Infrastructure of 150 High Schools NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 11-12-2006 28.11 30-11-2009 25.299 0 0 25.299 27.9201 Completed
1469 TRIPURA Education Development of Tripura University NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 07-01-2000 20.52 31-01-2003 18.468 0 0 18.468 20.52 Completed
1470 TRIPURA Education Improvement of State B.Ed. College in Tripura NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-03-2009 8.2559 31-01-2012 6.3783 0 0 6.3783 6.3783 Completed
1471 TRIPURA Education Infrastructure Development of Tripura Engineering College. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 11-12-2006 12.2433 30-11-2009 10.825 0 0 10.825 10.825 Completed
1472 TRIPURA Education Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 28-03-2006 14.1404 31-03-2007 14.1404 0 0 14.1404 14.1404 Completed
1473 TRIPURA Education Upgarding of infrastucture of R.K. Mission NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 09-07-2001 2.75 31-08-2003 2.475 0 0 2.475 2.75 Completed
1474 TRIPURA Education Upgradation of Infrastructure of 100 Nos. of Higher secondary Schools NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 15-12-2006 45.41 31-12-2009 40.869 0 0 40.869 43.7831 Completed
1475 TRIPURA Education Upgradation of Regional College of Physical Education,Panisagar NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 11-03-2011 13.8364 28-02-2013 12.2086 0 0 12.2086 12.2086 Completed
1476 TRIPURA Education Upgrading of Infrastructure of 25 Upper Primary Schools NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 20-02-2001 3.69 29-02-2004 3.006 0 0 3.006 3.34 Completed
1477 TRIPURA Irrigation & Flood Control Minor Irrigation Schemes NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 05-02-2001 4.78 28-02-2003 4.302 0 0 4.302 4.78 Completed
1478 TRIPURA Health Development of Gobind Ballabh Pant Hospital NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-10-2005 12.8828 31-03-2020 11.5945 0 0 11.5945 9.8605 Completed
1479 TRIPURA Power Electrification of Tribal Village (No.10) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 26-09-2001 1.44 30-09-2004 0.648 0 0 0.648 0.72 Completed
1480 TRIPURA Power Renovation & restrengthening of 132kv single circuit line from Agartala to Dharmanagar NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 18-12-2001 10 31-12-2004 9 0 0 9 10 Completed
1481 TRIPURA Miscellaneous Rabindra Convention Centre (Satabarshiki Bhavan) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 13-12-2011 21.9421 13-12-2011 19.3661 0 0 19.3661 19.3661 Completed
1482 TRIPURA Power Transmission Project (Phase-1) 132KV D/C line from Surajamaninagar to 79 TillaGrid S/Stn.(11.14Km)inciuding Fdr Bay & site develpomentWest Tripura NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 23-12-2010 9.5081 31-01-2013 8.3422 0 0 8.3422 8.3422 Completed
1483 TRIPURA Power Transmission Project (Phase-1):132 KV D/C line from Surajamaninagar to Bhujungnagar (20 Km) & associated Fdr. Bay at Budhjungnagar, West Tripura NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 23-12-2010 7.3853 31-01-2013 6.0287 0 0 6.0287 6.0287 Completed
1484 TRIPURA Power Transmission Scheme including Bodhjangnagar Industrial Estate NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 26-09-2007 9.374 31-03-2009 8.3559 0 0 8.3559 8.3559 Completed
1485 TRIPURA Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge at Ch 9.00 Km near Tulamura Market over Tulamuracherra on Gargi Tulamura road (ODR) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 14-12-2009 3.2833 31-12-2011 2.8971 0 0 2.8971 2.8971 Completed
1486 TRIPURA Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge near causeway at Krishnapur over Balucherra at Ch.6.05 km on Maharani- Tulashikhar road NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 09-03-2010 1.7814 30-09-2012 1.5718 0 0 1.5718 1.5718 Completed
1487 TRIPURA Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC bridge over Burima river near Golaghati Market on Bishalgarh Golaghati Takarjala road NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 05-02-2010 3.5319 31-01-2013 3.1164 0 0 3.1164 3.1164 Completed
1488 TRIPURA Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge over Dhuraicherra at Ch. 0.90 Km on Kamalpur Bilascherra road (ODR) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 16-02-2010 2.973 31-01-2012 2.6232 0 0 2.6232 2.6232 Completed
1489 TRIPURA Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge over Ghoramaracherra on NH-44 at Jirania Tripura Engineering College Chalkbasta NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 19-04-2010 3.1082 31-03-2012 2.7426 0 0 2.7426 2.7426 Completed
1490 TRIPURA Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge over Kakricherra on Thalibari Microsa NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 29-09-2009 2.0977 31-08-2011 1.851 0 0 1.851 1.851 Completed
1491 TRIPURA Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge over Kalapaniacherra at Ch.0.50 Km on Satchand Block office old Manubankul road NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 09-03-2010 2.656 31-03-2012 2.3435 0 0 2.3435 2.3435 Completed
1492 TRIPURA Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC bridge over Laxmicherra river at Ch.12.01 Km on Khowai Udna road NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 29-03-2010 2.1569 31-03-2012 1.9031 0 0 1.9031 1.9031 Completed
1493 TRIPURA Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge over local stream at Ch. 14.60 Km on Mohanpur - Simna road NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 19-04-2010 1.7735 31-03-2012 1.5648 0 0 1.5648 1.5648 Completed
1494 TRIPURA Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge over local stream at ch. 4.40 Km on Jogendranagar to Jampaijala Road NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 29-09-2009 1.8408 31-08-2011 1.6242 0 0 1.6242 1.6242 Completed
1495 TRIPURA Water Supply Quality improvement of Rural Water Scheme in Tripura by way of constryction of package type (dual media pressure) iron removal plants (IRPs) attched to existing deep tube wells NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-12-2011 12.8308 27-12-2011 11.0797 0 0 11.0797 11.0797 Completed
1496 TRIPURA Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge over Local stream at Ch.7.00 Km on Dhanpur to Kakraban NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 17-08-2009 2.2589 31-08-2011 1.9932 0 0 1.9932 1.9932 Completed
1497 TRIPURA Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge over Lohar at Ch. 0.45 Km on Kamlaghat Gamchakobra Banikya Chowmuhani road NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 09-03-2010 2.6638 31-03-2012 2.3504 0 0 2.3504 2.3504 Completed
1498 TRIPURA Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC bridge over Lohar on Berimura Taltala Road NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 09-03-2010 2.2933 31-03-2012 2.0235 0 0 2.0235 2.0235 Completed
1499 TRIPURA Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge over river Dhanai at ch. 6.60 Km on Champaknagar - Mandai road (ODR) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 16-02-2010 3.2134 28-02-2013 2.4264 0 0 2.4264 2.4264 Completed
1500 TRIPURA Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge over river Howrha at Ch. 0.10 Km. Champaknagar to Udaipur road (ODR) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Public works Department 04-02-2010 3.0167 31-01-2012 2.6618 0 0 2.6618 2.6618 Completed
1501 TRIPURA Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge over river Surmacherra at Ch.30.10 Km. on Mohanpur Simna Raod NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 17-08-2009 1.6701 30-06-2012 1.4737 0 0 1.4737 1.4737 Completed
1502 TRIPURA Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge over river Surmacherra at Ch.34.53 on Mohanpur Simna Raod NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 17-08-2009 2.2374 30-06-2012 1.9174 0 0 1.9174 1.9174 Completed
1503 TRIPURA Roads & Bridges Road connecting railway station to NH/State highway (4 Nos) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 25-09-2012 16.2028 25-09-2015 14.3738 0 0 14.3738 14.3738 Completed
1504 TRIPURA Roads & Bridges Widening & strengthening of Banikya Chowmuhani Shalbagan road. (9.00 Km.) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 20-03-2006 4.77 31-03-2008 4.1897 0 0 4.1897 4.1897 Completed
1505 TRIPURA Sports Upgradation of Tripura Sports School, Badharghat NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 11-03-2010 2.7931 31-03-2012 2.4644 0 0 2.4644 2.4644 Completed
1506 TRIPURA Water Supply Drinking water supply scheme for Teliamura NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 17-03-2003 6.21 31-03-2006 5.1648 0 0 5.1648 5.717 Completed
1507 TRIPURA Education Construction of Building for College of Agriculture NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 10-09-2009 56.0476 30-09-2011 49.5234 0 0 49.5234 49.5234 Completed
1508 TRIPURA Education Construction of Law College in tripura NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 17-03-2011 4.1934 28-02-2014 3.46 0 0 3.46 3.46 Completed
1509 TRIPURA Education Construction of Veterinary College NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 02-01-2012 16.3087 02-01-2012 14.39 0 0 14.39 14.39 Completed
1510 TRIPURA Power Transmission Schemes (13 Nos.) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 31-03-1999 40 31-03-2004 36 0 0 36 40 Completed
1511 TRIPURA Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC over local stream at Ch. 12.00 Km on Mohanpur - Simna Road (ODR) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 16-02-2010 2.3278 29-02-2012 2.054 0 0 2.054 2.054 Completed
1512 TRIPURA Education Costruction of Tripura Institute of Techonology(Phase-1) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 02-12-2010 7.9386 31-10-2013 7.1447 0 0 7.1447 7.1447 Completed
1513 TRIPURA Power 1x21 MW Gas Thermal projectat Rokhia(Unit VIII) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 21-05-2004 80.94 31-12-2008 72.8488 0 0 72.8488 78.0638 Completed
1514 TRIPURA Health Super Speciality Block, G.B.Pant Hospital, Agartala NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 22-02-2002 8.88 31-08-2005 7.2 0 0 7.2 5.7501 Completed
1515 TRIPURA Miscellaneous Construction of Motor Stand at Dharmanagar NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 15-12-2010 10.3391 30-06-2013 8.9971 0 0 8.9971 8.9971 Completed
1516 TRIPURA Miscellaneous Nazrul Kala Kshetra (Phase II) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 05-05-2010 8.2018 30-04-2012 7.3816 0 0 7.3816 7.3816 Completed
1517 TRIPURA Water Supply Drinking water supply scheme for Dharamnagar NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 27-02-2003 5.49 31-03-2006 4.5779 0 0 4.5779 5.0518 Completed
1518 TRIPURA Water Supply Water Supply Scheme at Jatanbari - Nutanbazar NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 24-04-2007 5.2105 31-03-2010 4.5528 0 0 4.5528 4.5528 Completed
1519 TRIPURA Education Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (2006-07) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 29-06-2006 10.66 29-06-2007 10.66 0 0 10.66 10.66 Completed
1520 TRIPURA Power Augmentation of P.K. Bari S/Station with 32 KV Bay for termination of 400 KV line NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 12-07-2012 4.0059 12-07-2015 3.5985 0 0 3.5985 3.5985 Completed
1521 TRIPURA Education Infrastructure Development of six Higher Secondary School in various locations in Tripura NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS Dept. of Education 21-04-2022 50.5002 30-04-2024 0.1 0 32.049875 32.149875 0.1 Ongoing
1522 TRIPURA Education Project Construction of 51 Anganwadi Centre Building in Tripura NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS 30-03-2020 4.34 31-03-2021 0.1 0 0 0.1 0.1 Ongoing
1523 TRIPURA Health Establishment of a Newborn Resource Development Centre and Upgradation of NICU & PICU at the Department of Paediatrics, AGMC, Tripura NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS 21-04-2022 7.2032 20-10-2022 0.1 0 0 0.1 0.1 Ongoing
1524 TRIPURA Health North District Hospital: Phase-II (Hospital Quarters), Tripura NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Health & familly 12-05-2017 11.1005 31-05-2019 8.14 0 0 8.14 8.14 Ongoing
1525 TRIPURA Roads & Bridges Improvement of Pecharthal (NH-44) Kanchanpur Road (Lenth: 26:50) Phase-II from Machmara - Kanchanpur (Length: 18 Km in Unakoti District in Tripura ) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 21-06-2017 56.746 30-06-2019 35.4282 0 0 35.4282 35.338 Ongoing
1526 TRIPURA Sports Construction of Sports Complex at Khumlwng, Sadar NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 02-12-2010 4.7836 30-11-2012 3.4442 0 0 3.4442 3.4442 Ongoing
1527 TRIPURA Water Supply Water Supply Scheme at Bishalgarh (1.00 MGD) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 29-06-2007 7.8116 30-06-2009 6.8926 0 0 6.8926 6.8926 Ongoing
1528 TRIPURA Health South District Hospital (Phase-II) Hospital Quarters in Tripura NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 08-10-2013 9.6758 30-09-2016 8.1116 0 0 8.1116 8.1116 Completed
1529 TRIPURA Sports Construction of District Sports Complex at Ambassa in Tripura NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 25-05-2012 4.906 31-05-2014 1.7315 2.2895 0 4.021 1.7315 Ongoing
1530 TRIPURA Education Construction of nine (9) 100 seated Hostel attached to the vidyajyoti schools under mission 100 in different district of Tripura NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS Dept. of Education 21-04-2022 7.9 30-04-2024 0.1 0 0 0.1 0.1 Ongoing
1531 TRIPURA Health Procurement of Pulse Oximeter and Antigen Tests Kits etc for combating COVID 19 pandemic in Tripura NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS Public Health & Engg Depa 26-03-2021 3.9 26-04-2023 0.1 0 0 0.1 0.1 Ongoing
1532 TRIPURA Health Medical Infrastructures Strengthening for COVID-19 component by arrangement of Medical Gas (Oxygen O2), pipeline with manifold System, Logistics (Test Kits) and X-ray machine with CR system in Tripura NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS Dept. of Health & familly 27-08-2021 19.32 01-09-2023 0.1 0 0 0.1 0.1 Ongoing
1533 TRIPURA Roads & Bridges Improvement of Melagarh-- Sonamura Road (Length: 8.454 Km) Sipahijala District in Tripura NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Public works Department 28-09-2016 30.5 30-09-2018 23.6845 0 0 23.6845 23.3977 Ongoing
1534 TRIPURA Health Dhalai District Hospital :Phase-II (Hospital Quarters), Tripura NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Health & familly 18-05-2017 11.3185 31-05-2019 3.0519 5.9893 0 9.0412 3.0519 Ongoing
1535 TRIPURA Power Sub-Transmission and Distribution works (5 Nos.) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 16-10-2000 45.55 31-10-2003 35.559 0 0 35.559 25.7142 Completed
1536 TRIPURA Miscellaneous New Capital Complex Project at Agartala NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 24-01-2000 50 31-01-2003 45 0 0 45 48.172 Completed
1537 TRIPURA Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge over Champakcherra at Ch.18.40 Km. on Mohanpur - Simna road (ODR) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 19-04-2010 2.8382 31-03-2012 2.5044 0 0 2.5044 2.5044 Completed
1538 TRIPURA Health Procurement of 26 (Twenty Six) nos. of Advance Life Support and Patient Transportation ambulances under Directorate of Health Servicesin Tripura NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS 31-03-2021 4.185 31-03-2022 0.1 4.0837 0 4.1837 0.1 Ongoing
1539 TRIPURA Sports Construction of Girls Hostel (Sports), Tripura NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 09-11-2010 2.7899 31-10-2012 2.4617 0 0 2.4617 2.4617 Completed
1540 TRIPURA Education Upgradation of facilities in 15 Government Degree Colleges in Tripura NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 31-07-2009 47.5459 31-07-2011 38.2358 0 0 38.2358 44.3782 Completed
1541 TRIPURA Health North District Hospital in Tripura NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-06-2005 9.4 29-06-2008 8.46 0 0 8.46 8.434 Completed
1542 TRIPURA Education Bhavans Science College, Tripura NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-06-2005 5.98 30-06-2008 5.2551 0 0 5.2551 5.2551 Completed
1543 TRIPURA Education Development of 100 seated Boys Hostel and Quarters for Faculty ans Staff at Government Degree College Dharmanagar, NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 20-04-2010 3.8545 20-04-2013 3.401 0 0 3.401 3.401 Completed
1544 TRIPURA Education Establishment of a New College of Teachers Education in North Tripura NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-03-2009 21.1022 31-03-2011 18.6196 0 0 18.6196 18.6196 Completed
1545 TRIPURA Education Renovation and Upgradation of Kailashahar Government Girl H.S. School and Boarding House NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 19-04-2010 4.7208 30-04-2012 4.1654 0 0 4.1654 4.1654 Completed
1546 TRIPURA Education Construction of 175 primary school building with provision of furniture . NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 20-02-2001 14.44 28-02-2005 12.9898 0 0 12.9898 14.421 Completed
1547 TRIPURA Health State Level Para Medical Institute at Agartala in Tripura NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 17-03-2005 14.07 31-03-2008 12.3555 0 0 12.3555 12.67 Completed
1548 TRIPURA Miscellaneous Tribal Development Project NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 08-03-2001 28.8 31-03-2005 25.92 0 0 25.92 28.0379 Completed
1549 TRIPURA Power 1x21 MW Gas Thermal project(Extension )at Rokhia(Phase-2) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 07-01-2000 85.17 27-05-2004 76.653 0 0 76.653 85.17 Completed
1550 TRIPURA Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge over local stream at ch. 7.50 Km on Jogendranagar to Jampaijala Road NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 29-09-2009 2.5584 31-08-2011 2.2574 0 0 2.2574 2.2574 Completed
1551 TRIPURA Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge over Local stream at Ch.4.50 Km on Dhanpur to Kakraban NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 17-08-2009 1.7794 31-08-2011 1.57 0 0 1.57 1.57 Completed
1552 TRIPURA Water Supply Water Supply Scheme at Melaghar NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 08-06-2007 8.8646 30-06-2009 7.7457 0 0 7.7457 7.7457 Completed
1553 TRIPURA Education Infrastructure development of R.K. Mission, Vivekanagar and Agartala in Tripura NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Dept. of Power 27-02-2013 4.429 27-02-2015 3.5184 0 0 3.5184 3.5184 Ongoing
1554 TRIPURA Education Construction of Birchandra State Central Library at Agartala, West Tripura (Phase-I) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 20-02-2014 9.7452 28-02-2017 3.5082 2.5 0 6.0082 3.5083 Ongoing
1555 TRIPURA Miscellaneous Construction of District Administration Complex, Sepahijala District, Tripura NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 07-12-2017 21.6 07-12-2019 5.4794 0 0 5.4794 5.4794 Ongoing
1556 TRIPURA Power 132 KV D/C line from suryamaninagar to Rokhia (30 Km and site development and Fdr. Bay at Rokhia) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 02-01-2012 12.61 02-01-2012 11.0213 0 0 11.0213 11.0213 Ongoing
1557 TRIPURA Health Dhalai District Hospital NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 22-12-2005 3.4723 31-12-2008 2.5938 0 0 2.5938 2.5938 Completed
1558 TRIPURA Health Improvement of Teliamura Sub-Divisional Hospital in Tripura NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 19-11-2008 7.3223 31-05-2010 6.4687 0 0 6.4687 6.4687 Completed
1559 TRIPURA Health South District Hospital in Tripura NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 30-06-2005 9.4 29-06-2008 8.46 0 0 8.46 8.4489 Completed
1560 TRIPURA Power Tranasmission Project (Phase-I):400 KV S/Stn at Surajamaninagar(to be charged at 132KV) & Infrastructure development,West Tripura Districtunder NLCPR. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 23-12-2010 79.9579 31-01-2015 45.4534 0 0 45.4534 45.4534 Completed
1561 TRIPURA Roads & Bridges Construction of Flyover on Drop Gate-Nagerjala-Battala-Fire Service and Melarmath Areas ( Length 2500 M) at Agartala NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR Public works Department 06-11-2015 94.71 31-03-2018 85.239 0 0 85.239 85.239 Completed
1562 TRIPURA Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge over Baradupatacherra at Ch.2.80 Km. on Kanchanpur - Jalabassa road (ODR) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 19-04-2010 3.8762 31-03-2013 3.27 0 0 3.27 3.27 Completed
1563 TRIPURA Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge over Ujan Machmaracherra at Ch.9.00 Km. on Kanchanpur - Jalabassa road (ODR) NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 19-04-2010 3.0701 31-03-2012 2.7089 0 0 2.7089 2.7089 Completed
1564 TRIPURA Miscellaneous Construction of Motor Stand at Khumulwng, TTAADC in Tripura NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 19-04-2010 1.9415 30-09-2012 1.6383 0 0 1.6383 1.6383 Completed
1565 TRIPURA Miscellaneous Construction of 5 food Storage Godwon in Tripura NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 25-03-2013 3.1472 31-01-2014 2.4587 0 0 2.4587 2.4587 Ongoing
1566 TRIPURA Miscellaneous Construction of Bus Terminal at Nagerjala, Agartala, Tripura NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 25-02-2014 16.889 28-02-2017 11.5993 0 0 11.5993 8.89 Ongoing
1567 TRIPURA Miscellaneous Construction and establishment of Science City in Tripura NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 25-03-2015 27.454 31-08-2017 22.6763 0 0 22.6763 22.6763 Ongoing
1568 TRIPURA Miscellaneous Construction of District Administration Complex, Khowai District, Tripura NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 07-12-2017 20.6 07-12-2019 14.7512 0 0 14.7512 5.4318 Ongoing
1569 TRIPURA Education Implementation of Educational Infrastructure related to IT Projects in 240 Schools across Tripura under NESIDS(OTRI) NESIDS-OTRI NESIDS Choose... 22-02-2024 24.8687 22-02-2026 0 0 0 0 0 Ongoing
1570 TRIPURA Roads & Bridges Replacement of 49 Timber Bridges by Belley type Steel bridge in tribal areas. NESIDS-OTRI NLCPR 09-01-2001 28.49 27-05-2004 25.641 0 0 25.641 28.49 Completed
TOTAL 19850.9112 14566.7848 437.8292226 133.3268 15137.9408226 14229.8661631