North East Special Infrastructure Development Scheme (NESIDS) a Central Sector Scheme fully funded by the Government of India, was approved during 2017-18 and was implemented till 31.03.2022. The approval for extension of NESIDS Scheme w.e.f. 01.04.2022 till 31.03.2026 has duly been considered and accorded by competent authority.
During the process of extension of the NESIDS w.e.f. 01.04.2022, the erstwhile NESIDS has been restructured into two components
i NESIDS (Roads)– to be administered by the North Eastern Council (NEC)
ii NESIDS (Other than Roads Infrastructure (OTRI)) – to be administered by the Ministry of Development of North EasternRegion (MDoNER)
NESIDS (OTRI) component subsumes the projects sanctioned (but not yet completed) under its predecessor schemes –
Non-Lapsable Central Pool of Resources (NLCPR),
North East Special Infrastructure Development Schemes (NESIDS), and
Hill Area Development Programme (HADP)
A Central Sector scheme named PM-DevINE,fully funded by the Government of India, was announced in the Union Budget 2022-23. The scheme envisages funding infrastructure, in the spirit of PM GatiShakti, supporting social development projects based on felt needs of the North-East, generating livelihood opportunities for youth and women and filling the gaps in various sectors.The scheme was approved by the Union Cabinet on 12.10.2022. For the period from 2022-23 to 2025-26,the approved expenditure outlay is Rs. 6,600 crore.
The objective of PM-DevINE entails the overall vision of MDoNER i.e. “Transforming NER through Development in an Accelerated yet Sustainable manner, affording access to ease of living to all its citizens”. Thus, the broad objectives of “PM-DevINE” are -
(i) Infrastructure development projects in the spirit of PM GatiShakti,
(ii) Social development projects based on the felt needs of the region,
(iii) Enhancing livelihood activities for youth & women of the region,and
(iv) Filling up developmental gaps in various sectors.
The scheme is an additionality, over and above the existing schemes of the Government of India and NE State Governments. Projects can be posed by the Central Ministries/ Departments or the NE State Governments targeting the objectives of the Scheme (economic infrastructure, social infrastructure, livelihood activities, and filling social development gaps in various sectors).
The Union Cabinet held in febuary 2020 approved earmarking of 30 percent of North Eastern Council's (NEC's) allocation for new projects under the existing "Schemes of North Eastern Council" for focused development of deprived areas; deprived/neglected sections of society and emerging priority sectors in the North eastern States.
The “Schemes of the NEC” has now become a Central Sector Scheme on 100% funding by Government of India.
Special Packages for Assam
(1)-Bodoland Territorial council (BTC)
A memorandum of Settlement (MoS) was signed between the Government of India, Government, Government of Assam and Bodo Liberation Tigers (BLT)on 10.02.2003 As per MoS, Government of India agreed to provide a package of Rs.500.00 crore with financial assistance of Rs. 100 crore per annum for 5 years for projects to develop socio-economic infrastructure in Bodo Territorial Council (BTC) areas, over and above normal plan assistance to Assam. Later on, an ”Additional Package of Rs.250 crore” was announced by Hon’ble Prime Minister during his visit to Assam in August 2008.
(2) Karbi Anglong Autonomous Territorial council (KAATC)
A Memorandum of Settlement (MoS) was signed between Government of India, Government of Assam and United People’s Democratic Solidarity (UPDS) on 25.11.2011 in the presence of Hon’ble Union Home Minister and Hon’ble Chief Minister, Assam. As per the MoS, Government of India agreed to provide a Special Economic Package of Rs. 350 crore (Rs. 70 crore per annum) over and above Plan fund over next five years to KAATC through Government of Assam to undertake special projects proposed by the Council.
(3) Dima Hasao Autonomous Territorial Council (DHATC)
A Memorandum of Settlement (MoS) was signed between Government of India, Government of Assam and Dima Halam Daogah (DHD) on 08.10.2012. As per the MoS, Government of India agreed to provide a Special Economic Package of Rs. 200 crore (Rs. 40 crore per annum) to Dima Hasao Autonomous Territorial Council (DHATC) for 5 years over and above Plan fund through Government of Assam to undertake special projects proposed by the Council.