NESIDS-ROADS Projects, as on 28.02.2025

All Amount in ₹ Crore
Sr.No Project Name Executing Department Sanctioned Date Approved Cost
(₹ in Cr.)
Scheduled Completion Date Financial Expenditure as on 31-03-2023
(₹ in Cr.)
Financial Expenditure from 01-04-2023 to 31-03-2024
(₹ in Cr.)
Financial Expenditure in 2024 April
(₹ in Cr.)
Total Financial Expenditure
(₹ in Cr.)
U.C. Received
(₹ in Cr.)
1 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of Road from Dari to Chambang CO HQ. in Kra Daadi District(38 km) in Arunachal Pradesh NESIDS-ROADS NESIDS 24-03-2020 33.69 24-01-2023 32.8254 0 0 32.8254 32.8356 Ongoing
2 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of road from Longkhow to Pumau in Longding District (SH: FC, culverts,RW, bridge) NESIDS-ROADS NESIDS 09-03-2019 19.98 09-06-2023 19.98 0 0 19.98 19.9779 Completed
3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of Rigid Pavements road in Tawang Township (SH: Nehru Gonpa to Tawang Monastry in Arunachal Pradesh NESIDS-ROADS NESIDS Dept. of Power 08-03-2019 20 31-03-2020 19.9949 0 0 19.9949 19.995 Completed
4 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Project Up-gradation of road from NH-13 to Ugyen Tsangpo Helipad at Tawang in Tawang district, Arunachal Pradesh NESIDS-ROADS NESIDS Public works Department 20-04-2022 20.84 30-04-2024 8.34 12.5 0 20.84 8.34 Completed
5 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Project Construction of road from Kodum CO Hqr to Bam Tri-junction 16.50 Km under West Siang District in Arunachal Pradesh NESIDS-ROADS NESIDS Public works Department 20-04-2022 19.6 30-04-2024 7.84 6.87 0 14.71 7.84 Ongoing
6 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Transport and Communication Construction of Road from PWD Road to Peki Modi NESIDS-ROADS NESIDS Public works Department 12-01-2024 69.35 12-01-2026 0 17.33 0 17.33 0 Ongoing
7 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Transport and Communication Mirem-Mikong-Jonai Road NESIDS-ROADS NERSDS 28-02-2020 36.22 28-02-2023 33.9 1.81 0 35.71 16.9 Completed
8 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of Road Riaga to Sango Village, Gangte Circle, Kra daadi District NESIDS-ROADS Public works Department 19-02-2025 21.51 18-02-2027 0 0 0 0 0 Ongoing
9 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of road from Amuli NH313 to Athuni via Leyaka Pass at Anini NESIDS-ROADS Public works Department 19-02-2025 96.26 18-02-2027 0 0 0 0 0 Ongoing
10 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of road from Lumdung NH-229 to connect 9.00 Km point of PMGSY Road to Nere Village at East Kameng district in Arunachal Pradesh NESIDS-ROADS NESIDS Public works Department 13-03-2020 10 13-03-2022 7.8 2.04 0 9.84 4 Ongoing
11 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Transport and Communication Improvement and re-alignment of Road from Nafra to Integrated Development of Tourism Centre at Makhu Village in Arunachal Pradesh NESIDS-ROADS NESIDS 30-11-2023 32.32 29-11-2025 0 3.67 0 3.67 0 Ongoing
12 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Project Construction of road from Marung Gika to Panior Bridge Point via Sarchgai, mate, Kusuk & Pan-21 km in Papum Pare District in Arunachal Pradesh NESIDS-ROADS NESIDS Public works Department 20-04-2022 20 30-04-2024 0 4.98 3.5 8.48 0 Ongoing
13 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Transport and Communication Margherita-Deomali Road NESIDS-ROADS NERSDS 14-03-2020 43.57 30-11-2022 42.96 0 0 42.96 0 Completed
14 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of Road from BRTF Road to Pidi in West Siang District NESIDS-ROADS NESIDS Public works Department 08-03-2019 19.9 31-03-2020 13.65 1.02 0 14.67 7.4476 Ongoing
15 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Project Construction of Town Double Lane Road at Pokriang SDO Hq Langrh and Phassang Circle Hq. and adjoining Villages, Arunachal Pradesh NESIDS-ROADS NESIDS Public works Department 20-04-2022 19.683 30-04-2024 17.83 1.85 0 19.68 7.83 Completed
16 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of Road from Terung to Sumsipathar in Tirap Districtin Arunachal Pradesh NESIDS-ROADS NESIDS Public works Department 08-03-2019 20 31-03-2020 18.18 0 0 18.18 15.76 Ongoing
17 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Improvement and extension of Likabali Township road (10 kms) in Lower Siang District in Arunachal Pradesh NESIDS-ROADS NESIDS Public works Department 08-03-2019 10 31-03-2020 9.22 0 0 9.22 8.34 Completed
18 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of road from Chongkham to Meme via Namliang village (13.50 kms) in Namsai Districtin Arunachal Pradesh NESIDS-ROADS NESIDS Public works Department 08-03-2019 21.12 08-06-2023 19.5292 1.17 0 20.6992 19.17 Completed
19 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Transport and Communication Construction of Road from Bana EAC HQ via Old Sopung, Chijang Kajing Village East Kameng District in Arunachal Pradesh NESIDS-ROADS NESIDS 30-11-2023 64.95 29-05-2026 0 16.19 7.79 23.98 0 Ongoing
20 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Transport and Communication Construction of Road from thongleng PMGSY Road to Thangaphey Pilgrimage Centre in tawang District in Arunachal Pradesh NESIDS-ROADS NESIDS 30-11-2023 59.91 30-04-2026 0 14.82 0 14.82 0 Ongoing
21 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of road from Bomikoto village to Nilling Circle Hq via Sima-Dha (25.00 km) in Upper Subansiri District NESIDS-ROADS NESIDS 08-03-2019 36.54 31-03-2020 35.66 0 0 35.66 35.6593 Completed
22 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of road from Rumgong to connect Kaying (64 kms) Molom to Bogne village 23 kms in Siang district NESIDS-ROADS NESIDS Dept. of Education 09-03-2019 20 09-03-2022 0 5 0 5 0 Ongoing
23 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of road from Likwa Gyadi to Gyawepurang (10.86 kms) in East Kameng District) in Arunachal Pradesh NESIDS-ROADS NESIDS Public works Department 08-03-2019 22.53 31-03-2020 10.52 3 0 13.52 10.52 Ongoing
24 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Roads & Bridges Construction of Road from Babrang (Murga) Bridge point to Rho village (15 km) Tawang District NESIDS-ROADS NESIDS Public works Department 05-03-2019 26.5 31-03-2020 26.1518 0 0 26.1518 26.1504 Completed
25 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge over river Aie at Aie Powali including approach & protection work in Chirang District NESIDS-ROADS NESIDS Public works Department 14-02-2019 69.74 31-03-2020 69.7389 0 0 69.7389 64.3494 Completed
26 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge No. 3/1 on the road from NH-39 Silonijan State Dispensary to Dhansiri Par Ghat via Panika Basti (including approach), Assam. NESIDS-ROADS NESIDS Public works Department 20-04-2022 20.59 30-04-2024 8.1 10.32 0 18.42 0.1 Ongoing
27 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Widening and Strengthening of Nalbari Palla road at Solmara to Bangaon Jagra road via Billeswar Devalaya in Assam NESIDS-ROADS NESIDS Public works Department 20-04-2022 21.14 30-04-2024 15.72 1.2975 0 17.0175 15.71 Completed
28 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of three lane Road over Bridge at Jorhat in replacement of Railway LC gate No ST-58 on Na-Ali, Jorhat District in Assam during 2018-19 NESIDS-ROADS NESIDS Public works Department 30-08-2018 67.75 31-03-2020 67.75 0 0 67.75 67.7392 Completed
29 ASSAM Transport and Communication C/o New Road from Chowkikhola to Tarapung via Borpung in Assam (L : 50.52KM) NESIDS-ROADS Public works Department 30-07-2024 202.9 31-07-2027 0 49.13 0 49.13 0 Ongoing
30 ASSAM Transport and Communication Improvement and Upgradation of road from Rajagaon to Dalimbari in West Karbi Anglong District in Assam (L-24.72KM) NESIDS-ROADS Public works Department 30-07-2024 80.73 31-01-2027 0 17.59 16 33.59 0 Ongoing
31 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Improvement & Upgradation of Jamuguri to Nagsankar connected Road (Ch.0.00 Km to 12.50 Km) in Sonitpur District, Assam under NESIDS for F.Y. 2021-22. NESIDS-ROADS NESIDS Public works Department 20-04-2022 22.73 30-04-2024 21.18 1.54 0 22.72 21.18 Completed
32 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Improvement & Widening of Lokopriya Gopinath Bordoloi Road, SH-3 B from Ch.0.00 Km to Ch. 18.65 Km, Assam under NESIDS for the year 2021-22. NESIDS-ROADS NESIDS Public works Department 20-04-2022 79.13 30-04-2024 71.65 7.4764 0 79.1264 71.65 Completed
33 ASSAM Transport and Communication Improvement and Widening of Road from Chaygaon to ukium in Assam NESIDS-ROADS NESIDS 16-10-2023 102.69 31-10-2026 22 53.77 0 75.77 22 Ongoing
34 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Widening & Improvement of Bhadoi Panch Ali to Joypur Khonsa Road via Tipom, Assam NESIDS-ROADS NESIDS Public works Department 20-04-2022 57.99 30-04-2024 31.3507 5 7.15 43.5007 30.87 Ongoing
35 ASSAM Transport and Communication Development & improvement of Jagun Namchik Miao road (Assam portion) including Br.No. 9/1 over river Namchik in Tinsukia District NESIDS-ROADS NERSDS 30-01-2020 24.89 31-01-2023 23.4347 1.17 0 24.6047 20.01 Completed
36 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of RCC Bridge No. 3/1 over River Dikhow at Chiripuria Ghat along with road from Chiripuria via Ajanpeer Dorgarh road to NH 37 in assam NESIDS-ROADS Choose... 14-08-2019 17.99 31-03-2020 15.1991 1.7 0 16.8991 15.2 Ongoing
37 ASSAM Transport and Communication Mukroh-Umspar linking Jrikyndeng Road NESIDS-ROADS NERSDS 30-07-2019 58.01 23-12-2021 57.34 0 0 57.34 57.34 Completed
38 ASSAM Transport and Communication Mawshynrut-Boko-Hahim Road NESIDS-ROADS NERSDS 24-01-2020 23.37 31-08-2021 23.37 0 0 23.37 23.03 Completed
39 ASSAM Transport and Communication Upgradation on Interstate Road from Sonapur to Byrnihat in the State of Assam and Meghalaya(LO-17-95 km) NESIDS-ROADS NESIDS 16-10-2023 62.24 30-04-2026 22 20.16 0 42.16 22 Ongoing
40 ASSAM Transport and Communication Construction of Road from NH-515 at Lakhi Nepali to Junakarong via Rayang Army camp (L-14.08 Km.) NESIDS-ROADS NESIDS 15-03-2024 66.84 30-09-2026 0 0 11.72 11.72 0 Ongoing
41 ASSAM Transport and Communication Construction of Road from Bogamati to Umananda via Naobandha and Khaagrabari Village (L-25.10 Km.) NESIDS-ROADS NESIDS 15-03-2024 131.71 31-03-2027 0 31.86 20 51.86 0 Ongoing
42 ASSAM Transport and Communication Construction of RCC Bridge No. 17/1 over river Dhansikri on Udalguri Bhairabkunda road NESIDS-ROADS NERSDS 15-03-2022 41.75 15-03-2024 41.75 0 0 41.75 38.02 Completed
43 ASSAM Roads & Bridges Construction of Double Lane Road from Lanka to Umrangso via Diyungmukh, Haflong Tinali and Panimur NESIDS-ROADS NESIDS Public works Department 01-05-2019 227.17 31-07-2022 227.17 0 0 227.17 227.168 Completed
44 MANIPUR Transport and Communication C/o of RCC Bridge at Kenseng Ashang Khullen(Kaka) over Maklang River Connecting international border NESIDS-ROADS Public works Department 06-09-2024 12.16 31-01-2027 0 0 0 0 0 Ongoing
45 MANIPUR Transport and Communication Improvement of road from Bishnupur Chingdong to Khuman via Prengba Village, Loukiopat, Bishnupur, Awwangleikai, Maning Leikai, and Makha Leikai in Manipur NESIDS-ROADS Public works Department 09-09-2024 11.18 31-01-2027 0 0 0 0 0 Ongoing
46 MANIPUR Roads & Bridges Development of Road Connectivity from Khabam Lamkhai to Hannaching Heingang via Marjing Polo Complex, Heingang Ching, Imphal East for promoting Tourism NESIDS-ROADS NESIDS Choose... 10-12-2018 25.4802 31-03-2020 25.4802 0 0 25.4802 25.4802 Ongoing
47 MANIPUR Transport and Communication Improvement/Upgradation of Road connecting Tadubi to Chowainamei Kunao and maopung Dung, Senapati District(LO-10.046 km) in Manipur NESIDS-ROADS NESIDS 16-10-2023 41.66 16-10-2026 2.56 7.85 0 10.41 0 Ongoing
48 MANIPUR Roads & Bridges Upgradation of Moirang Sendra Road upto Sendra Hillock and Road from Moirang Sendra Road to Omba Hillock and Keina Bazar on Moirang Khunou to Thanga Keibul Road-8.50 km for promoting Tourism Bishnupur in Manipur NESIDS-ROADS NESIDS Public works Department 29-07-2019 20.32 31-03-2020 6.94 5.86 0 12.8 6.9365 Ongoing
49 MANIPUR Transport and Communication Construction of PSC Bridge(50M Span) OVER LEIMAKHONG River in front of ISTT including Approach Road to proposed PSC Bridge(Length 2.4 km) and proposed Bridge to PHC khurkhul(length 1.23 km) NESIDS-ROADS NESIDS 16-10-2023 31.13 16-10-2025 0 5.4315 0 5.4315 0 Ongoing
50 MANIPUR Transport and Communication Upgradation/Improvement of Henglep-Thingkhew Tipaimukh road NESIDS-ROADS NERSDS 16-03-2022 115.39 31-03-2024 17.0673 5.5389 0 22.6062 13.33 Ongoing
51 MANIPUR Transport and Communication Rehabilitation and upgradation of Kamjong to Kongkan Thana via Pilong NESIDS-ROADS NERSDS 05-08-2019 118.2 30-09-2022 116.78 0 0 116.78 116.78 Completed
52 MEGHALAYA Roads & Bridges Upgradation of Mawsmai-Shella Road from km8/00 (Laittyra village )upto km15/500 (Kynrem falls) in Meghalaya NESIDS-ROADS NESIDS 08-03-2019 15.48 31-03-2020 15.3835 0 0 15.3835 15.3835 Completed
53 MEGHALAYA Roads & Bridges Improvement including widening of Agia Medhipara Phulbari Tura Road (Portion from 67/600 to 100/200 Km 32.60 Kms) at an estimated cost of Rs. 66.54 crores NESIDS-ROADS NESIDS Public works Department 19-04-2022 52.87 20-04-2024 28.1 23 1.77 52.87 28.1 Ongoing
54 MEGHALAYA Transport and Communication Mawshynrut-Hahim-Boko Road NESIDS-ROADS NERSDS 28-01-2021 99.76 28-01-2023 77.9 19.5 0 97.4 76.37 Ongoing
55 MEGHALAYA Transport and Communication Upgradation/Improvement of Borkhat-Sonapur road NESIDS-ROADS NERSDS 14-03-2022 126.88 14-04-2024 28.79 44.75 0 73.54 28.8 Ongoing
56 MEGHALAYA Roads & Bridges Construction including MBT of Pynursla-Latangriwan road towards Mawlynnong NESIDS-ROADS NESIDS Public works Department 08-03-2019 29.97 31-03-2020 20.92 0 0 20.92 20.92 Ongoing
57 MEGHALAYA Transport and Communication 9th Mile (on East West corridor in Assam) to Umsen via Killing Pilangkata Road NESIDS-ROADS NERSDS 06-08-2019 84.01 08-11-2022 77.2256 0 0 77.2256 77.23 Ongoing
58 MEGHALAYA Roads & Bridges Construction of a road from Shillong city to Umroi Airport under Ri-Bhoi district (Length: 14.279 KM) at a cost of Rs. 50.00 crore NESIDS-ROADS NESIDS Public works Department 19-04-2022 50 20-04-2024 11.88 5.5 0 17.38 8.74 Ongoing
59 MIZORAM Transport and Communication Upgradation and improvement of Saiha-Lungbun-Tluangram-Haka Road (Lungbun to R.Kolodyne Mizoram) NESIDS-ROADS NERSDS 29-01-2021 50.21 01-10-2024 20.08 13.78 0 33.86 10.65 Ongoing
60 MIZORAM Transport and Communication Upgradation of Zote-Farthlang-Bunali-Tuipui-Tawnzang Road NESIDS-ROADS NERSDS 29-01-2021 29.26 29-04-2024 17.22 5.98 0 23.2 14.72 Completed
61 MIZORAM Roads & Bridges Improvement and Upgradation of Lawngtlai to Tuipui Ferry Road, Lawgtlai District in Mizoram NESIDS-ROADS NESIDS 08-03-2019 27.42 31-03-2020 25.1129 0 0 25.1129 25.1203 Ongoing
62 MIZORAM Roads & Bridges Construction of Thenzawl -Sialsuk via Sathlur and Lau river NESIDS-ROADS Public works Department 17-02-2025 45.46 16-02-2027 0 0 0 0 0 Ongoing
63 MIZORAM Transport and Communication Daido Vawngkawt Road NESIDS-ROADS NESIDS 12-01-2024 33.19 12-01-2026 0 8.13 0 8.13 0 Ongoing
64 MIZORAM Roads & Bridges Component I of Development of Immediately Required Infrastructure for Tourism Development at Reiek and Reiek Tlang in Mizoram under NESIDS NESIDS-ROADS NESIDS Public works Department 17-12-2019 5.6 31-03-2020 5.6 0 0 5.6 5.6 Completed
65 MIZORAM Roads & Bridges Improvement & Up-gradation of difference at Lengpui Airport ,Mizoram NESIDS-ROADS NESIDS Public works Department 03-03-2021 19.59 03-03-2023 14.503178 5.08 0 19.583178 13.17 Ongoing
66 MIZORAM Transport and Communication Upgradation and improvement of Hnahlan-Hmunlui-Tuimang-Singngei Road (Hnahlan to river Tiau Mizoram NESIDS-ROADS NERSDS 29-01-2021 44.17 31-01-2023 22.66 11.49 0 34.15 19.22 Ongoing
67 MULTI STATE Transport and Communication Wokha Merapani Road NESIDS-ROADS NERSDS 24-02-2016 151.01 31-08-2023 151.01 0 0 151.01 151.01 Completed
68 MULTI STATE Transport and Communication Upgradation of Tura Mankachar road NESIDS-ROADS NERSDS 09-01-2017 4.71 06-01-2018 4.71 0 0 4.71 0 Completed
69 MULTI STATE Transport and Communication Upgradation of Harmuti Doimukh road NESIDS-ROADS NERSDS 09-01-2017 58.25 01-01-2019 58.25 0 0 58.25 58.25 Completed
70 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Upgradation of road from Wokha HQ to N. Longidang in Nagaland NESIDS-ROADS NESIDS Public works Department 29-08-2019 22.89 31-03-2020 22.8435 0 0 22.8435 22.8435 Completed
71 NAGALAND Transport and Communication C/O Road from Jalukie (NH-129A) to New DC Complex model township Peren NESIDS-ROADS Public works Department 23-10-2024 22.26 22-10-2026 0 0 0 0 0 Ongoing
72 NAGALAND Transport and Communication Construction of Road from Old Peren to New Peren (DC Office)via Chalkot junction (L-16.50KM) NESIDS-ROADS Public works Department 05-11-2024 47.06 04-11-2026 0 0 0 0 0 Ongoing
73 NAGALAND Transport and Communication Dikhu Bridge to Amguri NESIDS-ROADS NERSDS 31-07-2019 59.77 24-04-2024 46.65 5 0 51.65 39.65 Ongoing
74 NAGALAND Transport and Communication Tenning to Lekie road NESIDS-ROADS NERSDS 05-08-2019 136.96 05-08-2021 36.5972 20.19 0 56.7872 36.57 Ongoing
75 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Construction of Widening of road from NH 29 (Sovima village Gate)- Sovima Cricket Ground upto Thahekhu village, Dimapur in Nagaland NESIDS-ROADS NESIDS 29-08-2019 21.9614 31-03-2020 21.9081 0 0 21.9081 21.9081 Completed
76 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Upgradation of road from Kiphire to Tourist Destination at Zungki River, Kiphire District in Nagaland NESIDS-ROADS NESIDS Public works Department 30-08-2019 20.4432 31-03-2020 20.3937 0 0 20.3937 20.3937 Completed
77 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Upgradation of Road from Khonoma village to NH 29 via Dzudza river NESIDS-ROADS Public works Department 17-02-2025 26.97 16-02-2027 0 0 0 0 0 Ongoing
78 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Improvement of road from Phomching HQ Nagaland to Longding HQ Arunachal Pradesh via Wetting Longzang and Phuka village NESIDS-ROADS Public works Department 21-02-2025 59.1 20-02-2027 0 0 0 0 0 Ongoing
79 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Upgradation of road from Thizama via Kohima Bypass road to proposed Chiethu Airport via Nehre model village NESIDS-ROADS Public works Department 20-02-2025 43.41 19-02-2027 0 0 0 0 0 Ongoing
80 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Improvement of road from Coco road Emlomi Old British Bungalow to Ghukiye Jn via Kilki road NESIDS-ROADS Public works Department 21-02-2025 30.36 20-02-2027 0 0 0 0 0 Ongoing
81 NAGALAND Transport and Communication Upgradation of road from Tuensang-to Longleng NESIDS-ROADS NERSDS 05-08-2019 217.13 05-05-2022 147.71 15.13 0 162.84 137 Ongoing
82 NAGALAND Transport and Communication Upgradation of road from Chendang Saddle to Noklak (Phase-II) NESIDS-ROADS NERSDS Choose... 27-03-2022 45.59 27-09-2024 21.57 0 0 21.57 44.71 Ongoing
83 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Upgradation of road and bridge from NH-29 at 7th Mile Model Vilage to Siethekema C tourist destination onwards to Governors Camp from Ch.0.00 to 10.5 kms NESIDS-ROADS NESIDS Public works Department 07-10-2019 32.89 31-03-2020 20.82 8 0 28.82 20.81 Ongoing
84 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Providing connectivity to places of tourist interest in the district Hq. of Tuensang District in Nagaland NESIDS-ROADS NESIDS Public works Department 30-08-2019 25.38 31-03-2020 25.33 0 0 25.33 10.13 Completed
85 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Upgradation of road from Naga Lempong to Ahom Cave trekking point, Longleng in Nagaland NESIDS-ROADS NESIDS Public works Department 29-08-2019 12.99 31-03-2020 12.12 0.847 0 12.967 9.62 Completed
86 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Construction and up gradation of Glory Peak Tourist Road under Phek District NESIDS-ROADS NESIDS 05-10-2022 32.5 31-05-2024 12.664 4 7.71 24.374 7.96 Ongoing
87 NAGALAND Transport and Communication Upgradation of road from Chendang Saddle to Noklak (Length - 17.13 Km) NESIDS-ROADS NERSDS 24-03-2021 62.2 24-04-2024 60.82 0 0 60.82 52.11 Completed
88 NAGALAND Transport and Communication Upgradation of AT road from Tsuranga to Impur Junction NESIDS-ROADS NERSDS 05-08-2019 93.98 05-08-2021 86.06 4 0 90.06 72.86 Ongoing
89 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Upgradation of Longnak-Mangkolemba road in Nagaland NESIDS-ROADS NESIDS Public works Department 20-04-2022 28.53 30-04-2024 8.78 2 10.62 21.4 3.77 Ongoing
90 NAGALAND Roads & Bridges Development of Tourism related infrastructure (Road with Heliport) at Tuophema tourist village NESIDS-ROADS NESIDS Public works Department 10-07-2019 17.13 31-03-2020 17.0831 0 0 17.0831 17.0831 Completed
91 SIKKIM Transport and Communication Widening and Upgradation of single lane road from Sangkhola to Zingla under Gangtok District (L-16.37) NESIDS-ROADS Public works Department 19-08-2024 63.19 28-02-2027 0 15.8 0 15.8 0 Ongoing
92 SIKKIM Roads & Bridges Underground Parking Space at Namchi NESIDS-ROADS NESIDS Public works Department 12-09-2018 14.77 31-03-2020 14.77 0 0 14.77 14.77 Completed
93 SIKKIM Transport and Communication Construction of 50Mtr Steel Bridge along with 875M approach road over River Kalej Khola at Rangsang Dowan in West Sikkim NESIDS-ROADS NERSDS 17-01-2020 8.03 17-01-2024 8.03 0 0 8.03 7 Completed
94 SIKKIM Roads & Bridges Construction of two lane balanced cantilever bridge over river Kanaka at Kayum Dzongu in North Sikkim NESIDS-ROADS NESIDS Public works Department 12-09-2018 88.54 31-03-2020 64.416 0 0 64.416 64.42 Ongoing
95 SIKKIM Transport and Communication Upgradation, carpeting and construction of new road from Tharpu to Saili Golai for diversion of Boject slide in West Sikkim NESIDS-ROADS NERSDS 09-08-2019 51.56 09-08-2022 51.15 0 1.013 52.163 50.14 Completed
96 SIKKIM Transport and Communication Construction of 120M length Composite Steel Girder Bridge over Rangeet Khola along Zarong Biring Road: under Rabong Sub-Division 120 mtr NESIDS-ROADS NERSDS 24-03-2021 19.82 24-04-2024 0.1 7.5 0 7.6 7.5 Ongoing
97 SIKKIM Roads & Bridges Widening and Improvement of road from Namchi to Birdhang via Kitchdumra are connecting the West District to South District in Sikkim NESIDS-ROADS NESIDS 19-04-2022 64.64 30-04-2024 51.92 12.5 0 64.42 41.92 Completed
98 SIKKIM Transport and Communication Construction of 55 M steel bridge over River Kateng Kali Khola, Namthang, South Sikkim (Length 55 M) NESIDS-ROADS NERSDS 09-08-2019 9.54 30-09-2022 9.54 0 0 9.54 9.46 Completed
99 TRIPURA Transport and Communication Upgradation/Improvement of Hmunpuii NH-44) to Damcherra(Tripura Mizoram border) via Monchung in Tripura NESIDS-ROADS NERSDS 15-03-2022 84.79 15-03-2024 9.31 33.09 20 62.4 20.2 Ongoing
100 TRIPURA Transport and Communication Improvement of Road from Udaipur-Kakraban Main Road(Hospital Chomuhani) to Tualmura via Camper Tilla-Ramkrishna Para Road(Length-9.35 km in Tripura) NESIDS-ROADS NESIDS 16-10-2023 33.51 31-10-2026 0 21.79 0 21.79 0 Ongoing
101 TRIPURA Transport and Communication Improvement of KA Road from Erarpar to Ambassa Road(LO-28.90 km) in the State of Tripura NESIDS-ROADS NESIDS 16-10-2023 94.39 31-10-2026 4.1 58.9008 0 63.0008 4.0522 Ongoing
102 TRIPURA Transport and Communication Construction of road from Debendra Choudhury Para (Belcherra) to Chankala Bazar under Padmabil R.D. Block, Tripura NESIDS-ROADS NESIDS 14-03-2024 40.38 31-03-2026 0 9.98 9.98 19.96 0 Ongoing
103 TRIPURA Roads & Bridges Improvement of Tourist spot connectivity from Amarpur (Fatiksagar) leading to Chabimura and having access to eco- Tourism centre NESIDS-ROADS NESIDS Public works Department 07-06-2019 22.12 31-03-2020 22.1315 0 0 22.1315 22.1308 Completed
104 TRIPURA Roads & Bridges Improvement of Road from Jatanbari to Mandirghat via Tirathmukh (L-13.775 km)in Tripura NESIDS-ROADS NESIDS Public works Department 05-03-2021 50.79 05-03-2023 28.68 14.31 0 42.99 29.18 Ongoing
105 TRIPURA Roads & Bridges Imrpvement of road from Gandacherra-Raishyabari road at Ch. 18.30 KM to Narikel Kunja (Length-8.00 KM) for easy access for the Tourists from Dhalai, Norh and Unakioti Diricts to Narikel Kunja Island surrounded by Dumbur Lake Water in Tripura NESIDS-ROADS NESIDS Public works Department 07-06-2019 21.8213 31-03-2020 19.9216 1.89 0 21.8116 21.4221 Completed
TOTAL 5174.5891 2635.726078 690.0821 117.253 3443.061178 2462.5564